Telimicro GONE

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14 Aug 2008 7:18 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar
Unbelievable isn't it? When Sky update the software on their boxes and it goes wrong there is uproar. They then either roll back the software or work on a fix. Freeview's answer is you should buy a new box. Great marketing ploy, perhaps they should offer their tactics to the budget airlines??? What about people that ave TV's with built in receivers? A bit more expensive to buy a new plasma/ lcd than it is to buy a £30 box


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14 Aug 2008 11:10 PM by satandpcguy Star rating in Gandia, Valencia. 399 posts Send private message

satandpcguy´s avatar
sorry for not reply earleir - just got and and managed to answer all the messages left from people in torre......even thought i dont service the area ! but i too have heard good things about lee at leedigital, and have been forwarding calls for the area to him....hope he can havce a rest soon!!

yoes you can use one dish to supply a number of properties - using multiswitches - in theoiry the number is infinite , but will depend on how far the proerties are apart from the dish - 200m is about the limit before signal degredation is noticable.
each property is linked to a multiswitch, each proerty has its own connection, each wil have to have its own receiver, and each will have to have its own sky subscription of you want the pay channels.

the community pay for the dish and infrastucture of setting up the multiswitchs - each individual property pays for their own connectedtion and recivers

hope this helps...

_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.

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15 Aug 2008 1:46 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Seen in a Torrevieja forum but not main one 

A member, who obviously works for the Wave FM radio station I have in my signature, says "Just had it from a very reliable source that transmitions will resume but without sky,bbc and many of the main stream chanels by the end of the week."


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15 Aug 2008 1:55 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Expats furious over loss of TV signal

By CBN Newsdesk team

GUARDIA Civil raided the offices of television rebroadcaster Telmicro Levante SL on Tuesday morning.

Officers swooped on two properties used by the company in Algorfa and San Luis, Torrevieja.

Eye witnesses at Finca Los Garroferos in Algorfa reported that Guardia Civil had cordoned off the whole industrial estate and questioned anyone going in and out.

They noted that everybody who was there to have any dealings with the company was taken away for questioning.

Equipment and computers from both offices were impounded and the premises sealed off.

Following the crackdown the TV signal to the homes of thousands of expats was switched off and clients have been left without a service.

A Guardia Civil spokesman said the force could not confirm why the raids had been launched but said the investigation was still ongoing.

“I can’t say why because the operation is being kept secret and we do not want to give away any clues,” he stated.

A judge from Torrevieja courthouse is fronting the case.

Telmicro Levante SL customers, who have paid up to 600 euros for the installation of their English TV service along with a 180- euro annual fee, were up in arms over the situation.

Contact numbers for the company have been cut and clients have complained they have received no information to explain why their expensive service has suddenly disappeared.

Pat Taylor, from Benijófar town hall, said she had been inundated with calls from irate Telmicro Levante customers

She added that she had recently paid her own annual subscription, while a neighbour had paid his own and that of a friend on Monday, only for the signal to go off on Tuesday.

“They are not happy to say the least, it’s a bit of a farce,” she said.

“Nobody knows what is going on but what can you do – there are lots of people in the same boat.”

Problems with the Telmicro Levante SL service first surfaced in May when the signal for Sky programmes was lost.

At the time the company stated via their TV channel that they had been ‘forced to undertake the transition to new English language channels’.

When Sky Sports channels reappeared in June a further message appeared which seemed to suggest the rebroadcasting of Sky could be the source of the problem.

“Telmicro has studied the channels available in this area and has concluded that there are several channels that are being transmitted free to air by different companies,” the message stated.

“Amongst these channels are Sports 1, 2 and 3 which we all know cannot be transmitted.

“Telmicro has made the necessary adjustments to enable you to receive these channels on your receiver without the need for an installer to visit your home.

“You can now receive these channels on your Coship digital receiver even though we are not the source of the transmission.”

However a spokesman for BSkyB told CB News in May: “We authorise the reception of Sky TV in the UK and Ireland only.

“Our terms and conditions expressly prohibit reception elsewhere in Europe.”


