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We have not heard anything as yet either. On our recent trip we discovered that the President had changed. No longer Juan. It is now Charlie. He has our email too.
If we do hear anything, we will let you know.
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Hi Mooma
I think you will find that the Presidente has been Jim Minnis, unless he has stepped down at the last meeting.
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Whoops! I stand corrected! You are right. The president's name is Jim. I met so many people there on my last visit and the names and faces got mixed in my rather small brain!. I was thinking of the right man, but gave him the wrong name! Apologies if I have mislead anyone.
That being said. We still have not received any information regarding the recent meeting.
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Hi, We live here, and as far as I know, no-one has recieved minutes of the meeting. I do know Dave Ratcliffe was writing everything down, and is waiting for official minutes so he can compare the two.
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hahaha!! u kiddin? But i do know alfie got the pool contract, and i was told unofficially that the pool will PROBABLY be kept open 9 till 5/6 when voted for at january meeting next year. Because it wasnt a "proper" meetin october, that could,nt be voted on!!!!!!!
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We recieved minutes of the meeting by email on 07/11/2008 for the meeting held on the 18 October 2008.
Dont know about the one in 2005. This message was last edited by number16 on 11/10/2008.
_______________________ jen & baz
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Thanks No 16. Spotted the deliberate mistake then. So observant of you !!
Finally received the minutes for the 18th October 2008 meeting also.
Well, at least now we should be able to see where the majority of our fees are being charged to, as I am sure complete accounts for the pool maintenance will be available from the new contractor.
Just need to sort out the other charges now.
I would really like to see official auditted accounts.
Ellen & Jim
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ellemum- complete and official audited are always presented at each Annual General Meeting. They are prepared by the Administrator who is fully qualified to do so. Also, the Administrator keeps receipts for all expenditure ( including pool maintenance ) and they can be inspected by any owner on request.
juenjake - the meeting on 18th October WAS a proper meeting , called to decide on the pool cleaning contract for 2009 and not to vote on the pool opening hours which must be done at an Annual General Meeting
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Thank you for this information Freda47. As you appear to have useful information, that I am some other owners are not privvy to, you would like to make more posts on this site to keep us fully informed and updated.
I am also fully qualified to prepare accounts. I will ensure that I inspect them at the first oportunity. Better still, perhaps it would be a good idea if the accounts were sent to owners of property on this developement.
I am still of the opinion that an independent body should fully audit any accounts. This will assure community members that their fees are being spent prudently and not cause any speculation of dispersment.
I also think that the term proper meeting, was meant as not an Annual General Meeting. Most people would understand the statement made by Juenjake. I am sure that no put down was intended and hope that they take your clarity of such in the same manner.
Ellen & Jim
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Hi, You seem to have missed the point I made - accounts ARE sent to all owners and handed out at the Annual General Meeting. This has happened since day 1. Sorry taking so long to reply but I have been having problems in England and just have not had time to spare but I am surprised that you are not aware of this.
Best wishes
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Hi Freda47,
Not missed the point at all.
I receive some sort of thrown together balance 'sheet' which does not give a true reflection of what I and other property owners are paying for.
I would like to see an audit line of the costs incurred. Receipts included. e.g. The administrator is paid an amount of which I and others have no idea what for.
I will be at the next 'proper' community meeting. Hopefully, you will make yourself known and you can share the evidence of your contented view with me.
Ellen & Jim
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