ACTIN asks please... Adopt a Spanish rescue dog
Friday, November 8, 2013 @ 10:39 AM
Its important that people remember that when a dogs are rescued there is a cycle; Firstly rescuing is often very stressful for the rescuers, once it is done many people then move on to the next needy rescue and so the previous one rescued from an urgent situation can often be only slightly better off, yes its safe but it needs care, support, sponsoring, sterilisation, vaccinations, blood tests, a place to be safe (one of the hardest things), regular exercise, stimulation, and ultimately adoption.
Actin still have in their care many of the dogs that we have rescued. We, the rescuers and I don't just mean Actin but many people that rescue, individuals and Associations and charities, are left with the animals to care for and sometimes it stops us from being able to help more, as we have to focus on the ones we have. If you are far away and want to help, please help the rescuers to see it through, please don't forget the rescued ones, they ultimately need to be happy as well as rescued...please share our 'Adopt a Spanish rescue dog' page and remember the ones we have saved still need all of our attention. There are many....

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