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The Comments
26 May 2009 12:00 AM by The Leonards Essex Star rating in Essex/Los Naranjos 2. 116 forum posts Send private message

Just spent the weekend out in CDA, barrier was up 99% of the time we were there. Was not qustioned once by any of the staff on duty driving in or out of the resort!!

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26 May 2009 10:15 AM by WanderingWoman Star rating in Jardine 9, Condado d.... 170 forum posts Send private message

We were out there a couple of weeks ago, we found during the day a wave to the security was sufficient to get us in but in the evenings - we were asked apt no and name of owner before they let us through.


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26 May 2009 10:53 AM by Lindsey Culley Star rating in Leeds/ Jardin 5, Con.... 121 forum posts Send private message

We too were asked our apartment number after dark on entering the resort but just waved through during the day.

We would have been far happier if perhaps on arrival you were issued with a card or something valid for the number of days you were due to be on-site? 


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26 May 2009 4:24 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All,

This issue is turning out to be something that I think really needs sorted.  The security or lack of it really concerns me, this is something that has to be uniformed and consistent at both gates and staff trained accordingly in order to implement a good basic standard. Maybe this is something our elected members could take on board as it affects all of us throughgout the complex.  I think we should all send a message of concern to Sergio and Terry asking if they can look into this for us.



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26 May 2009 6:59 PM by alleyseattle Star rating in Harlington,Beds/Nara.... 51 forum posts Send private message

hi all , we were out last week and were asked appt no and name every night upon re-entry , funny thing is we gave a different name each time   , my wife wanted to tell them we were david and victoria beckham but i think they might have rumbled us , only good thing was vehicle recognition working , but what happens if somebody rents same vehicle as you and tries to get in ?


Alison Looking forward to lazy days in Condado !!!

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26 May 2009 10:12 PM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message

Security is a big issue (and a serious concern) and whilst it is good to express concern here on this forum it will not sort the problem, all owners with security problems (or other issues) should mail them to their respective Jardin President, if they do not have one for their Jardin then their Level 2 President. Unless issues like this are directed via the appropriate channels nothing will be done.

It is important that the Jardin Presidents collate any issues so that priorities can be arranged and resources / cash can be apportioned accordingly.




I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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27 May 2009 1:39 PM by welshwizard Star rating in Lincolnshire & Jardi.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi folks, we were out at CdA a couple of weeks ago. Not only were we asked for apartment number and names, but I also saw a panel van being searched ON IT'S WAY OUT.

I understand this is fairly common practice and I totally agree with it. I guess if they found someone leaving with a van full of patio furniture, kitchen equipment and LCD TVs, they might ask a few more questions. 

If I'm being honest, niether me or Mrs WW would mind if we were asked for our passports or hire car agreement occasionally. After all, if you are driving a hire car around, you will probably have these items with you anyway.

We don't need the place to be like Fort Knox, but how difficult would it be for some simple checks to be implemented?

Passport is photographic identification with name(s) on passport match name(s) on hire car agreement.........hire car agreement has registration of vehicle printed on it...........vehicle displays same registration number.

Whether you are an owner, guest or just someone out on holiday in a friend's apartment. If any of those simple, basic security checks don't add up, then something is wrong.

Unfortunately, my whole plan falls down when they open up the Foro and golf course to the general public.........LoL!


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27 May 2009 2:50 PM by Daniels Star rating in Waterlooville & Pent.... 220 forum posts Send private message

Your plan doesn't fall down - the general public can use the external car parks when using the Foro, and walk passed security.

The visiting golfers will have to book prior to entering like the posh upmarket golf clubs in the uk - if your name isn't on the list you don't get in, it's very simple and effective.

Am I being a bit harsh???  I'm not sure ................but it could work very well.




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27 May 2009 3:01 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Tim,

I'd go with that, after all there has to be some point for the 3000+ parking spaces on the external road. 











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27 May 2009 9:28 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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No Tim you are not being harsh just quite clever and as for Welsh Wizard that sounds a good plan to me maybe you could send copy of plan to Sergio, might as well start at the top.



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28 May 2009 6:56 AM by cats Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

When I brought we were told we would  have a key fob that would  allow us to be able to get through the black gates what happen to this idea or were we the only ones told this.


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28 May 2009 10:33 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Cats & All,

We were also told we would have electronic entry system (key fob or swipe card) to gain access. But that was back in the days we thought PW told the truth. lol


That said, as a community we should have this system installed, which would be better and cheaper than paying for security guards who are not doing a very good job.

The problem though if the security was doing a good job is that every time you come and go you would have to prove your identity and right to access which in the future when the complex gets busy, as it will, then the frustration would be the delay in waiting for your turn to be authorised, especially if they are checking vans in front of you.

I would suggest and have suggested to our community presidents that we should introduce a system of having one gate staffed by security guards 24/7 365 for access for visitors and delivery. All other gates should have an electronic entry system and all owners should be issued electronic key to gain access. Those renting at CdA would on first arrival report to the main security gate and then would be issued a hotel type swipe card, which would give them entry though the electronic gates for the duration of the stay, the key would stop working after that date, so no need to recover the card from the guest. By having all other gates operated by electronic entry systems we would save substantial amount on the cost of staffing these gates and this saving would pay for the provision of the system. It would also be much more convenient for owners and residents to be able to access the resort by the gate nearest to your property 24/7. If you agree with this suggestion please recommend it to the presidents.



