The Comments |
I saw this in another forum just now... just found it interesting reading.
I was informed today, by a satellite installer, that the Guardia closed Telmicro down yesterday...this is of course unsubstantiated, but he did show me a photo from his mobile, of a Guardia sign on the door of what he said were Telmicro premises. I went to ask his advice as to how we may now receive English speaking channels...he was a little upset, understandably, as he has 120-odd Telmicro customers on his books. I asked him what to do with my mesh aerial..he told me to.... put it in the container...I won't just never know do you? 
For my part, I would like to keep up with the Olympics, in ANY language, so purchased a "TDT" aerial for 35 Euros...this is the Spanish Freeview system I believe, and, having recently purchased a TV with built in receiver, all I had to do was hook this up to the existing cable on my roof. Reception is fine, but on a very limited number of channels, all non-English of course! ...but the Olympics are viewable, so that's good 
There will now. doubtless, be a mad scramble for the business of all those ex-Telmicro customers..I think we'll wait and see what develops, but the installer told me he will be pushing to sell German 6ft dishes (equivalent to 8 ft dishes of other manufacturers), then supply a Receiver, and a SKY (legal) Freeview card(?), all for the sum of 1200 Euros, fitted, but without base preparation for fitment of the dish.
Maybe there are ways of viewing live TV through the internet: so, if there are any "PC Wizards" out there...
Now it's a "funny ole thing" but we have friends who, through Telmicro cable, AND mesh, are still receiving news channels AND BBC and ITV channels...these people have been on contract though, for 20, and 6, years respectively....but I'm still at a loss as to how this can be:)
I don't know how other providers will be affected by this turn of events...there may be others, I guess, who could well be waiting for a "knock on the door"...doubtless we will be kept informed by those who are running businesses within the law...apparently those who were not are being charged with "theft of intellectual property", or similar; charges which could possibly be repeated, nationwide, in the coming days and months.
Incidentally, someone in Almoradi says he purchased an 80cms dish, with receiver, for just over 100 euros (widely available in Bricolages) and he is able to receive some BBC and ITV pays your money and takes your choice!
To think that Lidls had a "satellite finder" for about 7 euros a couple of weeks ago! I've bought tons of "things you never know you might need" from Lidls, even a wind up torch (!), but I passed on this bargain!!
The TV package was always, I feel, too good to be, what was that saying.."if it SEEMS to good to be true..."
Seen in another forum based in Torrevieja ... posted Wed Aug 13, 2008 11:01 am
Message from Paul, "The Television Man" (through another forum member)
Torresat are still on air and broadcasting.
Paul (The Television Man) is now in a meeting with Torresat regards Telemicro customers changing over to Torresat. He is doing his upmost to get the situation resolved for all his customers.
Please be patient, he will update as soon as he can, hopefully with positive news for all.
Paul has received 700 calls in 24hrs !!!!!!!!!
Paul was an official installer for Telmicro, actually did lots of installations on our urb.
By George She's got it! Ok Sat I understand it now. Takes a while.
More, I've been reading those too, lots of info, and there are some that are confused so not on my own
Message for More.....
Digital through an aerial like you have installed is either on or off in that if you have a signal the picture will be the same quality regardless of the signal strength but as long as there is sufficient for the receiver to decode (apart from the occasional pixilation during brief signal loss)
By your post I understand that your picture watching the Olympics is not very good?
If thei is the case you are probably viewing a standard non digital signal. Most modern TV’s with digital receivers built in have 2 separate tuning processes. 1 for the non digital (normal reception) and one for the digital. Also to view digital there is normally a button needed to change to digital reception…I may be way off here but if your not getting a really good quality picture ie. With “snow” then you are most likely not viewing digital.
If you are unsure let me know the brand of TV and I will check for you.
This message was last edited by headghogg on 8/14/2008.
_______________________ Best Regards,
I have just walked past Superbeam in Quesada,no guardia present but quite a few customers by the look of it....................
Who knows what to do?????
I have spoken to Lee at Lee-digital,he explained exactly what his system is,you need a 1.9m dish to recieve sky direct from the satelite and you have to pay rip off British prices exactly the same as Sky charge in the UK.
You can get sky plus and HD with his system.
The instalation prices starts at about 800€ plus and depending on what system you want can go over a 1000€ quite easily,i am tempted but it does seem a lot of money.
still here after all these years!
Ouch Georgia,
I wonder if it would possible to have one sky dish on the communal system and split it between us. We are on a very small complex. Anyone know?
We wrer looking at that candyfloss for our Urb........think we may need two, one for each building.
Would need someone reputable to give us an idea of cost asasp. anyone out there??
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Hi Karen
Lee digital has been recommended and he was very quick answering my questions. He will come and see me next week so am talking to our community as well. There would only be 15 of us on our block so may be in with a chance. Will probably know more when we get over.
