Customer services should be 1st class with a big company like Polaris because they know thats the contact their clients and prospective clients have. It suggests great arrogance when customer service attitudes are so lacking. Although we've had one or two successes when contacting PW there have been any number of occasions when emails have been unanswered and calls not returned. Is it a case of 'once they have your money.......'?
This 'bought off plan' phrase also seems to be so wide ranging as to indicate that anything can be changed with no come back- which cant ,legally, be totally correct . I believe they know that most clients will back down after making complaints known because taking things further is such an expensive process and experience will have shown them that stalling and putting difficulties ( like poor customer service) in the way can only further reduce the number of people who take things to the wire.
I wish you luck trying to resolve these issues.
How everthing will progress when everyone takes up their residence, in whatever form that will be, with all the additions to properties that have appeared in photo's or briefly gimpsed when we visited is going to be another point of contention. Which PW, conveniently for them, dont appear to monitor despite providing rules and regs for everyone.