Actin posters to print off
Tuesday, April 22, 2014 @ 11:32 AM
Please remember that we dont have to put up with dogs not having food, water or shelter, just because they are in the countryside. If you want to try and do something to help, pass on a leaflet explaining the obligations and laws to the owner.
If you think it will aggravate the situation and the owner is outright cruel, then obtain proof with photos and newspaper date evidence....Actin will help or advise wherever we can.
Actin has a downloads page on their website with posters relating to various situations, including sterilisation both English and Spanish.
The law for animals in Spain passed on 12th June 2013 makes it illegal to cause any suffering to animals.
English translation for the Water, Shade, Feed Advice Leaflet. (See printable Spanish pdf version here)
Some may not be aware that animals suffer just as human beings do. The animals in our care rely on us for their safety and care. We use animals for pets and work and they serve us well, let’s show them the respect they deserve.
If you have animals please be aware of their needs and what may cause suffering.
• Your animals without shade from the sun can cause your animals intense pain and suffering; please be sure that your animal has shade and shelter from the sun, just as you will ensure yourself and your children safety from the sun, your animals rely on you for this
• Your animals always need water to survive just as you do, please make sure that your animals have a constant supply of water, especially in the heat.
• Your animals require, healthy nutritious food for their wellbeing and health, just as you do
• Your animals have to go to the toilet just as we do. They do not like to be in an area where their faeces and pee is. Please ensure your animals’ space is clean.
• Your animals need exercise, a place to run, or a walk on a lead
These are basic principles for caring for your animals, whether pets, working dogs, hunting dogs, guard dogs, cats and livestock. Horses are very vulnerable in fields, please be sure they have shelter.
Animal welfare in Spain has improved and is improving and now laws for their welfare are in place and animal cruelty and neglect is not acceptable anymore.
Please be a responsible owner
Thank you
Animal Care Treatment International Network Spain

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