Hi, I'm a new user to this site and was interested in the advice about freesat tv. My neighbour has a sat dish and gets sky free to view tv. She says that I can wire into her dish and all I would need is a seperate LNB and my own reciever. If this is correct, would I be able to conect a freesat reciever from the same dish or would I have to buy a sky reciever and card? Your help and advice would be appreciated.
Just to butt in here, tere is no such thing as a legal Sky card in Spain. When you get your Sky card, you accept the terms and conditions that you will not use it outside of the British Isles, Sky do not have a licence to broadcast outside of this territory. Once you have inserted your card in your digibox in Spain you have broken your t&c's and (theoretically anyway) you can be switched off. If you take a subscription package, you will need to have a UK bank account or credit card for the payment to be taken from. If you need to ring Sky for any reason from abroad, use your UK mobile, again, if you ring from an international number, you may find your card switched off.
At the end of the day, it is all about what you consider to be an acceptable risk. If you don't want Sky+, have one dish installed with a quad lnb. You can either divvy up between the four of you for the cost if there are enough, or take the hit yourself and charge others for a connection (about €50- €80 one off). If you have Sky+, you need two feeds off the lnb, so it reduces your pay back.
Yes providing the dish is of the correcty size, pointed at Astra, and has a spare connection on the LND, typically a dual or quad LND, you can run a cable into your property and conncet your own, Sky, Freesat or Multicam box and get the free to air channels
Rather than a seperate LNB you will probably have to get the existing one upgraded to a quad or dual, not expensive
That is excatly what I do with my neighbour
Lee Digital that supplied and fitted my system a 1.9m dish and gave a,very good service, no problems at all with reception and it cost me €750 for the dish and a quad LND but I supplied my own boxes as it was cheaper and I already had a Sky Box
Remenber that you only have to pay a subscription if you want Sky 1, movies or sports because the rest of the channels are free
The sound and picture quality is much better and I get ITV and BBC HD free via the Freesat box which you can buy in the UK form 50-150 pounds
The truth is that all of the re-broadcasters have been operating ilegally and chances are the other providers will also be shutdown soon so please be carefull if you move and pay another €500 install
I know that the big dish looks horrible but it is chaeper than the mesh calculated over 2 years, you can always take it with you when you move as you own it and it will work anywhere and it is cheaper to add more rooms to the system
If you don´t want BB2, 3 etc then you can go for a smaller dish
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
You can connect a single feed to a Sky+ box and it works but you do not get the recording or stop TV features and you have topay extra for the service anyway
Probably cheaper to buy a PVR recorder like I use which canalso control the channel change
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
Sky+ is free if you have a subscription to any package, £10pm if you don't with a minimum 12 month contract. I agree, a PVR is better. Not a lot of point having Sky+ with one feed though
At the moment I won´t use the Sky but I do have a Freesat card in the box so I get Channel 4, Sky 3 etc which you do not get from the box alone
I got the card in the UK and had no problems authorising it in Spain and the card cost 20 pounds
Comparing the reception at the sa,e time of day I am actually finding that the signal stability is better on the Freesat Humax box that I bought in the UK and the guide is better and you can switck to non-Freesat mode and pick up the rest of the channles on Astra, shame thiere is no slot for a card
I actually have another system altogether for Sport on a seperate dish that is cheaper than Sky and shows most of the football matches live with English commentaries
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
if you have got a good wireless link you could use a sling box plug it into your sky box at home, and watch all your sky channels etc on your Mac/PC the image is great and it's free other than the initial out lay and you wirfi costs.
Cheers Derek.
_______________________ Despreocupado
Think carefully before you all rush out and install the large dish for Sky TV. I've heard of reports where the Guardia have removed them and charged the owner of the property for the priviledge.
The size you have to install means that most home owners will not be able to use them. Apartments with roof space should be able to but my little town house will not so I'm thinking of going down another route.
I'm going to have another ariel installed and follow this suggestion from another forum if they are still available when I go over in October.
Hi I don't know if this will be of any interest to anyone, but yesterday I bought from Media Markt in Elche a digital receiver, it was called a Metronic Zapbox, cost me 27.90 and allows you to pick up 30 channels of digital terrestrial television in Spain. (there are other models, I just got the cheapest!)
It works off a standard aerial so if you already have a Spanish tv aerial you shouldn't need to buy one, we didn't have one so paid 39.95 for a Televes exterior antenna (bought from Aki diy shop Elche)
The picture is perfect and there is a language button which allows you to select to listen to a programme in its original language so where a film or programme has been dubbed in Spanish it will come up in English.
As an example, last night at 11pm there was a choice of 5 different programmes/films we could have watched.
