By donating just 1 euro you are helping us to reach our aim.
Friday, January 3, 2014 @ 1:21 PM
From ACTIN this morning "We really need help right now and this is one way everyone can help, even if just by sharing on Facebook....we are getting more dogs out tomorrow....and our vet bill standing at over 5,000€, plus legal fees. Our only resource for raising funds is on-line and we never expected to be doing so much and needing so much but it's worth it...."
By donating just 1 euro you are helping us to reach our aim.
We are trying to raise funding for ACTIN's vet bill for one month's costs incurred due to the rescue of over 30 dogs, with more to follow, from a certain Spanish dog pound, please click link below.
Please donate, this is a great way to help ACTIN.

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