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15 Aug 2008 2:06 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Seen on the Round Town News forum

" telemicro has been closed down because the company has only declared the direct debit customers to the spanish tax department. all the customers who paid at the office yearly (240 euros ) were not declared so the company has committed fraud against the spanish tax department. not a good move !!
an insider of the company stated that they would try to reinstate the t.v.service in the next week lets hope so.............. "


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15 Aug 2008 5:02 AM by semijubilada Star rating in London/Torrevieja. 1052 posts Send private message

That's what I heard through the grapevine, some people are talking about meeting up in car parks to hand over yearly substriptions

Only other worrying factor is the engineer that services our area is applying to work for Torresat, he hasn't been paid for the last month so needs to be gainfully employed by someone he can trust.

Paul the TV man is also talking to Torresat so if all engineers go over who's going to maintain what remaining system Telemicro do manage to transmit.

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15 Aug 2008 11:23 AM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar
The Round Town news states that the National Police have quoted that Telmicro has been closed because ' delito contra la propiedad intelectual' other words copywrite infringement. 
The enquiry has been going on for some months and I wonder if Telmicro were aware of this, certainly they knew from the fracas a few months ago that they were skating on thin ice and while I have much sympathy for the workers who are now unemployed, I have no sympathy for the bosses.
I read too, that the Spanish giant canal Plus has secured the rights to broadcast Sky Sports in Spain......................does this have anything to do with the Spanish authorities closing down those English 'providers'?

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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15 Aug 2008 11:39 AM by semijubilada Star rating in London/Torrevieja. 1052 posts Send private message

Perhaps it's the other companies who are spreading the rumours re tax evasion.  That way us lemings will all follow to Torresat

If it is copywrite infingemment then they will all go eventually!

Some of the programmes on Telemicro were transmitted from a Spanish site, Calle13, Sci Fi all had spanish adverts.  I did a search of Calle 13 and it said that it was on Digital+.  

Anyone know what the installation and monthly fees are for that system.  Once we are over for long periods we might opt for that as long as we can change the language to English on the american channels.

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15 Aug 2008 12:00 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Who knows, Semi, who knows ?

Seen in another forum, posted today ..........
Superbeam have been forced to remove all premium channels (they just disappeared yesterday afternoon). They are calling everyone today, and will keep us informed by screen message as soon as they decide what to do. They got a written order from the Guardia telling them to remove premium channels. They also said they will not be coming back!!


Telmicro Mayhem      
Written by Heidi Wardman & Louise Clarke   
Friday, 15 August 2008



Thousands of residents have once again been deprived of their television viewing, after the Spanish authorities carried out a high profile investigation into the activities of their television provider.

The police investigation into the broadcasting rights of local digital television provider, Telmicro Levante S.L came to a head this week, with a series of raids on its offices. The company was established around two years ago, when Ángel, the owner of ASYT (which operated under the name Telmicro Levante S.L.) went into partnership with Amiel of Cina Electronica S.L. It has been in the spotlight on several occasions during recent months, motivated by the Ministry of Telecommunications (CMT) introduction of new legislation preventing them and other British television providers from re-broadcasting Sky and other subscription channels. The company temporarily withdrew selected channels from its broadcasting network in May, stating that it would be “breaking the law” if it did not observe the new restrictions. It was believed that the legislation would only affect those receiving re-broadcasted signals through mesh dishes, as satellite dishes receive a direct, legitimate signal from Sky or alternative broadcasting networks.

The missing channels were gradually re-introduced to the Telmicro system, much to the delight of viewers, who naturally assumed that the problems had been resolved. More customers subscribed and existing clients have since continued to pay annual subscription charges and enjoy the full benefits of their television package. Until now. On Tuesday morning, plain-clothed and duty patrols from the Policia Judicial and Guardia Civil based in Torrevieja, Alicante, Novelda and Pilar de la Horadada, raided the Telmicro Levante offices in San Luis, in an operation which continued throughout the day. Telmicro clients experienced a temporary break in service during the morning, while ‘Sunshine FM’ Radio Station, which also uses the Cina system, temporarily went off air. Selected channels were reinstated intermittently, before computers and other technical equipment were catalogued and confiscated from the Los Montesinos office during the early part of the afternoon. Broadcasting then ceased completely and as RTN went to press it had not yet resumed. All the equipment was loaded into an unmarked van, along with several envelopes visibly brimming with cash and several representatives of the company were detained by the Guardia Civil. A Guardia Civil Spokesman told Spanish newspaper Informacion, that they had seized over a million euros worth of equipment and over 500,000 euros in cash. The Police subsequently closed the office to the public, who were already flocking to the door to complain about the latest viewing problems and the officers remained there for the rest of the day, questioning employees and several local business owners about the company’s activities.

