First please read Rudy's story:
ACTIN Association is preparing to denounce the owner of these dogs.
The Pointer Rudy has been well known to us for over a year and a previous attempt to help him failed. Now we are in a position to present a good case but we need help and foster care locally in Murcia for each, or all of these dogs – there are 7 dogs in total but there are others in the building and behind the building, we cannot get access to take photos. Please can you offer help to Rudy, Freckles, Goldie, Scruffy, who are in one pen. Buddy who is chained on his own in a second pen. Des who is chained in a 3rd pen and is literally going around and around a tree as his chain will allow. Lastly, little Lonely who has been here for years without love, cuddles or attention, she is the only one with a small shelter but we feel she needs to be freed too. The dogs are living here in these conditions for unknown reasons.
Rudy’s story
We first saw Rudy over a year ago. I was driving past and saw him standing on his hind legs against the fence and slowed down to look. He was so excited, it was as though he knew me, but he was just a desperate boy to be loved and petted. On my journey returning I stopped by again and gave him some food, he was so hungry that it made me cry. I posted him on Facebook and some local friends went to see him. Ultimately we organised a small group of people – friends of Rudy’s that have been feeding and watching over him ever since. If it was not for them, Rudy would likely be dead now, or very ill. His friends made sure he was de-ticked and fed on a regular basis. He started to look better and everyone fell in love with him. There were regular updates on Facebook and everyone had hopes of his rescue and homing.
I spoke to the Farmer who owns the properties where the dogs are on many occasions but communication was difficult. I had thought we had some kind of understanding and he knew we cared about Rudy. We asked the Farmer to clean the filthy water bucket many times. He always said he could not get in because the gate was locked. One day I made him climb over so that I could put fresh water in the bucket…reluctantly he did but not before throwing the filthy water at Rudy! He said he did not care for Rudy and that it was not his dog, but he let him stay there. He gave him stale bread sticks occasionally. We asked if we could take Rudy and give him a home. He agreed and said that he would tell his nephew the dog had died. A group of us organised care for Rudy and a place to go. My partner and I came and lifted him over the fence and met with friends for his next step of rescue. Rudy was lovely, he seemed to know he was going to be cared for. We had him in fairly good condition, he had been fed and de-ticked. He was taken to the vet but we were absolutely devastated to discover he had a micro- chip, the vet phoned the owner and the owner did not come for him. We were told we could keep him and get the police to change the microchip name. Then 24 hrs later the owner turned up and asked for the dog back. We were so unhappy for poor Rudy. The owner was no more than a lad and we do not understand why, as he doesn’t live close to where Rudy is kept. We had told them we had found Rudy escaped in the street, we did not want to be denounced for theft. The next day Rudy was back in his filthy den. The vet told us he was in good condition (because we had been taking care of him) and therefore nothing could be done.
One year later sadly - but we wanted to denounce as an Association and have the right things in place to present a good case and be successful. We have been working on finding out more about the system and how we can be effective, we want to be sure it is successful. Of course it was very difficult because Rudy doesn’t look in bad condition because of being fed - but now, well I think his sad life has taken its toll. Many denuncias fail or are ineffective, we hope this will be effective and set a precedence for others. Now of course there are other dogs involved and it is an urgent matter, as all of these dogs cannot stay in these conditions.
Let’s hope we finally get liberation for Rudy & the others.
Also please watch this
THIS is PRIORITY! We intend to denounce. What we are trying to do is change things here in Spain & making a successful denuncia is really important. These dogs need somewhere, otherwise they will be sent to the pound & put to sleep in 72 hours!
Are we going to leave it & let their owner, like all the others, get away with treating dogs like this? Please pull out all the stops & help us to help these dogs.
These dogs are in dire conditions. they have been fed by local friends but it cannot continue, they cannot access the dogs to feed them properly and they have no clean water or acceptable shelter. The den is filthy and the owner do not care. The dogs are very distressed.
Él necesita un cuidador urgente de acogida en Murcia. Asociación de ACTIN está denunciando el propietario pero que necesita atención en Murcia antes de registrarlo. Esto es muy urgente por lo que si usted puede ayudar por favor llame al 634396035
We (ACTIN-SPAIN) are going to need adoptions and financial support for these dogs too
Call Viv on 634 396 035 or email if you feel able to help in some way.
Some dogs are shut away but they can be heard, 7 are outside, not being fed or given water by the owner who claims he has lost the key to get in!