The Comments |
5. Due to the obvious upheaval caused to Telmicro Levante, on Monday 18th of august, the company visited the British Consulate to shed light on all the recent goings on and furnished them with all the legal documentation required here in Spain in order to broadcast to the British community, showing complete transparency.”
but wil they how them to all their clients to show that they have the required documentation to rebradocast their channels...and put minds to rest that 700€ and 20€ (or so) per month is a good invetsment...
_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.
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I have seen many postings on other sites about this problem one of them being in Quesada where the situation seems to be getting out of hand. Is it true that all the other T.V companies will be shut down????
Hi Papillon, welcome. If you're reading forums then you know as much as we all do. Our crystal ball's not been working lately, sorry. If the others do go, they go, not much we can do about it. 

I found this but i dont think the picture will come out properly.
It was a map of Spain Highlighting what size dish you need in which area
Because Algorfa ( and surroundings ) is locate a spot hole; for good results I think here is need to install a minimum dish size of 1.9 m. ( Recommended 2.4 m ) . Note: There a lots of british free to air channels on Astra 2A and 2B - but the most popular channels are all on Astra 2D.
Dish sizes required for reception of Astra 2D (BBC,ITV,CH4,CH5)
--------------Found online infos ------------------
British Terrestrial Television in Spain
In recent months most British Terrestrial Television has become FREE to view. This means NO subscription for the following channels:
All ITV channels, ITV1, 2, 3, 4 & All BBC channels, BBC1, 2, 3 ,4
To receive these channels it is NOT necessary to have a Sky digital receiver, nor a card, nor pay any subscription. This is a real case of “free TV” without the asterisk!
So far, the only way to get British Terrestrial Television in Spain is from Astra 2. Generally speaking, you will need to get a professional to install your satellite dish correctly. And for those DIY fans who are not phased by modern sat-com technology, this satellite can be found at 28.2ºE of South. But then you already knew that, didn’t you?
Channel 4 Channel 5 and SKY 3
To watch these three channels you WILL need a Sky digital receiver (or similar), and a card. But still there is no need to pay any subscription. In Spain, Pace 430N / 440N / 445N receivers have had good reports.
One of the problems in Spain is the weak signal strength, which means that if you intend to watch British Terrestrial Television in Spain you will have to choose your receiving equipment carefully. Some areas give better reception than others. What you will need to check are the following:-
The dish size
The LNB (low noise blockdown converter) Actually, it means the bit in the middle that actually receives the signal that bounces off the dish.
The receiver.
Dish size
Weaker signal means you need a larger dish. A Prime Focus dish gives better reception from a weak signal than an Offset Focus dish. In the Alicante, Torrevieja areas, for instance, a 1.4m Prime Focus dish should be OK. If you want an Offset Focus dish, then you should get something a bit bigger, such as 1.5m. But generally speaking, from Valencia to Murcia, and in Madrid, 1.8 m dish is recommended if you have the room for it. In the Costa Del Sol, a smaller dish will give reasonable results. 1.2m Prime Focus should be OK here. But again, bigger equals better, if you can. 1.4m Prime Focus or 1.5m Offset for this area.
The best LNB for Spain is the Invacom TWIN. But get expert advice.
The Receiver
The first thing to note is that A BRITISH DIGITAL FREE VIEW RECEIVER WILL NOT WORK IN SPAIN! You need a good quality receiver made to Spanish specs. BBC & ITV channels now only require a European Free to Air Digital Receiver. These can be purchased from most electro-domestic(os) stores in Spain. They generally cost around 95 €, although I have seen them in Carrefour priced as little as 65 €.
You will not be able to watch Channel 4 / 5 and SKY 3 with these receivers; although these TV channels are Free to Air. You will need a SKY Digital Decoder, with a Free View Card. If you want to watch pay channels you will need to obtain a Package Viewing Card
still here after all these years!
its a start, but there are some inaccuracies...
at the moment FIVE is actually on astra 2c, which can be picked up in most areas of spain on an 80cm dish. this may well change when FIVE decide to join the Freesat line up later this year. it is currently unknown what frequencies they will use, or its availability in Europe, but suffice to say that when it does go free it will be on Astra 2d (noone can say for certain yet not even FIVE!!!)
The free channels available on freesat, sky and generic recivers also come from Eurobird one at 28.5 degrees....
Some ITV regions do actually require a Sky Card to view them (Meridian SE, Yorkshire E)
Channel 4 is available for free without a Sky "freetoview" or subscription card, and is generally available for the samestimes as bbc2. at the moment C4+1 is Sky card only.
In my experience the 430 was a good reciver, but the other two, 440 and 445 were terrible, and many installers here in spain were appalled by how bad they were, and thus started to use the Thomsons.n Pace were so embarrased about it they stopped making Standard receivers - shifting to Sky+ and SkyHD+!
A 1.8 is the minumum dish size required for between Valenca and Murcia, areas from Denia to Benidorm (an possibly afurther south to Alicante) a 2.4 is very much recommeneded for good reception of the channels - is a map that gives an indication as to what dish sizes are required - but always get an installer who has local knowledge of the dish sizes required for the channels you want to watch - ask about BBC2 and C4 reception for example.
A Freetoair satellite receiver bought in the UK will work in Spain.
A Freeview receiver, as i have expained a few times before, is only for digital tv reception from your TV aerial. They do work in Spain, but do have some limitations. The Spanish equivilent receivers all have TDT on them, TDT being the Spanish version of Freeview. Obviously a Freeview receiver is designed to use signals from an aerial and is not designed for satellite signals from a dish.
