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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
24 Jul 2008 12:00 AM by kazzy Star rating in Manchester & jardin.... 196 forum posts Send private message

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Been to see show apartment at Condado and WOW! loved it. Even though on first visit it was torrential rain and thunderstorm, all outside furniture was piled up indoors making it look a bit small.  Returned a few days later in the sun and it looked great.  I was impressed by it all and can't wait to go back when all our stuff is in.  

I've missed the comments on this site so I'm just catching up. 

Just read that Polaris are now supplying outside lights so will check up on that and I'm off to Ikea for a canopy later.  Also just read there is a "Primani" (primark) in Murcia, oh joy, save a bit on bedding and stuff after what I spent in Spain on furniture hubby will be pleased!!!


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24 Jul 2008 1:35 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Don't buy all the canopys, we are going back at the weekend to get another two to take out.  I assume your going to Warrington?  If so they are down stairs just before the checkouts.  You can't miising them, there's one on display hanging from the ceiling.










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24 Jul 2008 2:57 PM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

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Sounds like you had a shop till you drop trip, Glad all is coming together :)


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24 Jul 2008 4:55 PM by Ted H Star rating in Purley and jardin 13.... 458 forum posts Send private message

There is a Primark - it is in the nouvo condominia shopping centre on the otherside of the motorway opposite IKEA (next to the new stadium). From Condado it is motorway all the way, takes about 30 - 40 minutes.  There are also 2 big supermarkets, free delivery on white goods, and Saturn, a big electrical store.


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24 Jul 2008 8:09 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

These IKEA canopies- are they individually big enough for the pergola? Or are several needed to cover the whole space? The only ones I can find on the web site are 300cm and I have no measurements for the roof top pergola


Jan & Mike

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24 Jul 2008 8:16 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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They are 2Mx3M and the pergola is 3Mx4M so you would need two see










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24 Jul 2008 8:19 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Many thanks- great news. Might be the only thing we can afford to buy- but at least we wont get sunburnt!!!


Jan & Mike

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24 Jul 2008 8:42 PM by Paulinebryce0708 Star rating. 33 forum posts Send private message

Hi Karen,   We just got home last night, also, might have passed you.  We where really impressed with the site and are pleased to see quite a few people moved in already, including our neighbours.  We met a lot of people while there and was glad at last to meet face to face Carol and her lovely family, also Trevor and his lovely wife whom I have forgotton her name, who have moved into Jardin 10 already. Also Debbie and her family from Dalbeattie, lucky spud staying for a month! Nice also to meet some fellow Scots!   We are going back over last week in October and hope to meet more friendly neighbours.   We noticed some neighbours that had moved in and having a welcome party and using a terpaulin sheet as a canopie! It certainly makes a cheaper option.

Pauline and George (Jardin 13)

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24 Jul 2008 9:41 PM by kazzy Star rating in Manchester & jardin.... 196 forum posts Send private message

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Just thought I'd let you all know the Ikea canopies are now reduced, even better at £14.99!  What a bargin.  Hubby is just looking at how to fit them, looks easy.
I can't believe at the beginning I had to have a south facing apartment  but having just spent some time over there I know I'll need to have some shade.

PS Got my canopy at Ikea Ashton Manchester


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24 Jul 2008 10:16 PM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Pauline & George

Glad you had a safe journey back, was lovely to meet you both and your very well behaved Daughters, an absolute pleasure.  My Dad sends his best to you George and is looking forward to another wee drink, he also said where the heck is Morton !!! Lets not start that one again hey ..... All the best to you both and cant wait to meet up again soon.  Take care


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25 Jul 2008 4:50 PM by Paulinebryce0708 Star rating. 33 forum posts Send private message

Thanks, Carol, and likewise was lovely to meet you too. Best of luck with your move our next month and don't forget to keep us posted on updates on around the site seeing as you will be there first hand.  See you in October!

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26 Jul 2008 6:56 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Kazzy,

Just to rub it in, the canopies are £9.99 in Ikea Warrington .   Just got another four, will either keep two as spares or use as side curtains.
Fixed the one I got last week up on the decking at home, looks good and keeps the sun off  .
At £9.99 you can't go wrong, compare this to the 1000Euros+ for the Polaris ones I can get new ones each year and still be quids in.  Ok so it's not on runners, but it's easy to unclip and tie back so I'm dead happy.










