The walk of awareness rally – next one on 23rd March :Cartagena Port, The Biblioteca restaurant at the Marina
Friday, March 15, 2013 @ 4:13 PM
Please join our next walk of awareness rally. We will bring our doggies and tie balloons to their collars with messages. Hand out information and chat about the positive things happening in animal welfare right now. A great day to meet the ACTIN team and others who want to see changes for animals in Murcia and the whole of Spain. I hope you will join us, or perhaps start a walk in your area.
Meeting place
Cartagena Port, The Biblioteca restaurant at the Marina
The concept
It is a different concept we know from the usual things we do in Animal Welfare but very important and it’s fun. We want to spread the idea and get as many of you as possible doing walks in your area, wearing the T-shirts and handing out information. At the moment we are concentrating on Sterilisation. Soon we will have our billboard going up in the Cartagena area and we will be re-enforcing our message. If you think your area is a good place to do this, maybe we could focus on getting the next billboard there. We can help you with the organisation, supply the leaflets and supply the organisers with a free T-shirt or two. Let us know if you would like to be involved. It is a great way to socialise, spread ideas and have some fun at the same time.
Vivienne Wharton. 
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