Update on the Cruella pups and Loli
Thursday, May 8, 2014 @ 9:43 PM
on Cruella pups........
Viv, President of ACTIN, decided today that the best place for the sick Cruella pups would be closer to Actin and to be in their vets, that way they can visit and check on them and it makes life easier for all. They did have a logistic problem where they were, in various foster homes.
So, here are the pups in the back of Viv's car this morning, looking gorgeous. 3 small pups are doing well that you see here (although they do have parvo); 2 more also have been moved ..but are more sick ..and the other 2 sadly lost their fight last night.
Please pray for these to make it. The big pups, Loli, and Peppa's sisters Sally and Salsa are clear at the moment and are now in isolation, we are praying they dont develop it...please keep everything crossed for all.
We will be needing Foster home for the small ones when they get better....locally to Mazarron/ Cartagena.
Below: Chrissy and Chip are the most affected at the moment but they are in good hands. However, Parvo is a horrible disease and very unpredictable, so we are trying to stay strong in case of the worse outcome.

Below: Cally being weighed...the least weight was half a kilo and the most was 1 kilo...so tiny to have to fight Parvo.

Below: Carrie just half a kilo.

Below: Connie

Below: Sally and Salsa (Peppa's sisters) doing fine at the moment.

Below: Loli also doing ok.

If you would like to help with vets bills... which is a worry ..it's PayPal admin@actin-spain.com
Thank you....

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