When you visit your vet, why not ask if they know what the local Perrera is like and if they recommend their clients to send their dogs there when they don't want them anymore?...could be an important step to enlighten some of our vets, as they may not know....please read the article for the explanation of this post....
"The results of our pound project and getting the poor pups out resulted in many losses due to parvo virus and we still have puppies sick in the veterinary hospital.
All together we lost six tiny pups, (the last casualty, rescued on Christmas Eve and named Eve, died just last night, on New Year’s day), one older pup and an adult terrier we named Heindrich, who was probably once someone’s pet.
We discovered after taking two dogs out this week that owners actually telephone the pounds when their dogs are not working out, maybe they have started fighting with another dog in the house, (as was the case with one dog who we got out this week), our vet put the owner in touch with us and they told us they called the pound and someone came to collect their so called beloved pet. They paid 60 euros for him to be taken away and was informed that a home would be found. We know for sure that if our team had not visited this pound and seen this poor dog, his future was hopeless.
Other reasons – maybe people cannot afford to keep their dog anymore, or the dog has got old and sick. These are all the scenarios we have learnt about just from the few we rescued from the horrendous pound we have been talking about recently. Why would anyone send there dog to a pound? How could you send it somewhere where you know nothing of the care and conditions in the place? We now think there should be some kind of warning to people, please do consider anything else other than the pounds.
We are not saying they are all bad but in the forefront of minds at Actin at the moment, is the one we do know about and we would highly recommend no-one sends their dog there. Imagine how a poor bewildered pet feels, when they have been loved and lived with their Family, to suddenly find themselves, in a cold barren cage, with a stone floor, freezing in the winter and baking in the summer, the floors hosed down without consideration for the dog and then hardly any food and no-one to see them at weekends or holidays. If sick just left and no consideration of which dogs they may be kenneled with…puppies, Mums and pups and no hope for being adopted as it is not advertised or open to the public.
When and if we ever find out what becomes of the dogs that are not kept there, I wonder how the ex – owners will feel. We will make it public, please consider another option!!"
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