Telimicro GONE

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21 Aug 2008 3:08 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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georgia´s avatar
Again,i don't Know how true this is but i have just been told that all TM offices are opening today and getting ready to broadcast again tommorow,personally i have lost all faith in them and when the rush dies down i am going to go with the big dish option.

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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21 Aug 2008 3:17 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar
Do you know Georgia, I'm sick and tired of all this TV stuff......................................Lots and lots of speculation, varying and differing daily.
You're right tho, how can we trust Telmicro again, of course they are going to say, yes we're legal, yas, we have all the right we believe them after the last few months?
We can only base the future on past experience, and past experience of Telmicro stinks !!!

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
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21 Aug 2008 5:45 PM by semijubilada Star rating in London/Torrevieja. 1052 posts Send private message

If we're honest all the English TV companies are as bad as each other, if we could all use the big dishes then they would go out of business.

The simple fact is most home owners in Spain can not so will be relying on one of these companies to supply something that can be picked up on a small ariel which can easily be placed on their roof.

There's so much going around and most of it is myth but there could be some hidden thruth there.

The main thing is don't panic into going over to another supplier of these systems.  They could be on the way out, so stick to a monthly payment which can be stopped immediately.

Apologies to Satandpcguy for misspelling your "name", I know someone on another site which is down at the moment has been changing it deliberately.  I just think quicker than I can type and normal have to edit before I send. 

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21 Aug 2008 7:45 PM by satandpcguy Star rating in Gandia, Valencia. 399 posts Send private message

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"Apologies to Satandpcguy for misspelling your "name", I know someone on another site which is down at the moment has been changing it deliberately.  I just think quicker than I can type and normal have to edit before I send. "

it no problems at all - i just found it ironic that two people misspelt is - one as satan and the other as santa!!!!

any my spelling it bad as i type quicker than i think and have got intot he routine of typing "reciver" and not "receiver" - is just automatic.

curently my advice would be to wait and see what happens to TM in light of their statement - you may get some channels but maybe not sky subs big dishes may not be required....

_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.

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21 Aug 2008 9:01 PM by abbbb1 Star rating in Essex and Ciudad Que.... 306 posts Send private message

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Yesterday, after all the publicity about Telmicro, I decided to cancel my standing order at Solbank.  I sent them an e-mail, and got a reply back ,today, to say that a signed letter would have to be faxed to them before they could accept a cancellation!

Perhaps it was fate, because I dragged my heels about writing the letter, and now the prognosis on Telmicro seems to have improved!!  Will definitely "hold my horses" until there is further info. 

I've got some tenants in my house, at the moment, and they haven't complained yet. - thank goodness  Perhaps they've got the monopoly out!


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22 Aug 2008 2:21 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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On the dot com site someone has posted "I have a member of my family who is married to a Guardia Civil officer. They are being prosecuted for tax evasion, fraud and there are obviously further investigations ongoing as a result of this. But he did say that the closure of the company was due to tax evasion, the channels they were broadcasting were not of interest to them."

One member said "re no tv we have switched ours back to spanish re the box inside your property at least we can watch olympics it is easy to do or telemicro is charging 25 euro to do it for you and 25 euro to switch you back if as they say they are resuming service 1st sept well wait and see and watch spanish till then"

They were asked "how do you switch ?"

Another member then added "If you have a communal aerial feed to our property, (Spanish TV) you simply reconnect it through to the back of your TV and plug it in direct...."


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22 Aug 2008 6:52 AM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

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I keep reading all the rumours but I am certain of one thing and that is if they were as rumoured re-openning their offices yesterday or starting transmissions on 1st September they wpuld have announced this yesterday on Sunshine FM

The contents of the announcement were very vague and actually promised nothing

As a result of my business clients I deal with the Spanish legal system on a regular basis and I can tell you that they move VERY SLOWLY especially at the moment as it is the peak holiday season

The other thing about the Spanish system is that it is very black and white which means that if a business, in my case often a builder, is stopped from trading then that´s what they have to do till all matters are resolved


Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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22 Aug 2008 6:53 AM by abbbb1 Star rating in Essex and Ciudad Que.... 306 posts Send private message

abbbb1´s avatar
Oh dear me - back in a quandary!!

Have two more weeks before the next standing order payment whizzes out of my account and into Telmicro's pocket - so have my fingers crossed in the mean time that something definitive happens!

I have a big TV dish in the garden, that I was going to get a scrap metal company to remove, (inherited from previous owners) so maybe, if the worst comes to the worst it could be resurrected.


is where the heart is!

