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Los Naranjos de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
27 Aug 2008 8:27 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

Alison&Simon´s avatar
hi Lisa,

You are right,  the solarium is not for public use but only for the peeps in  your block, which in a way allows us to get to know each other.


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27 Aug 2008 8:35 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

Skell´s avatar
Hi All,

Well the debate on AC condenser positions has certainley bought out a few issues...........I can confirm that the pre-installed wiring  exits the apartment on the patio & it is definatley PW's intention that we put the condensers on the terrace.....hence my initial questions on this issue.

The solarium idebate is an interesting new one to me.  We had no idea that some had been told it was for use by all.  I agree that it would make good use of the space & be useful to all of us from time-to-time, so we should get that confirmed by PW.  I'll call them tomorrow.  If it is available then we could not put the fans on there really could get out of control .

The name "Penthouse"  is a bit misleading I guess, but I think it is used to highlight the 'views' of the course from the elevated position that most of the Jardines don't have I guess?




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27 Aug 2008 8:37 PM by lisa7 Star rating in leicester. 160 forum posts Send private message

Hi Alibabe,

Looking forward to the barby up there. It seems that only me and golfinjim have bought on this block, so will have to smuggle others in for parties (via the gold golf buggy of course !!)


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27 Aug 2008 9:06 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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Hi to all block 9ers. Look forward to meeting you all and a good social life !

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27 Aug 2008 11:51 PM by golfinjim Star rating in Runcorn & Block 1 Pe.... 264 forum posts Send private message

golfinjim´s avatar
Hi Lisa,

Sorry but I'm not convinced we can "SMUGGLE" shampers up there wearing a pink lycra suit.   No way I'm wearing one or people will sit behind us in Jardines saying.  Bloody hell that sunset looks close tonight."  But BBQ's, oh yes and being on the top floor wont have far to go for the cold beer's.

Air -con.  I think WE ALL should tell PW where we would like the condenser units to be placed.  After all THEY have made enough changes without informing us.  Therefore we should let them know that changes for the "benefit of all" works both ways.

Solarium -   When I first purchased (Dec 2006) I asked about this and was informed there would not be one.  This was because the build was 3 floors above ground floor.  The structure was not going to be designed to take it.  (Hope they've changed the design).  However when I was last out there was informed by the PW rep that there would be a solarium, modifications to design had been made but it will be for the exclusive use of owners and their rental guests. (PW security are gonna be really busy checkin ID's). Which I was pleased to hear.  So lookin forward to dragging my sunbed up there and watching spectacular sunsets with a cold beer in hand. 

BTW, does any body know what is to be built other side of driving range from block 1, and will it block out those spectacular sunsets.  Did hear a rumour (only a rumour) that a hotel may be planned there

Frank Dont smack your kids.  They choose your care home.

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28 Aug 2008 10:27 AM by lisa7 Star rating in leicester. 160 forum posts Send private message

Hi Frank,

Damn,  was looking forward to having you and shampers up there in those pink lycra suits. Was even thinking about buying a karaoke machine (thought that Freddy Mercury would work well with those outfits) Well i'm sure we'll find a way round it anyway. I've got some family out at Condado at the moment and they are going to have a look at the penhouses to see where the air con outlets have been fitted. Will let you know tomorrow.

We heard from an agent last week that the area opposite the driving range could be used for more apartments. Hope not as it will spoil 'Front Line' views !!


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28 Aug 2008 5:47 PM by lisa7 Star rating in leicester. 160 forum posts Send private message

Me again Frank,

Just heard from pw that they will be building opposite the driving range. At the moment they are not saying what it is but only that it wont be for another 5 years!!  Hope its not a hotel or anything more than 2 floors because that would block the view.


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05 Sep 2008 5:13 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Still nobody out there owning up to living in Penthouse 9??  When I bought I was informed by PW that i purchased the last one!!   I doubt that to be true now.....either that else or my neighbours are PC Luddites.......Looks like i'll have to go to block's 10 & 11.  It seems to be all happening down there!!

Come on you "niners".......

Nick (& Deb)



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05 Sep 2008 9:15 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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HI NIck & Deb,

Only two couples have owned up to being in block 10, thats us,&  Barry and Sue as for block 11 I do think there are slightly more.  Maybe we are not good enought for the rest of them who knows.  We only had a few to choose from when we purchased our apartment, so where has everyone gone.  

As you said maybe PC Luddites

Is there anybody there!!!!!!!!


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