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26 Jul 2008 10:20 PM by Paulinebryce0708 Star rating. 33 forum posts Send private message

You have got to be kidding! Surely Polaris are not charging a grand for that canopy thing? It just seems like fabric folded on runners of string.  Does anyone not know where to get them cheaper, or indeed is no one offering to make them? Our Ikea in Belgium does not stock the canopy things you have mentioned, pity!


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27 Jul 2008 7:40 AM by PhilDeb Star rating in Derby - Jardin 2 Apt.... 77 forum posts Send private message

We popped in to our local Ikea in nottingham yesterday to buy a couple of these canopies the only ones we found were kind of wedge shaped. Is this the same as what the rest of you have bought? We couldn't find anything rectangular so we bought them anyway. Not sure how we will make them fit though.

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27 Jul 2008 9:53 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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The rectangular ones are, the wedge ones are  looking on-line the Nottingham store should have them in stock.

Pauline, yes they are around 1600Euros from homestyle .  I've seen other places offering them at a discount for 1250 !










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27 Jul 2008 10:47 AM by Ted H Star rating in Purley and jardin 13.... 458 forum posts Send private message

I could only find the wedge shaped ones, but as they were selling for £1.99 (yes one pound) in Croyon IKEA, I got 9 (for myself and some friends.  They are 4m by 3m triangles and think 3 will work, but if not I have lost £6.  Will still look out for the rectangles though!


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27 Jul 2008 12:49 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Ikea canopy fans,

Don't mean to be cheeky and don't take this the wrong way but what you have bought is basically just a tarpauilin sheet that would have to be 'strung up' between the space in the frame. Now I can see the sense in not laying out the rediculous figures quoted for the Polaris item but surely our resort is more worthy than £1.99 bargain basement 'make-it fit' fixes. I think you might find these will not meet the acceptable standard that Polaris is trying to promote and will be outlawed by both Polaris and subsequently the community. As with everything in life, you gets what you pays for generally. IMHO I think the acceptable compromise is somewhere in the middle.



( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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27 Jul 2008 1:54 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Well,   Having 'strung up' mine at home I think they look just as good as the ones in the show apartments.  At the end of the day the PW ones are ' just a tarpauilin sheet' that happens to be strung on some very expensive runners!  Long live Ikea........

Of course, if you can find some with the pretty runners and pullies for <£100, which is what they are worth, I might think about it










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27 Jul 2008 3:17 PM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

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I totally agree , I think PW bring in all these rules & regs NOT just to keep the place looking good but for pushing people into buying THEIR stuff at inflated prices which I for one cant afford, we are not all in a position to pay top wack for everything.... its a fact of life and with the credit crunch at the moment we all have to tighten the purse strings and buy practically & logically...........If we are pushed to buy everything from PW just to conform to some 'snobbery' based rules then not a lot of people will be able to afford to take the time or expense to actually enjoy a break at their new property.  There is nothing wrong with buying items at much lower prices, sometimes they actually look much nicer ..... Its a bit like being a 'chav' buying designer items just because of the label when in fact you can buy the exact same copy for a 1/3rd of the price..........never could understand the logic in that ???  Maybe its just a class thing.......

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27 Jul 2008 4:11 PM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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I am sure your comments are made with good intentions, however I agree with Carol and Phil.
The awning Homestyle was promoting, as seen at the show apartment, was quoted to me at 978 euros or about £750 at todays conversion. This is a total rip-off. I showed the pictures to a friend of mine who is in that type of trade and he made the following comments:

The awning will get dirty very quickly, especially given the amount of building work going on.
The design is very simple, however given the windy conditions if left up all the time would probably fray quite quickly.
There did not appear to be an easy way to remove the awning to allow for cleaning.
The manufacture cost in the UK would be sub £200.

Given the above I would rather fork out £20 and put the thing up each time we are out there than £750 

As for PW ... Its White and its no more tacky than there's.

P.s I do know that there is a guy looking at making a cassette type awning. early indications were around £350 with the advantage that it would be completely protected inside the cassette when not in use. I will keep you posted to the progress.


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