Puppies shaking and freezing cold, able to escape under the gaps of the cages
A dog too old and sick to stand up and soaked to the skin, trying to get warmth after dragging itself into its own food bowl.
Left in a cold cage with weeks old motherless puppies and a young male dog.
One bowl of food to share!!
A Galgo in for 24 hours and not even checked by the vet.
None of the animals that were sick had been checked by a vet.
The vet who is responsible unaware of puppies there.
The vet so rough with the animals (even in front of us) to microchip and vaccinate, not treated with any compassion, or health checked prior to adoption, (how might these animals be treated without people watching)?
The adoption taking place of 9 dogs and not one checked for ill health. Consequently when taken from the Perrera to the proper vet, to discover 3 Lhaso apso pups with parvo, one female Dalmation with serious Pymetra, requiring an emergency operation
Breed Dogs such as a Cocker Spaniel and a West Highland Terrier, that could quite easily be lost, picked up from miles away losing all hope of the owners finding them, as they are not micro chipped
A Mum and her puppies shivering with cold, no bedding, a stone floor, wet from cleaning
A worker who sprays the cages out with freezing cold water, whilst helpless tiny puppies are left there and then left soaked. Most of the puppies likely to have parvo and the Perrera not even acknowledging the fact.
All this in a pound supported by the town hall and no-one can do anything?????
Is this place necessary to the public for stray dogs? No, there are worse places and better places…the better place being the street.
People come on, we know there are places like this all over Spain, are we going to let it continue, or are we going to fight to change them and get them into the hands of qualified animal workers, instead of companies making profit?
And apart from many other witnesses, statements, photos and videos and reports to seprona and the Police and denuncias placed, this was what Actin team witnessed in a 2 hour visit undercover to adopt some dogs.
Why should we wait? Dogs are dying in there today…
And now we have to deal with the ones we have rescued from there and more today. All the puppies may need to be treated for parvo, the Dalmation has had emergency operation, and the male has been castrated – these dogs having been used for breeding. 560 euros we paid to the pound to get the dogs released! And now all of their treatment and their residency until adopted.
So far the administration is taking too long, how many more animals will suffer while we wait? A penal denuncia is the next step, which will cost our Association greatly. Please help and support us.
Warning the video below is distressing, this dog was put to sleep by our own vet.
Please donate by Paypal to help ACTIN to ensure all necessary is done for these dogs & to go forward .. Click here then click on the donate button underneath where it says 'Make a Donation to ACTIN'. Of course you can donate to ANY of the others listed there by clicking on whichever you want, just donate PLEASE! If you haven't Paypal & want to donate by your credit card the option is there also. Thank you!
Below: Puppies shaking and freezing cold, able to escape under the gaps of the cages

Below: A dog too old and sick to stand up and soaked to the skin, trying to get warmth after dragging itself into its own food bowl.

Below: So sick and finally comfortable at our vet to go to Rainbow Bridge.

Below: Mum of the pups, hopelessly afraid and shivering with cold.

Below: Desperate to get out, is she missing an owner?

Below: This poor boy is in a cage with tiny pups and a sick dog

From Vivienne Wharton, President of ACTIN-SPAIN tonight: "I do not want another day like today and yesterday again this year, for the love of animals..oh well only a few days to go. Today we rescued 14 puppies.....14 puppies who will not have to suffer neglect and uncaring treatment. Yesterday 9 adult dogs...thank you to the people who are supporting us, but we really need so much more...please please help us. the ultimate result of this may just have a little influence on the whole picture.
The administration is taking too long. We have taken legal advice and we are doing a different kind of Denuncia now, but one that will cost our association. If people are sick of privately owned companies running pounds and the consequences to the animals, then please read above...we need support...."