Peppa contracted Parvo and went over Rainbow Bridge today
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 @ 7:34 PM
I wrote about Peppa & the other Cruella puppies in this blog post here, please refresh your memories.
Peppa got sick, was taken to the vet where she was diagnosed with having Parvo, a deadly disease especially in tiny vulnerable puppies who've had the worst start as these Cruella pups have. Peppa rallied a bit but then got sick again &, sadly, she passed away earlier today.
Five of the other Cruella pups ..all the tiny ones .. are now sick too, likely with Parvo too.
ACTIN's first concerns is that they get the best treatment and they save them but the vet's bills are going to be costly and, at this time, it's the last thing they want to be thinking about!! They have just had all their April bills in, their vets bill is 1600 Euros and their residency bills are 1,740 euros plus they have had unexpected things and transport has had to be covered for the people helping ACTIN to get dogs to foster's a difficult time for many reasons.
IF people could help them - it's so hard to ask at this moment but they really need help...thank you - PayPal is or if anyone prefers to donate directly to ACTIN's vet then please contact ACTIN on for details..thank you....and in the meantime .. please pray for those babies.

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