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22 Aug 2008 7:04 AM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

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If you already have a big dish buy youself a 50 pound Bush Freesat box from Argos and try it on the dish

The dish may need re-alignment but if it works you will get all the main channels BBC etc for free

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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22 Aug 2008 7:18 AM by abbbb1 Star rating in Essex and Ciudad Que.... 306 posts Send private message

abbbb1´s avatar
Sounds a great idea. .  

Many thanks for that info.


is where the heart is!

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22 Aug 2008 10:03 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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On the dot com site the one who said "I have a member of my family who is married to a Guardia Civil officer. They are being prosecuted for tax evasion, fraud and there are obviously further investigations ongoing as a result of this. But he did say that the closure of the company was due to tax evasion, the channels they were broadcasting were not of interest to them." has now said "Ok - straight from the horses mouth - one of the owner's is looking at 10 years. Part of the bail conditions of the others is that nothing to do with Telmicro can be touched etc. So I doubt very much they will be back on air."

After a few posts in which others asked which horse's mouth it was from  she said "Emile - they guy that set the company up"

This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/22/2008.


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22 Aug 2008 11:15 AM by abbbb1 Star rating in Essex and Ciudad Que.... 306 posts Send private message

abbbb1´s avatar
I think that my head is buzzing by now!! 

Come to think of it I don't watch much TV when I'm in Spain!!

Who fancies a game of draughts instead??????


is where the heart is!

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22 Aug 2008 11:19 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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FUNNY you should say THAT, abbbb



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22 Aug 2008 11:26 AM by abbbb1 Star rating in Essex and Ciudad Que.... 306 posts Send private message

abbbb1´s avatar
I don't know how you managed to come up with all these, More.  Well done

The trouble is that I'm inclined to cheat if I play against myself!  Talking to myself is something completely different - I always come up with the right answers or at least sensible ones!!.  Caught an item on the news, this morning which said that most couples argued for about 34 minutes a day - (not sure if that is everyday or a sort of average over the year!).  Told my OH that we were well under our quota, and he said that he could up the quota, if I really wanted. 


is where the heart is!

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22 Aug 2008 11:31 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

More members should try it.

This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/22/2008.


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22 Aug 2008 3:36 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

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There is an e-mail address for Telmicro and they actually respond to queries and here is a response to my queries

In fairness to telmicro they are answering e-mail queries and the following is their response, received within 2 hours on me mailing them, to my queries on start dates and channel line up

Dear Customer,

Telmicro is not broadcasting at the moment. There is an official statement at

We are doing all that we can under the current circumstances. Telmicro Levante has all the licenses and legal permits to be back on.

We are working again to restore your television service as soon as is possible.

The company will not be charging any of our clients until the service has been restored.

We will continue to issue statements with updated information, as and when it becomes available.

Regarding your questions, we are expecting to be back on by mid-September, but we are making every effort to speed the process up. We are also prepared to acquire new station equipment necessary (in case not everything is returned). The company will bear the cost of all this, and the customer premises equipment will carry on as before. Regarding the channel line up, we are confident it will include all the main English channels and a series of pay TV channels we have contracted, but no further information is available at this time.

We ask you for your patience and continued support.

Telmicro Levante S.L.

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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23 Aug 2008 11:36 AM by mr.kevin Star rating in Costa Blanca. 189 posts Send private message

mr.kevin´s avatar
Now that thousands of ex Telmicro customers have redundant fish frying baskets fixed to the roof or already taken down, can anyone suggest a suitable use for them.

As a keen gardener, I thought maybe hanging flower backets or something to grow stawberries in.

Any suggestions welcome.

By the way, Telimicro have done us a security favour, the robo's look for the fish frying dish to point out where expats live and therefore maybe rich pickings.

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24 Aug 2008 5:41 PM by abbbb1 Star rating in Essex and Ciudad Que.... 306 posts Send private message

abbbb1´s avatar
There's a 10 point statement on Telmicro's website saying that they will restart asap etc.

When I looked at it a few minutes ago the counter showed 2,223 hits - so a lot of interested parties looking!


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24 Aug 2008 8:46 PM by semijubilada Star rating in London/Torrevieja. 1052 posts Send private message

I have looked at so many different forums to see what people are saying about Telemicro, I also need to make a decision about cancelling my standing order.  I believe I have 30 days grace to claim back any funds if they have been removed by mistake.

I'm sure most banks know what's been going on with this company so I'm going to leave it as it is, afterall they didn't take out June's after what happened in May.

I did read that someone had emailed TM and he received a reply back that they were hoping to be back on 2nd week in September or earlier.

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24 Aug 2008 8:59 PM by satandpcguy Star rating in Gandia, Valencia. 399 posts Send private message

satandpcguy´s avatar
"When I looked at it a few minutes ago the counter showed 2,223 hits - so a lot of interested parties looking!"

i just added 10 views by refreshing the page, which you can do with most hit counters!!

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