The Comments |
Very funny, Gillespie!! Nearly sprayed beer over my screen laughing at that!!
(By the way, it's our weekend here, just in case anyone's wondering what I'm doing drinking beer mid-afternoon on a Friday!! If it wasn't so hot, we'd be having a bar-b!)
This message was last edited by Pitby on 5/25/2007.
Drinking beer on a Friday afternoon pitby!!!! You sound like a propper girl to me
We could be the first EOS dating success!!!! See my ad below :-
Male mid 40´s ish - Tall, with own business struggling estate agent unemployed some savings! WLTM successful female estate agent with a view to sharing evenings out and client database! Can travel, usually over 3day period stopping often to look at half built properties!
Nope, guess I´m gonna have to work on it!
Business advice and consultancy - Visit
Calida in2 Business - Spanish Property Clearance.
Definitely work on that!
Good job I've finished my beer! Hate to waste the stuff!
Can I make a suggestion Justin?
When we click on "post reply" and the text window opens, can you move the "post reply" button to the top of the text box?
I find it a pain having to scroll down after i have finished my reply, to click on the button to post my reply!
Just a thought for ease of use.
Regards, I go, scroll down, click button........................!!!
This message was last edited by FibbyUK on 5/29/2007.
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
I know u have the private message thing but is there anyway that this forum can be secured more so that u have to prove u have property on a certain development
Only slightly concerned abt who reads these forums
Understand if not as the natur of the internet but just curious
_______________________ Saznaz
Fibby, your wish is my command. Reply button also now appears at the top when replying.
sazna, unfortunately your idea is not feasible although we did originally look into it. It's a catch 22 situation too as we rely on the forums to generate content for the search engines so that more buyers find the site and join in!
I won't comment on the dating proposals
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
Why not link to the sites other sites have but this is the most informative
Is it possible for us to edit before another member posts without the edit message being put on. Can the "edited by xxxxxx on ???" ONLY show after a reply has been made, please ?
Muchos gracias,
Hi Rosemary,
Just out of interest, what would be the benefit of your request?
I think that if the "edited" text went on your post AFTER someone had replied to you, may distort the poster's reply.
They may for instance totally agree with a view that you post, then you edit your post to read differently and they would than be agreeing with something that you have engineered!!!!!
for instance, I could post I hate chocolate,
You could post, so do I
then I could edit my post to say, I sunbathe nude. Your response would still be, so do I.
then everyone on EOS would think you were a nude sunbather, do you get my drift!!!
Justin, please don't allow this to happen, I would be laid open to all sorts!
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Correct me if I'm wrong here but I think what Rosemary is saying is basically that there is no "Preview" facility for when you create a post. Therefore, after submitting your post you may find that there was an error in it so then you go back and change it, at which point it will add the text "Edited by....".
Would having a "preview reply" facility actually be the solution to this?
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
You "preview" your reply in the text window that opens anyway.
Like I am doing now, (I keep spelling your name as Jsutin!)
See, I could go back and change the misspelling if I wanted to.
So having a "preview post" is just more work for you and totally unnesessary ~(but a spell check would work wonders!!!)
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
I'm still waiting for the "copy myself on this PM" button!!??!
(And I agree - a "preview reply" seems a little redundant, as you're reading it right in front of you anyway as you've typed it! So what are you going to do, open another window with exactly the same content in? Errr....)
PS I'm a member in another forum that has a preview facility and all it does it show, above the reply box, the post as it would appear on the page! Just tested it - as never have used it before - and it's a little superfluous, in my personal opinion!! Only my opinion folks!
This message was last edited by Pitby on 6/2/2007.
Justin, you are correct. Thank you for taking time to read my post.
Sometimes I read posts I've made just after I post it & think, s**t, I meant to add such & such or I really did not want that to come out that way &, when I change it or add to it, I want it on that post & not on another. I then get the "edited" bit.
Justin, is it not feasible to organise what I suggested then ?
I never said I wanted to edit after another member had posted & I made that clear, Fibby. You misread my post.
Kindest regards
Justin, me again!!
How about a "view all posts by this member" facility?? I know that, whilst you are doing everything else, with the broom in an appropriate place sweeping up at the same time (possibly singing a rap tune for the rhythm!!), this may be yet another dull request (!?!), but it would be really cool to just view posts from certain members rather than searching for the member's name and then wading through loads of posts that maybe just mention that member's name!
So Justin (and Dee if you're on the 'functional' side!!), whadya think??
This message was last edited by Pitby on 6/2/2007.
Good idea, Jan. Ain't we all full of ideas ?
Hi all,
I would like to see 'when' a thread was started, not just 'who' started it.
I don't think 'who' matters much. You see that when you open it.
No matter where you go, there you are.
I am a member also of another forum which has the preview facility and also has the ability ,when coming on line , to see just those threads that have been added or ammended since last the last login. I find that a very quick and useful tool. It seems to be a feature of other forums which seem to be built with the same software engine and they all look similar and fortunately different to EOS.