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ACTIN, making changes for animals in Spain.

Animal care Treatment International Network has been set up to make changes for the animals in Spain, who suffer abandonment and cruelty. What we plan to do is to bring awareness of the problems to the world’s media. We need to promote education, new legislation and support neutering campaigns. It is necessary to get support Internationally to put pressure to bear on the Spanish government and to persuade them to take more responsibility for the lack of animal welfare in Spain. ACTIN plans in the future to bring about these changes through media awareness. Actin will tell the truth of how it is on an everyday basis, particularly in the country villages of Murcia, where there is a lot of ignorance and abuse. They will tell of what the volunteers deal with and how the abuse of animals is getting worse. ACTIN will endeavor to bring about campaigns for sterilization and education in schools. There is a need for a Society to protect the animals and this is what ACTIN aim to do in the future but we need much support to achieve our aims.

Support and dedication from the Netherlands for the plight of the Spanish dogs
Monday, September 23, 2013 @ 1:22 AM

For a number of years a dedicated group of people have followed the problems in Spain and helped tirelessly to save many animals. Their dedication, their loyalty and their professionalism and care for the release of the dogs from the pounds and their ultimate adoptions is something to be truly admired and very thankful for, especially for us on the frontline, that live in this holocaust of Spanish dogs with the serious lack of welfare for animals in Spain.

As the founder of Actin, I first came across this dedication from afar a few years ago, through our Facebook group Animal Welfare support Murcia. One of the things that strikes me most about this dedication, is that is carried out quietly and discreetly, they have no reward or fanfare for the work they do,  but –  oh yes they do, they have the rewards of seeing the faces of those dogs they have saved, when they arrive in their country safe and well, usually after rescuing them just before they are due to die in a Spanish pound.

"We called ACTIN so, because Animal Care Treatment International Network, is exactly that, we need people like the mentioned group, to help to spread the word and we have many doing this now. For that we are so very grateful, as are the many dogs being helped and saved."

Stichting dogs Spain understanding of the situation, their in-depth following you would think, could only be from those that live and work in animal welfare in Spain, to truly understand the whole picture, and they may as well be living here for all the time they spend on this project, their understanding is deeper than many ex – pats and people that turn a blind eye. Many do not believe we can help the animals in Spain, some even  think we waste our time and dream, when they don’t know the work and the daily grind that we have with this massive problem. But these International carers know and they support us. So, we want to tell them how grateful we are that they are here with us, through the power of the internet and how much respect we have for the work they are doing. A big thank you to Stichting Dogs and all of the people who work outside of Spain helping the animals here.

CLICK LINK >> Stichting dogs Facebook Page

Please see their website and support them on Facebook. Here is an article written by the group, and just shows how completely they understand the plight of the dogs in Spain. CLICK LINK >> Info about the dogs of Spain by Stichting dog

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