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Condado de Alhama forum threads
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24 Jul 2008 12:00 AM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Have just realised that other than looking at the PW site and seeing various bits and bobs on offer for tv we haven't sortd or ordered that yet. Can anyone tell us what exactly you do to get tv in the apartment? Is it just and email to customer services?


Jan & Mike

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24 Jul 2008 7:58 PM by Youngers Star rating. 89 forum posts Send private message

On a similar line - I've got a spare sky digibox here that I was hoping I could post to myself at PW and just plug in and off we go?  Anyone know if this will work or not?


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24 Jul 2008 8:30 PM by Paulinebryce0708 Star rating. 33 forum posts Send private message

We asked Esther at aftersales about this when we where out last week as it states in the folder you receive with your keys that one of the options is to have the "TV opportunity Sky" . It mentions on the folder you can bring a decoder and prepaid membership bought in Britain over to view the 190 channels.   Esther was unable to confirm if it will go ahead or not and gave us the customers service number to check with them.  Which we have not yet done but will,  seeing as we only got back yesterday!  Although we found Esther  very nice she was not very helpful and hardly had any answers to our long list of questions. She just kept saying " phone customer service, as they do not tell me anything".  Surely it would have been easier for her to phone and get the answers for us and then relay the answers to the rest of the future completors who will no doubt be going in and asking the same questions to her again!!  Typical Polaris for you!

Pauline and George, (Jardin 13)

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25 Jul 2008 7:07 AM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

If I get the opportunity I phone customer services today- need to clarify the tv situation anyway and also curious about the outside lights point which has been mentioned on another thread. If I get information I will post.


Jan & Mike

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25 Jul 2008 10:12 AM by Ted H Star rating in Purley and jardin 13.... 458 forum posts Send private message

Don't know about the sky package, but you can get a digbox in Spain (already in many tvs) with the spanish equivelent of freeview.  We got 27 channels (including disney for the kids), many programmes have a language option for English.  Obviously not the full sky sports package etc. - and if anyone is getting that let me know, as I will be calling round for the big games with a few cans!!!


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25 Jul 2008 11:29 AM by Ted H Star rating in Purley and jardin 13.... 458 forum posts Send private message

JH - stillwaiting for access to private messages, will respond as soon as I can read them.


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25 Jul 2008 11:52 AM by batfink Star rating in Jardines de Alhama. 34 forum posts Send private message

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With most new televisions bought in Spain, they will be digital ready so you auto tune and get the 27-43 Spanish digital channels including the Disney channel.  If you are ordering PWTV you must pay cash (so you have to be there yourself or get someone to sign the contract for you with 400€ to pay) and they will come and install a digi box.  I got one installed in La Torre during the week and it is basically a freeview box that the PW telecoms chap assured me if I search hard enough I should be able to pick up for around 100€ in Murcia and plug it in.  Re the SKY option, just bring your decoder and card across with you and plug it in, it should work fine - you probably don't need to pay the PW telecoms guys 35€ to plug it in for you.

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25 Jul 2008 12:23 PM by lindaw164 Star rating in Glasgow and Jardins .... 253 forum posts Send private message

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Excuse my ignorance but does the freeview box have any english channels?


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25 Jul 2008 12:40 PM by Ted H Star rating in Purley and jardin 13.... 458 forum posts Send private message

The standard box (free service) does not, but you can get English language on some programmes.  I assume the paid service does have English.


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25 Jul 2008 2:56 PM by redman Star rating. 235 forum posts Send private message


The freeview box is basically a receiver for free to air transmissions.  English channels will not reach Spain, so you will only pick up locally transmitted channels.  Although I haven't tried I guess any freeview box would work as long as it's connected to a decent arial.

I believe PW distribute a Satellite Signal via a communal dish, it should be ok to take your own digibox,  however,  I believe on some PW sites the signal is scrambled/blocked so you may need to check this out.  I wouldn't be surprised if you have to buy their digibox to unscramble the signal.

Normally in Spain (outside of PW) there are two options, one is to have your own dish, and the other is to use a re-broadcasting company.  The problem nowadays is Sky are clamping down on people recieving Sky outside of the UK.  Whatever you do don't call Sky for help from Spain.  ;))




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25 Jul 2008 3:07 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

I seem to have become confused- not that that takes much!

We can buy a Spanish tv that will already be set up for Spanish digital channels but mainly in Spanish?

Or we pay PW 400 euros for a digibox but if we looked hard enough we could find one in Spain for 100 euro's and not have to pay PW?

Then we could bring our home decoder and card and plug those in?

We had heard that PW scramble the signal is that not the case?

We were also told by PW agent no SKY or any other dishes will be permitted (it gets more and more like an episode of 'Tthe Prisoner') 


Jan & Mike

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25 Jul 2008 3:47 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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I am not a number, I am a free man!

Dream On 

If anyone gets the definitive answer from Pw on TV, Phone and Broadband options please let us know.

Or if someone that has completed finds out what the realistic alternatives are.


Phil Number 7

This message was last edited by PGM on 7/25/2008.

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25 Jul 2008 6:31 PM by PhilDeb Star rating in Derby - Jardin 2 Apt.... 77 forum posts Send private message

Haven't sorted mine out yet but did notice in some of the local english papers and magazines loads of adverts for satellite and cable tv options in the area that were obviously UK expats running businesses. Prices seemed reasonable and were offering virtually the entire SKY package. Could be worth checking out.....

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25 Jul 2008 8:16 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Think the dish thing is likely to be right. PW wont want sky dishes popping up all over the place- especially if they wont allow washing lines with assorted washing to spoil the sky line.


Jan & Mike

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26 Jul 2008 2:59 PM by rockstarphotograph Star rating. 221 forum posts Send private message

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I want to ask about washing lines, so to stop this thread going off topic, I'll start a new thread.

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28 Jul 2008 9:08 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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I asked about the Satellite service when I was over last week and the lady in the sales office (the one more akin to Atilla the Hun - trust me you will know her when you see her) said that it would be another 6-12 months before it is available!!!  That means 27 channels of drivel  - 2 of them in English (drivel also) for a while yet.  Oh happy days.....



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29 Jul 2008 12:07 PM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

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What about internet?

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29 Jul 2008 12:47 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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It costs something like 110 euros per month!!! ie extortionate.  Mind you that was for a 4 mb speed so it will be cheaper for a slower speed.  I still think the Telitec one I sent you the details on is the best, hands down and it includes the free/cheap telephone calls home etc.  Speak to Camposol computers (who install for Telitec) and they will come out and do a free site survey and tell you what equipment they need to install.  Bear in mind though that PW will not allow any obvious dishes or receivers on/around the properties.  As far as I know though, it is just a small antennae sited on the roof terrace.  Worth a shot.  Also it is a dedicated - as opposed to shared - fibre optic line you get which will increase the speed anyway.  The telephone service is a VOIP service - it seemed brilliant when I tried it - she sounded like she was in the next room!  That scuppers PW's 'ban' on other service providers putting in lines too as they are not necessary for a VOIP service.



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29 Jul 2008 1:30 PM by batfink Star rating in Jardines de Alhama. 34 forum posts Send private message

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I have a 1mb Polaris broadband package at 37€ per month which includes IVA and it is perfect for what most people will use it for.  Not sure when it will be up and running at Condado though.

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29 Jul 2008 2:00 PM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

angelbabe911´s avatar
Just phoned PW after sales office and was told that .... they have not even made enquiries about the routing of BB cables etc...and could not even give me a ball park estimation when we could even be given dates on when to expect it....that goes for phones & TV also......NOT HAPPY

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