Find out how you can help AWSM. Adopt, foster or donate. We need your help.
All the dogs and cats on the website have been rescued by volunteers in urgent situations. When a situation is urgent and a dog is vulnerable, or in danger the rescuers do not have time to stop and think whether there is space, or whether they have funds. They cannot walk past and ignore their plight
The following are all animals that need sponsorship from you. If you feel you could help one of these animals in a small way, please consider donating towards vets bills, food, and transport for any of these.
Read the story of each animal and find out what they need from you.
Dogs are rescued in this region of Spain regularly and many Associations and charities cannot cope with the amount, which leaves many independent rescuers coping alone.
Unexpected situations occur daily for the volunteers in these bad areas. Often the volunteers will turn to our Facebook group and plea for help. Dogs are rescued through networking and lots of people will support on FB with comments and pleas to help. But then once rescued, the networkers on FB go to the next rescue and perhaps don’t realise then the rescuer is left to cope with the animals.
Please help us with this problem.
These animals on our page, are in foster care, or a refuge and need support whilst we continue to search for suitable adopters. Weekly food, keeping them warm in a refuge, vaccinations, treatments for Erlichia and Leishmania (due to being left in the open), are all costly.
All the dogs need to be sterilised and if they are found homes, travel costs apply too. So we offer our lovely dogs a chance to be sponsored and helped by you. We will keep you updated on their progress, which you can ask about at anytime, with updated photos.
As a sponsor you will receive a photo of the animal dedicated to the person of your choice, and then updates on the animals progress. If you agree your name will be published as a sponsor of this animal on this page.
There are a few pages of animals, so please don’t forget to look at them all. When you have chosen an animal that you wish to help, simply click on the paypal donate button, fill in the amount you are willing to donate, and you will be taken to paypal to complete your payment. Once the payment has been processed we will contact you with information about your animal.
Thank you for helping our AWSM dogs and cats

Please donate to help our many projects, charities and dogs in need. Please let us know if you have a particular request for your donation and add this to your message when you donate.
Note; to donate click on the link on this page, on the next page fill in the amount you wish to donate and click the yellow button marked ´Actualizar Total,´ on the next page scroll down the menu marked Pais and select the country ´Reino Unido´, this will then change the language to English, thankyou.