This message was last edited by satandpcguy on 8/20/2008.
_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.
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A new official statement from Telmicro is due imminently on Sunshine FM 102.8.
We're waiting with baited breath here while catching up with the latest on the olympics
Well I logged on to listen on-line and still no new news. Except that the court case is still on going (thought they had been released without charge) 2, all english rebroadcasters will be effected ( don't have to be Einstein to work that one out) 3, we will not be charged whilst this is being sorted out. 4, they are not allowed to disscuss the court case (wonder why) 5, they are looking at their equipment (or maybe they are looking for their equipment - )
Yep - just a lot more tap dancing. Sure would be nice to know why they were shut down in the first place if they are 100% legal.
I thnk the wording of the statement is very interesting more for what it isn´t saying
Well there is nothing really being said in the statement, do we know when the TV will be back on
Given the statement it does not appear to be tax related as they state that all re-broadcasters will be effected by the ongoing Court cases
The details are secret, very handy, so we TM cannot tell you anything
We have a licence to broadcast we just can´t tell you what we can broadcast and if that includes BBC and ITV channels
We will not be charging you, big deal given the millions of euros that have taken off people in advance payments
So what next anybody have any idea what is really going on
I am lucky because yes I have 2 mesh stems not working but I invested in a big dish 5 weeks ago but I have rebters asking for money back because they don´t have TV but I will not waste money on another provider
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
3, we will not be charged whilst this is being sorted out.
What about those like us who have paid up till end December, I wonder ? We were meant to get a month free before (?) & now this. We should be ok till well after March by this rate (to date).

We're STILL WAITING for ANSWERES This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/21/2008.
There's been lots of discussions regarding the various systems on all the local torrevieja forums. A lot of it is too technical for my pea brain but one was really interesting and basically said that all the microwave systems could be in trouble at the end of the year. The satellite they use legally or illegally is going to be used by Moviestar and someone else so there might be problems gaining a signal.
At least that's my interpretation of the message so anyone thinking of paying out to another supplier should weigh up the cost of how long the signal will remain.
Hopefully our resident guru Santandpcguy can confirm if the information is correct.
The one has disappeared  (been like it for couple of days at least). This is annoying as I have messages in it which I can't get at.
Oddly enough, as I'm listening to Wave FM transmitting from Villa Martin, they're telling Telmicro customers to read the forum & costapages for info
Satandpcguy isn't our very own resident guru, Semi, he posts in just about every forum I read. He is a great source of info &  very much to him. He certainly spreads himself around.
I am a simple soul but confused
Why would TM, if fully legal etc, have to go out and buy more equipment as stated on the Sol Productions website
We all know that they have seized their equipment which I asume, if they are FULLY LEGAL, will be returned to them but I am asuming, knowing the Spanish legal system that this will take sometime, even years potentially, to be resolved
Is this perhaps another scam to get back on the air by buying more equipment I wonder or am I being too suspicious
My sources in the Uk are stll telling me that it is ilegal and a copyright infringement to re-broadcast ITV and BBC channels for financial gain
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
I am a simple soul but confused
And so are the rest of us, inspectahomespain
Just been reading on another site about Telimicro (20 pages of practically the same info as everywhere else)
Someone said the equipment had been returned but as it had been ripped out then vital parts were missing so that might be one explanation.
Did pass a comment to OH as I was wading through that perhaps Telemicro has been poaching a signal from a Spanish broadcaster (Sci Fi, Fox and Calle13 have Spanish adverts) when I found someone had posted that Telefonica have these channels in their TV line-up (not available in Orihuela costa yet - someone asked).
I did do a search on-line to see if I could get Calle13 in UK and it said it was part of Canel+. So that's two people they could have upset.
So maybe that might be the reason - who knows probably we never will. The main thing is we want the TV to be re-instated.
Be interesting to see what the line-up of stations is available maybe then we'll have an answer to our questions.
the equipment had been returned but as it had been ripped out
Did I omit to report that in here, shucks, if so, I'm seriously slacking, Semi. 
"There's been lots of discussions regarding the various systems on all the local torrevieja forums. A lot of it is too technical for my pea brain but one was really interesting and basically said that all the microwave systems could be in trouble at the end of the year. The satellite they use legally or illegally is going to be used by Moviestar and someone else so there might be problems gaining a signal.
At least that's my interpretation of the message so anyone thinking of paying out to another supplier should weigh up the cost of how long the signal will remain."
what happens to other companies that provide a similar service is unknown at the moment, as it all depends on why TM was stopped - copyright infringment (in which case will probably affect all rebroadcast companies!), taxes, using frequencies without permission (a bit like a priate radio stations that can interfere with emergancy services as their frequencies crossover with each other!!), or any other reason...until the guardia or courts say offically we wont know....
"Hopefully our resident guru Santandpcguy can confirm if the information is correct."
I hope you mean Satandpcguy! Not santa. Or satan.- (hmm just notice good and evil)
"Satandpcguy isn't our very own resident guru, Semi, he posts in just about every forum I read. He is a great source of info & very much to him. He certainly spreads himself around"
Thank you.I keep an eye on the forums for sat tv as there are a lot of people thinking they know and pass on incorrect and inaccurate information - in most cases with the TM issue i will not benefit as I only cover the Costa Blanca North area - Calpe is about as far south as i go....but am willing to help and assit with queries as i have been for a few week on EoS!!
not too sure about the "spreading about" part tho!!!!!!
_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.
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