The ACTIN Association are looking for active Committee members who can speak both English and Spanish and live within commuting distance to Cartagena, for once a month meetings.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012 @ 3:36 PM
The ACTIN Association are looking for active Committee members who can speak both English and Spanish and live within commuting distance to Cartagena, for once a month meetings.
Perhaps you are interested in childrens education for teaching kindness to animals, have experience of rescue and dealt with cruelty cases, or just genuinely believe in our aims and would like to help.
If you have a belief in our campaign to encourage sterilisation of pets, good communication skills, writing skills, you are good at networking, marketing, fundraising, have a positive can do attitude and are not easily discouraged by the huge task of improving animal welfare in Spain..then you would be very welcome.
And of course if you just plain want to help in anyway possible, please let us know....Thank you.

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