What would you do differently?

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29 Aug 2015 12:28 PM by vickya Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

We did have a couple of holidays to house hunt. But I bought off plan in 2006, moved in 2007 and the crash came in 2008. I had retired but did get a p/t job at the new school they built next door.  My companion was fixing computers for Brits and that dried up from 2008. I missed my new grandchild and flew home to see him often.  

At the beginning food etc was cheaper in Spain but then no longer.  Health Service was good. I loved the climate, food and people, and on our development there were Brits to make friends with as well as Spanish.  But missing family and the financial situation persuaded me to move back. Luckily I'd kept a granny flat. Unfortunately I lost 50% of the value of the flat I'd bought in Almeria when I finally managed to sell it.And I was lucky to sell. Properties on the development were unsold and it was going to affect maintenance as those were owned by the builder. 

Renting had seemed a waste of money if I was going to buy. Money thrown away which could go to the value ofmy new home. But with hindsight of 20/20 I'd rent first and then after a year realise the crash had come and the loss of rental would be less than the 50% value Ilost in selling the flat :).


This message was last edited by vickya on 29/08/2015.

This message was last edited by vickya on 29/08/2015.

This message was last edited by vickya on 29/08/2015.

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29 Aug 2015 12:30 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Sorry but you may have misunderstood me

I have no intention of going back to UK and most of the time we are very very happy in Spain in fact the only thing that really irritates me (us) is the attitude of many brits - their loutish behaviour, their lack of respect of just about everything (and other people), many have little or no interest in their kids education (and of course blame the schools, teachers, govt etc. anyone but themselves), children are just as bad - as you say there are many many more like this back in the UK.

What would I do different now - that is really difficult because the processes we followed really don't allow much change. We did a lot of research and visits before we settled. 

I would love to see some very strict independant regulation of estate agents most are shocking in attitude, services, aftercare, and lacking just about everything one would expect from an estate agent. Most make UK estate agents look like angels



“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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29 Aug 2015 12:50 PM by Fartharder Star rating in Loriguilla.. 172 posts Send private message

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Hephaestus, I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say but Torrevieja has Brits, French , Russians, Norwegians and Spanish tourists and is a thriving tourist resort. It's vital to the economy so exactly who's chickens have come home to roost? Anyway, back to the actual topic of the thread, I know the economy has affected many of us one way or the other and we can easily say we'd do the property thing differently but putting that aside, I'd have done more homework on Spain before moving, and I'd have looked at myself a bit more, asked questions about what my expectations were and what I can can tolerate or not tolerate. I didn't have a choice of where to live, it was Valencia or Valencia but I don't like living here. I don't like the food, the lifestyle, the people or the climate and with a bit more research on the area and on myself I think I would have stayed in rainy Lancashire. Visiting the city before hand didn't prepare me enough for living here.

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29 Aug 2015 1:23 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message


I see that the board is with you. cheeky


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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29 Aug 2015 2:54 PM by Fartharder Star rating in Loriguilla.. 172 posts Send private message

Fartharder´s avatar
I'm not sure what you mean by that Hep.

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29 Aug 2015 4:50 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

Sorry mate, just scoring a soft point, in that some forum members actually agree with me. France and Italy were not held prisoner to ultra right wing politics for 30 years after WW2, I well recall the plethora of 1940's beach front villas on Calpe front, these were all owned by supporters of Franco and passed on to their kids/grand kids, who had them demolished and replaced with the most ridiculously tall and thin tower block apartments that would never have seen the light of day other than for theit parents/grandparents politics. Subsequenty Calpe is not the Calpe that I remember fondly, I am very relieved that we didn't buy there.    


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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29 Aug 2015 5:00 PM by Fartharder Star rating in Loriguilla.. 172 posts Send private message

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I'm not sure what the forum members agree with you about here and I certainly didn't realise we were playing for points. I have a couple of questions for you, as you've made plenty of comments on the 'What would you do differently' thread, What would you do differently if you could move to Spain again? Also, your signature 'beware of keyboard warriors'...is that intentional irony?

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29 Aug 2015 5:06 PM by Hephaestus Star rating in The Peak District Na.... 1230 posts Send private message

FH, I'll treat you with the respect that you deny me and ignore you.

Have a good life. 


I'm Spartacus, well why not?

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29 Aug 2015 5:11 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

sad that once again another thread drifting into a "points scoring exchange" sadsad


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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29 Aug 2015 5:21 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

FH, I'll treat you with the respect that you deny me and ignore you.

Wow...If you keep ignoring people, me included you will end up on here all on your own...Ooops forgot you already are.

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29 Aug 2015 5:32 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Beginning to think there is something in the Peak District National Patk watersurprise 

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29 Aug 2015 5:34 PM by tonydean Star rating. 17 posts Send private message

Yes Tadd I agree. Why try and be better than the next person. Back to the subject having sat here watching Arsenal beat Newcastle by an OG I think we a very lucky to have this lifestyle and my only wish would be for some type of a base back home. That would make us both very happy. Buen fin semana.

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29 Aug 2015 5:58 PM by Fartharder Star rating in Loriguilla.. 172 posts Send private message

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Whether you're happy in Spain or you feel you made the wrong decision, it certainly has it's moments of pleasure and enjoyment, if it's watching football in the sun or walking along the beach front and enjoying the relaxed atmosphere. I like being able to go out on the bike four times a week and not just four times a year. If we're stuck here, we have to try and embrace the better aspects of Spain and put up with the worst of it because one thing is for sure.....we can't change it!