All the company’s offices, including the ones in La Marina and Camposol were closed and the entrances bound with official police tape. Notices have now been posted upon the doors, informing clients that the business has been closed by the ‘Juzgado de Primera Instancia Numero Uno’ pending a court hearing. The Guardia have 72 hours to charge the 17 detainees, who are mainly British, or release them and so no further information was available as RTN went to press. They have said that they expect to make more arrests as the investigation continues. It appears that the operation on Tuesday was the culmination of several departments of the Spanish law enforcement agencies working together to stop the company from trading. However, RTN spoke exclusively to the National Police in Torre de la Horadada and we were told that the investigation that they themselves are conducting is due to; “delito contra la propiedad Intelectual” or copywrite infringement.

RTN also spoke to a group of independent installers who have been left as much in the dark by Telmicro Levante S.L. as its customers. A spokesman for the installers said; “We have been given no information from the company and we cannot answer any of the customers questions as we don’t know any more than they do. We feel that we are being blamed for what has happened but all this is not our fault; it is all down to Telmicro Levante. We have mortgages and families to support and now we are all out of work.” Incidentally, whilst these investigations have been continuing, Spanish Broadcasting giant, ‘Canal Digital Plus’, has secured a deal with ‘Sky Sports’ allowing it exclusive broadcasting rights to the channel in Spain.

This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/15/2008.


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15 Aug 2008 4:41 PM by hiemmerson Star rating in Near Valle del Sol .... 18 posts Send private message

Can anyone help on this one ??
I was reading another forum today about the Telmicro carry on and someone posted that if you still have the Teleast card in your digibox but were poached by Telmicro a few months ago with 'too good to be true offers' (no such thing as  free lunch !!) that you can phone the Teleast office and receive instructions over the phone to retune into their system for a fee of E30
Has anyone heard about this or actually done it ?
Dont mind risking E30 but very wary of stumping up 3 or 4 figure sums at the moment

Kind Regards

Yes I thought free viewing for a year sounded too good - thought there would be a catch !

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15 Aug 2008 5:11 PM by satandpcguy Star rating in Gandia, Valencia. 399 posts Send private message

satandpcguy´s avatar
"I read too, that the Spanish giant canal Plus has secured the rights to broadcast Sky Sports in Spain"

not going to happen.

sky sports own programme rights for the uK and the uK only
canal+ own rights to show programmes in span and spain only.

most sports on sky sports are already on canal+ sports channels and vice versa.
most movies on sky movies are already on canal+ movie channels and vice versa.
many channels on sky are on c+ already (discovery, nat geo etc).  

sky, or rather news corp, are one of serveral potential buyers of c+, if the current owners decide to sell. if this does happen, then most likely c+ will be rebranded to sky espania. that is all. look at sky italia as an example - this uses the sky brand but does not have uk specific channels like UK Gold...

_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.

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15 Aug 2008 5:47 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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georgia´s avatar
Now i don't know how true it is but the guy who told me this is generally has his finger on the pulse and in the know,if you know what i mean.
He told me that apparently Telemicro Levante have been fined 3.5million Euros and the TV service will resume next week.
Might be true,i guess we will have to wait and see...........................................

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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15 Aug 2008 6:03 PM by Ricman Star rating in Hellin, Castilla La .... 104 posts Send private message

Can anyone enlighten us why  Torresatalite has not been effected by this, or are they next on the list ?  Thanks

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15 Aug 2008 6:30 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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georgia´s avatar
becaiuse apparently they are prosecuted for tax evasion rather than copyright violation,again who knows how true this is.
Superbeam are still open so make your own judgements on that .........

