Hi all.
Can I add my voice to this thread?
I agree with everything I've read on here so far. What a bunch of level headed, sensible folk we are eh?
Bar a bit clinical, a bit over priced, grumpy Herbie, cheap looking fittings, not much atmosphere, etc
I also agree that it's meant as a stop gap until the Foro is U & R.
I am a bit worried that PW have misjudged their customers on this 1st phase though.
I think the properties are aimed at...........how shall I put this.......? Those of us who do not own a Ferrari, Lotus or Rolls Royce, but the bar prices seem to aimed at people who wouldn't flinch at spending 100 Euros on a good few beers. On the other hand I think the supermarket prices (for most things) are very reasonable.
Does anyone know if the other PW developements went through this same process while they were being built, ie 1st & 2nd phases?
I suppose I'd have to admit that most of my tight Welsh friends and family that might consider using our apartment would squalk at paying nearly £4 a 'pint'...........as do I.
Shampers..........I'm afraid I can beat your Dr Miguel's special medicine 6pack for 2.50..........LIDL in Pto Maz do a fabulous German paint stripper Pils for a meer 25c a can.............I can almost hear my liver being pickled!