Please consider helping Actin-Spain by joining our membership, this will create funds for our causes
Friday, July 5, 2013 @ 3:37 PM
PLEASE CONSIDER HELPING US by joining our membership, this will create funds for our causes & pay our lawyers who are proficient in animal rights.
We have 1,392 members on this group and the group has been going for 18 months. There have been a lot of changes and a lot of work but I am convinced that there are still only a few members that know what ACTIN is about and the work we are doing and what we are trying to achieve for animals in Spain.
Please see our website and leant more about our aims and please help us to achieve them...we have our members page here on this link and you can also see much of the work we do and have been doing on the website. We also have an official FB page..please help us and believe in what we are trying to do.
NOTHING is more motivating than having people's support and belief in what you are trying to achieve.
Our official Facebook page is

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