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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15 Aug 2008 6:50 PM by Ricman Star rating in Hellin, Castilla La .... 104 posts Send private message

All sounds a bit fishy to me,  is it true that Torresat has been taken over by a Russian, our parents have had an apartment in Orihuela Costa for ten years and have had Torre for most of that time, they have been told that now the yearly subscription is going to be doubled and they can take it or leave it !!  and to be honest the reception over the past month with them has been touch and go as well.  Maybe time to change over to spanish TV,  at least with sports the persons name is the same in what ever language !!

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15 Aug 2008 8:06 PM by hiemmerson Star rating in Near Valle del Sol .... 18 posts Send private message

Does anyone know about Teleast ?
My neighbour is with them and has emailed me asking if her system has been affected
She has the square mesh ariel and has not got the upgrade small dish on the roof that they are promoting at the moment
Everyone I know to ask had Telmicro and we know there is nothing from them !

Thanks in advance

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15 Aug 2008 11:32 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
This was posted tonight in San Miguel forum

"I have just been informed by my friend that her next door neighbour, who is part owner of telmicro, has just told her that they have all been released without charge and tv will be back on next week with limited channels to start with, guess its wait and see time" 

This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/15/2008.


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16 Aug 2008 11:13 AM by formentera costa Star rating. 368 posts Send private message

Have just been informed by a neighbour who apparantly has a friend
who is well in with Sol Productions that this person has told her that as
Telemicro is their only outlet  they have informed Sol that some of the
T.V. channels are coming back on today or tomorrow.??



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16 Aug 2008 12:40 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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In the La Marina forum there's a member who owns a shop in La Marina advertising INTERNET TV so thought someone could be interested. 


UKTV is a provider of television services to Expats around the world. By using state of the art internet streaming they are able to deliver picture perfect TV channels from the UK to wherever you have a broadband internet connection.
All of the services are hosted from their base in the North of England. From here they provide the streaming services, host the equipment and provide technical support to customers.
The service works because they have spent many months optimizing there hosting facility to ensure the best picture and sound quality in your home.
The system utilises Sling boxes, to encode the video signal from the source, then route the encrypted data through the internet to your desired location, where a software based player decodes the data which allows you to receive the channels either on your PC or Mac. You can also connect your PC or Mac to a television and enjoy your channels as you would regular TV.
Because of the one to one connection offered by the Sling Box this service is not in any contradiction to any of the existing viewing laws in the UK. You may have seen similar services advertised, we are aware just as you are that they do not work, that is why prices are more realistic as they have to provide you with the very best technology to ensure the very best picture quality.
The computer company acts as agent in spain to UKTV, however accepts no responsibility whatsoever for down time in the service or failed internet connections.
We do believe that internet tv is a good substitute for the systems we have been used to in spain. The uk company who we promote, in our opinion are the best available at this time.

We have been testing the system in store and at home on a large plasma tv.
It’s a great solution to the current tv problem, not the cheapest solution but really good quality.



966 796 882

This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/16/2008.


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16 Aug 2008 2:21 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Georgia, you said 15 Aug 2008 6:30 PM "Superbeam are still open so make your own judgements on that ......." 

I saw in the Algorfa forum on  Aug 15, 2008 8:59 am 

"Superbeam have been forced to remove all premium channels (they just disappeared yesterday afternoon). They are calling everyone today, and will keep us informed by screen message as soon as they decide what to do. They got a written order from the Guardia telling them to remove premium channels. They also said they will not be coming back!! (No more taggart, no more football, no more cricket, etc etc etc)

We are left with BBC1, BBC2, ITV1 ITV2 ITV4 , E4 Eurosport , SkyNews, and very little else."

Also on same forum after that post a member said 

"I understand that the Guardia Civil visited Superbeam and went through their list of channels - telling them to remove this one, leave that one, etc. So it appears that the channels Superbeam are transmitting, according to the Guardia Civil, is okay by them."

This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/16/2008.

This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/16/2008.


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