Tony the Galgo, Teddy the blind Mastin puppy, Jake the chained dog being kicked and beaten by his ignorant owner….new legal cases – a microchipped dog found dead!!!
Tony the Galgo was abandoned and wandering around on the main road, he had a problem under his chin and apart from the fact that he was in imminent danger from the traffic, he needed medical attention. One of our supporters offered to sponsor him, so he is now in our care – but at least he is sponsored. This is really the only way we can help the dogs directly. Actin need more sponsors
The beginning of April we decided we would not take on anymore dogs, as our resources dont allow. We try to use our network of great contacts on Facebook and we are thankful to those that do help us. Sadly there are too many cases and not enough help, some are emergencies and cannot be avoided, leaving us with no alternative. ……
Actin needs a rescue centre!!!

Below: Come on lad.

Below: Patience is a virtue when catching a Galgo.

Below: Copa the Pointer in season who finally helped to capture Tony

Below: Tonys' safe.

Three tranquilisers and Tony fell asleep by our feet a number of times, as soon as we attempted to catch him he would be off. Eventually a local man brought his lovely Pointer to help – she was in season and just typical of a gullible male, Tony fell for her…. although she didnt fall for him, but it was the perfect situation to get that slip lead on. Off to the vet and the good news that he is free from med diseases and we are waiting to hear about his abcess.
Then there was a blind pup that the owner would leave in the Perrera – contacted by local guardia civil for help we agreed to try to help him. The Guardia are helping us and we need their support, so it was the least we could do. We are waiting for the vet report on the pup, now called Teddy and hoping someone may sponsor him.
Below: Teddy is blind but now safe.

Can you sponsor Teddy? If so please contact
The chained dog being kicked and beaten by its owner, was witnessed by a neighbour. The dog is now safe in our care and we will be treating it as any cruelty case and so will not allow these kind of things to continue, if they are brought to our attention.
Below: Jake, free at last from his horrible chain

Below: Jake is saved.

Jake the chained dog, whose collar was cutting into his neck; he was so distressed and in spite of discussion with his owner, his ignorance of treatment of animals was so appaling we had no alternative but to take the poor dog, with the agreement of the owner, who realised he could not look after this dog. Can you sponsor Jake?
Jake’s story is nothing new in the spanish countryside; chained to a tree and just there to bark, to protect a few sheep on a farm.
Viv, President of ACTIN-SPAIN said "I spotted him when trying to rescue Tony the Galgo and felt the usual sadness – especially when he desperately tried to reach me and jumped up so distressed by his chain and his lack of attention. Fed a bread stick and completely ignored by his owner but it's nothing unusual. Then the neighbour told me how he is kicked and beaten and one day escaped from his chain. His punishment when he tried to jump up and lick his owner, was to be slammed onto the tiled patio and locked up to his tree again. Yesterday we talked with the owner, who was so utterly ignorant about how to treat an animal and, when we explained what was right and his legal obligations, he said he would get rid of it. The dog was so distressed and was constantly in that state, that we offered to take him, it was agreed and now Jake needs a sponsor if anyone can help. We will ensure that the Farmer does not own any more dogs…."
More cruelty cases.
A dog found killed and was microchipped; Actin will be dealing with this and hope that the results will encourage more people to report cases such as this, as too many are still being ignored. This is the only way to deal with cruelty until something changes and a a recognised body is put in place to look after such things. In the meantime Seprona are overworked and cannot cope and so Associations like ours has to do something, otherwise nothing will ever change.
Please will you donate to our cause, we rely on the goodwill of the general public & our Facebook supporters.
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