Happy Easter to our adopted dogs
Saturday, April 26, 2014 @ 11:11 PM

Over the Easter period we are happy to report more dogs going to their new homes. Transported safely to the UK, thanks to For the Love of Dogs and Cats transport, was Sissy and Orio.
Below: Sissy rescued from the middle of the motorway is now happily settled in Southampton UK.

Below: Orio is also in her new home with her adopter in Exeter, who has also previously adopted Orio’s sisters, Tia and Rosie.

Below: Jes now Warwick, one of the parvo pups who survived after being rescued from the pound with many that died, is happily homed in Spain.

Below: Lara now Emmy, rescued from the pound before she was put to sleep and who evidently had a terrible past life, is now happy in her new home.

To help any of our rescued dogs that are in residency, or to adopt – please contacts us, we have over 40 dogs in our care. They have been rescued from situations where they would have died, or were ill treated.
Our new website is http://www.adoptaspanishdog.com and if you wish to contribute, so we can continue our work, please sponsor, adopt, donate or foster.
We need as much help as we can muster to continue our fight, for the rights of animals in Spain and to prevent abandonment!
Contact us on admin@actin-spain.com

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