Spanish Bank Account (CAM Bank)

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05 Nov 2009 12:00 AM by Steeley1981 Star rating. 146 forum posts Send private message

Steeley1981´s avatar

Having recently completed on our apartment (laywer did this for us under Power of Attorney), I have asked CAM Bank for our Spanish account details, internet banking details, etc so that I can start furnishing the place.  However, we're getting radio silence out of the CAM Bank contact who dealt with our mortgage.

Can anyone advise me on the process by which Cam Bank let you have your own bank account details?  Do they send documents to your apartment?

Any help here would be greatly appreciated.




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06 Nov 2009 4:44 AM by not smooth Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

Hi Steeley 1981

I internet bank with Cam (current account only).

I used the Los Alcazares branch on the main road to set up my accounts.

Sandra Martinez is brilliant there her english is impeccable she is a bit of a sales person and goes through stuff quite quickly but I find it a godsend for paying bills and buying stuff.

You will need to go in and get passwords etc but they will do it all there and then (check winter opening hours though)..

Finally if using a bank card to buy stuff always take ID with you.


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06 Nov 2009 8:21 AM by jimbetty Star rating in Aberdeen and Jardine.... 115 forum posts Send private message

Hi Steely,

We set up our CAM account in the bank on the Mar Menor resort and they arranged all the account details, cards etc. However, we have never used that branch since, as you can do everything at the branch in Camposol, which is only 10 minutes away. Eventually there should be a branch at CdA, which I think is currently another victim of the credit crunch.

Jim and Betty


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06 Nov 2009 10:15 AM by Sazza Star rating in Peterborough (Jardin.... 48 forum posts Send private message

Hi Steeley1981,


Unfortunately, you need to go in & sign for your mortgage, bank account, card, internet banking & so on.  We also completed by POA & had to do the all of the above when we arrived to do the snagging.  We also moved our account to Camposol rather than Mar Menor as it's easier to get to if you need to get anything clarified; they all speak pretty good English in there too.  With regards finding out your bank account detials, your solicitor will have them - believe me, they take their fees pretty quickly!!


Hope this helps


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06 Nov 2009 11:38 AM by Steeley1981 Star rating. 146 forum posts Send private message

Steeley1981´s avatar

Thanks for all the replies.

In typical fashion CAM Bank contacted me this morning with details.  I have got an appointment with their London Representative Office to pick up internet banking details, etc today.  Should be interesting to see what fees have been taken from my account.

Nearly there!




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