Merry Christmas from everyone at ACTIN-SPAIN
Monday, December 23, 2013 @ 10:47 AM

Paloma the chained Mastin is now safe alongwith Rudy and Friends, Boris and Kiko, The throwaway pups, Rasta Sweetypie and Griff, The pound dogs and puppies and all the dogs Actin have saved this year which there are many, want to wish all of our supporters a Happy Christmas and a safer 2014 for the animals in Spain.
Actin could not do anything without the support of so many people and this week has just proved it. With so many people supporting us in the rescue of the 14 puppies and 9 dogs we got out of the pound. The pound?? or a prison camp for dogs, we are working to close it, or improve but the outcome we pray, will be that there will be no more suffering there.
Sadly we lost Chuck this week unexpectedly, but his story will never leave our hearts and we will work harder in 2014 to save dogs like him. He would have had a chance if the laws here were different and if the ignorant were educated and if cruelty was unacceptable and that is what Actin will strive for.
We appreciate your ongoing donations, PLEASE CONTINUE TO SUPPORT ACTIN.
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