To explain in more detail how you can benefit from these opportunities we are holding a series of events over the next 2 weeks throughout the country. The most relevant location to you is:
London - Kingston upon Thames on 16t6 July at 7.OOpm.
Second Floor
Eve House Adams Walk Eden Street
Kingston Upon Thames KT I 1 DF
Registration for this event will commence at 6.30pm.
Please note admittance will only be given to registered clients.
During these events we will explain the costs involved in swapping your contracts, the risks and benefits and share with you the possibilities available. We will also showcase other developments that have been offered to clients in a similar situation and how we have helped them move on from their previous investment.
What have you got to lose?
Come along and hear how we can help you!
To reserve your place at this event, please fill in and return the attached form. We look forward to meeting with you.
Yours sincerely
The Global Property Resolutions Team
Good stuff !! but no good for me my solictor is engaged in extracting me from the contract, but a very topical subject