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29 Aug 2015 6:54 PM by hrespana Star rating. 31 posts Send private message

If I had my time again, I'd have rented first - for at least 2 years.  Not so much because of the property market but because that's how long it takes to understand all the things that are different about life in Spain.  If you're working and have the opportunity to meet a lot of Spanish people, then that makes life easier but if retired, it's hard to make native friends here. Outside the major towns, socialising centres around the family not around an individual's friends.  If you have no family and do not work then it's virtually impossible to join a Spanish social group.

I've lived and worked in a lot of countries and this is the first one I've been to where I can honestly say I do not have one close friend who was born here.  Acquantances yes, but no-one close.  Met some great Dutch, German and French people though and I value them greatly.

I am also constantly taken aback by how difficult it is to get any form of justice over here.  The authorities seem to be able to do what they like and, if you want to fight, it will cost a fortune in lawyers' fees.  Guilty until proven innocent appears to be the rule of law.  Also don't expect any support from other expats - they will just be relieved it isn't happening to them.

And, never ever trust what an estate agent tells you - a lot of them lie.

I know a lot of expats are happy here but, for me, buying here has to be one of the biggest mistakes of my life.  As soon as I can sell up (if I can sell up) I'm off.


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29 Aug 2015 7:47 PM by GB45 Star rating in Wiltshire and holida.... 130 posts Send private message

Have to agree with you hsespana. Although we didn't move over and fortunately kept a place in the UK, buying around 10 years ago was a huge mistake. We did have some good holidays but quickly realised that Spain wasn't a place that we wanted to retire to. We did sell, at a HUGE loss, at the end of last year so it's not all bad news. It's easy to be wise after the event though, so we don't dwell on it and just get on with life.

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29 Aug 2015 8:59 PM by anthomo16 Star rating. 104 posts Send private message

I read Ironwheels with interest he/she is spot on - I am so dissappointed with the negativity of most people regarding living in Spain, I have a foot in both countries downsizing at home and buying a flat in Spain. We have had 11 good years there and we live in one of the most expensive areas 2km from Puerto Banus but I can honestly say that we rarely go into Banus and prefer to go into the surrounding countryside for our tapas. The country is so beautiful and yes the legal system is crap and the supermarkets in the tourist areas put up their prices in the summer months but I still think it is so much better and healthier in Spain. The warmth is so heeling and the food mediterranean style is great,  and in the villages the people who only speak Spanish encourage you to speak to them and we all laugh at our mistakes. I dislike intensly those who will not speak any Spanish nor will they go to a Spanish restaurant only English food for them they might just have well bought in Blackpool or the likes. I love Spain and hope to do much more travelling within Spain as there is so much to see. These are my personal views.

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29 Aug 2015 10:36 PM by Fartharder Star rating in Loriguilla.. 172 posts Send private message

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It's not just difficult to make friends here in Spain if you're retired, it's hard no matter what. My partner is Spanish, I work with Spanish people and I only communicate with Spanish people and although I get along okay with many, in ten years, I haven't managed to make a single good friend. There are circles here and you're either in them or out of them and getting in them is very hard. You can get along fine with people but getting inside that circle takes many years.

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30 Aug 2015 12:01 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Understandably many appear to be feeling defensive of their love of Spain and the Spanish, but doesn’t the underlying intention of this thread have a more positive motive, by learning from mistakes and trying to find some solutions? Forgive me if I have misunderstood but would it not help to find some solutions to some of the astute observations that have been made to date?

For instance, would it help perhaps to have more community organised events to encourage greater integration and respect for the Spanish culture?

Would it help to organise “fun” Spanish lessons with the emphasis on conversational Spanish, or a variety of cooking demonstrations covering different regions/countries, or a slide show showing the best of Spain/ UK/Germany/France etc, musical evenings etc etc. All with the intention of sharing and learning about each others’ different cultures, but in a fun way?

On a more serious note would it help to encourage more meetings (community brain storming sessions) with a common purpose of trying to resolve problem areas within the community, to the benefit of all, with translators where required? Or gaining advocates to act as go-betweens to voice both Spanish and other nationalities common concerns within the region, to the powers that be? Or even occasional brain storming by the legal fraternity… a coming together of like minds striving for reform and justice?

There’s so many possibilities here.

But all with a more positive focus rather than an “us and them” approach?

Just  a few thoughts…

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30 Aug 2015 12:03 AM by Candyfloss Star rating in Cardiff / Mar Menor. 1605 posts Send private message

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What would I have done differently? Absolutely nothing. heart

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30 Aug 2015 12:30 AM by anthomo16 Star rating. 104 posts Send private message

It is so sad to read all these messages of people who are so unhappy. This is such a beautiful country and even if you are retired there are some great days out very cheap courtesy of your local town hall. Loads of Spaniards go on these outings and they tend to bring picnics and offer all around, a great way to make friends. Another is join a school and learn the language you are never too old.. One of my favourite passtimes is people watching and for the price of a coffee I get an hour or two of pleasure. I will smile and say hello to anyone sometimes it works, sometimes not but it does more often than not. 

Yes the law is bloody awful but have you been in England recently? yes it is always manana - but that is a good way for you to slow down. I still find it cheaper to live in Spain than in England. We spend more time in Spain than in England and I breathe a sigh of relief when that plane touches down - then I feel I have come home.

So would I do anything differently - no - just wish we had bought earlier.

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