If you are looking to have snagging done then I would always suggest that you use a company this is totally independant of the agent or developer, that is qualified with a track record in this area, and specialises in this service and that does not rely of sales of property or other services to make a living
We are not the only company that provides this service and it is always worth getting quotations as a typical snagging inspection service start at around 100 pounds. Get an understanding of what is included with the service,does it include a utility check, photographs. measurements, and ask to see some sample reports and references
You should always check a property prior to completion and include a copy of the snagging list with the paperwork when you complete at the Notary so that it becomes part of the legal contractt
If there is no Certificate of Habitation issued always get independant advice before completing
If you would like a guide which expains the processs and what your legal rights are relating to snagging and completion defects please mail me