ACTIN-SPAIN has an Amazon wish list, please help us to help the dogs we have in our care
Saturday, September 14, 2013 @ 10:31 PM
We have many dogs that we urgently need help with, for residency, innoculations, sterilisations and care until we get them adopted. We have already made 51 adoptions this year and rescued over 80 dogs. Please check out Adopt a Spanish Rescue Dog page on Facebook - there are so many ways you can help us, even just by giving up a cup of coffee and sending a Euro to our dogs, or sponsoring, or helping the pups by gifting something from the wishlist here...thank you....
Click on photo to take you to the Amazon website. YOU can make a difference!

Actin-Spain website is
There is a donate facility there, help us please to do the work we do, thanks!

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