Ok, so I will miss my Hollyoaks on a Sunday but at least we have something to watch and the Spanish coverage of the Olympics is extensive too.
This should work for me as I'm only a visitor to Spain. I don't have SKY + here but I did notice that they are now producing a freeview box similar to sky and virgin media where you can record all your favourite programmes onto a hard disc at the touch of a button. This should make it easier to catch up with my favourite programmes when I return.
I spoke to my neighbour today and it's doubtful that Telimicro will come back on air, rumour has it that they were not paying tax on all their earnings. Always thought it was strange how they were trying to get everyone to pay cash up front although that's what I used to do when it was annalogue 4 years ago.
Talks are going on with transferring over Telimicro customers to Torresat but it would seem that we will have to pay for the priviledge yet again (new ariels and receivers) and then monthly direct debits. I'm not keen on shelling out anymore money as there's no guarantee that they won't go the same way as the rest.
Looks like I'll be improving my Spanish until I win the lottery and move to a house with enough room for the dish
I might just try the Spanish ariel route first as we bought a new tv out there and some have the ability to change the language installed.
Being a surveyor I checked this out with the Town Hall at Orihuela Costa before the installation and established that I did not need planning permission for the 1.9m dish and the only restrictions were I could only have 2 dishes on a property
Most of the problems are when you have a community and the rules state that you cannot have a dish and then somebody would denounce you but again I would not expect that the Guarda would be involved directly with the removal
We have no community where I live, I have the necessary space and there are a few dishs around in the area already
I admit that they are ugly but possibly one of the only solutions left
On another forum there has just been a posting that Superbeam and Torresat have stopped broadcasting sports and movie channels so you are left with Free To Air Channels
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
Message for headghogg
(I've been out all day, just logged on).
You misread my post earlier (See copied post below).
**** I said I saw it IN ANOTHER FORUM !! *****
I'm in the UK with SKY TV soon to be spending almost a month though in Spain with same problem as other Telmicro customers. 
Just been sorting out loads more DVDs to take over. Probably take to going out more.
It's winter months I'm not looking forward to if no TV but, as someone in another forum said, "maybe people will chat to others more". We haven't always had TV, didn't hurt us. Perhaps we ought to have a new thread about good oldfashioned games we played as kids.
13 Aug 2008 10:56 PM

** EOS Superstar **

I'm in Somerset, UK / Guardamar Del Segura on the Costa Blanca
I've made 5436 posts
I saw this in another forum just now... just found it interesting reading.
I was informed today, by a satellite installer, that the Guardia closed Telmicro down yesterday...this is of course unsubstantiated, but he did show me a photo from his mobile, of a Guardia sign on the door of what he said were Telmicro premises. I went to ask his advice as to how we may now receive English speaking channels...he was a little upset, understandably, as he has 120-odd Telmicro customers on his books. I asked him what to do with my mesh aerial..he told me to.... put it in the container...I won't just never know do you? 
For my part, I would like to keep up with the Olympics, in ANY language, so purchased a "TDT" aerial for 35 Euros...this is the Spanish Freeview system I believe, and, having recently purchased a TV with built in receiver, all I had to do was hook this up to the existing cable on my roof. Reception is fine, but on a very limited number of channels, all non-English of course! ...but the Olympics are viewable, so that's good 
There will now. doubtless, be a mad scramble for the business of all those ex-Telmicro customers..I think we'll wait and see what develops, but the installer told me he will be pushing to sell German 6ft dishes (equivalent to 8 ft dishes of other manufacturers), then supply a Receiver, and a SKY (legal) Freeview card(?), all for the sum of 1200 Euros, fitted, but without base preparation for fitment of the dish.
Maybe there are ways of viewing live TV through the internet: so, if there are any "PC Wizards" out there...
Now it's a "funny ole thing" but we have friends who, through Telmicro cable, AND mesh, are still receiving news channels AND BBC and ITV channels...these people have been on contract though, for 20, and 6, years respectively....but I'm still at a loss as to how this can be:)
I don't know how other providers will be affected by this turn of events...there may be others, I guess, who could well be waiting for a "knock on the door"...doubtless we will be kept informed by those who are running businesses within the law...apparently those who were not are being charged with "theft of intellectual property", or similar; charges which could possibly be repeated, nationwide, in the coming days and months.
Incidentally, someone in Almoradi says he purchased an 80cms dish, with receiver, for just over 100 euros (widely available in Bricolages) and he is able to receive some BBC and ITV pays your money and takes your choice!
To think that Lidls had a "satellite finder" for about 7 euros a couple of weeks ago! I've bought tons of "things you never know you might need" from Lidls, even a wind up torch (!), but I passed on this bargain!!
The TV package was always, I feel, too good to be, what was that saying.."if it SEEMS to good to be true..."