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28 May 2009 11:32 AM by maverick100 Star rating in Ireland and naranjos.... 81 forum posts Send private message

well done phil

This is the best idea i have seen, and i dont think it can be bettered, all gates usable and only a fraction of the security required which will save a lot of money, i will talk to the president next week while im out


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28 May 2009 11:35 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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At each gate there are two lanes Residents & Visitors.  Currently these serve no purpose at all, but one hopes that, as they are exist,  there was/is a plan?    So for me the way forward is to fit the 'Resident' lane with a card reader system, cards issued to all owners and renters as per Phil's post below and to stop all visitors.    Personnaly I don't believe the Foro should have public access, but see why Polaris do until the Oasis is built, so accepting that they are allowed in they should be made to park outside the gates, after all it's only a 100 yard walk.  The other problem is preventing public access to the gardens.  I seem to remember some else posting say that non-residents were seen coming in to use the pools?  Who do we police this if the Polaris World facilities ( Foro, Sports etc ) are open to the public?










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28 May 2009 1:12 PM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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if the public have access to the Foro by car we need to have other barriers put in place to prevent any Tom, Dick or Jose driving into the Jardines or Naranjos areas. It will be bad enough the public having access by foot ! The only legit public access that I can think might be granted would be for those wanting to use the golfing facilities when they are ready.


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28 May 2009 1:46 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All

For me access for people to public facility is easily overcome.

  • The Faro is built alongside the public outer ring road so just put an entrance/exit directly onto this road for public access. The entrance to the Faro car park from within the complex we could then put a barrier with electronic control for residents.
  • Those requiring access to sports facilities like golf and tennis should present themselves at the public access security gate where the staff can confirm they have a booking. If they haven’t already pre booked, security should ask the relevant facility if its available for them to play before allowing them to enter.




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28 May 2009 2:34 PM by Mel1721L Star rating in Condado de Alhama, S.... 90 forum posts Send private message

I shouldn't worry too much about public access to the Foro, they will be charging PW prices in their pub and restaurants. In other words they will price themselves out of local business.


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28 May 2009 2:40 PM by welshwizard Star rating in Lincolnshire & Jardi.... 137 forum posts Send private message

I love the idea of having swipe cards/key fobs, but one of the problems with having 'un-manned' or automatic access systems is lost/stolen cards/fobs. Anyone stealing or finding the card/fob would be totally unchecked and potentially have unhindered access (in any type of vehicle) to all areas. You are also talking about an additional large financial out lay for hardware and software to produce and read the cards/fobs (some of which will be lost/stolen/damaged/thrown away) along with the card/fob reader and gate actuating mechanism. 

We are already paying for the vehicle registration regognition system (ANPRS) and to have security guards manning the gates. If one of us lost or had our passport stolen, even the most inept security guard (if doing their job correctly) would realise that the person holding the passport was not the person on the photo.

No automatic access system on earth is as dependable as a well trained, experienced, human being..............but I guess that's the catch. If the guards we are paying are not even bothering to look up when a car drives past them, what other option do we have without additional cost?

It makes me smile to think that we all agree we need better security and stricter access control but we don't want the inconvieience of having to be checked ourselves or 'held up' because the guards are doing their job.


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28 May 2009 2:54 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Phil,

I think it's probably too late to put in another external entrace into the Foro, one - because of the lay of the land and two - due to the cost.  The Foro was never intended for public use, that's what the Oasis was planned for, but the change of mind by Polaris has now highlighted this problem.  Even without general access to the Foro there will still ( hopefully ) be a large number of golfers coming in from next year.    Personally I don't mind people coming in and using the shops and sports facilities, as hopefully this will result on a more 'town' like feel to the resort.  For me the problem is how do we keep the general public out of the private areas?  I believe, as I have said in other threads, that the gardens should be fenced off, not a high prision type fence, just a low one like there is currently in some of the gardens, with a sign 'RESIDENTS ONLY' on the gates.  ( this would also keep the stray dogs out ). 










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28 May 2009 4:55 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all,

As we owners 'own' the perimeter fence and pay for security I don't see that PW have any input in who is and isn't allowed on site. The Foro was supposed to be for residents only. If PW think they can sell a gated complex but it has to let anyone in because they've decided to change the use of one of the on-site facilities then that is their problem.

External golfers or anyone else coming on site who isn't a resident should park outside (possibly paying for the use of 'our' car park) and check in/out with security. How else is the place ever going to be secure ?

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Previous Threads

Flies ? - 11 posts
Just returned... things looking good! - 6 posts
Updated Polaris World Site - 2 posts
What is the average age group that has bought on CDA? - 49 posts
Any room for a tandem from UK to Condado? - 1 posts
Opening hours - 0 posts
Gas BBQ - 1 posts
Terra Mitica - 15 posts
Penthouse air con - 1 posts
wardrobes - 3 posts
PW customer services - so, so, bad it's appalling - 10 posts
Foro - 11 posts
Please Help - 3 posts
adios - 9 posts
Apartment Exchange? - 0 posts
Drinks this Saturday night - 6 posts
Extraordinary Homeowners Meeting - May 16th - 2 posts
ryanair online - 25 posts
Artwork - 3 posts
Internet in apartments? - 7 posts
Spanish airport taxes being abolished? - 2 posts
internet - 11 posts
golf suites - 4 posts

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