I am sure you are correct, personally I had not done the math, just thought I would offer owners a little update considering it will take some time to receive the minutes.
From a personal point of view I was never happy with the original proposed budget which is why I campaigned so strongly for some delay in forming the Entidad so that more facts and explanations could be given to those proposing to take on a business of that magnitude, especially considering the proposed budget was 600,000 only 2 years ago.
Regrettably rather than attempting to work with owners and a new Entidad committee by offering help and assistance and a sensible transition, Roda tried to push the AGM through with little information and little time to work with.
Thanks to Emilio Ruiz's proposal to form an interim board at the Dec AGM it did allow a little time for those temporarily appointed to review the figures utilizing local expertise and advice and am sure that the new permanent group will continue the good work hopefully reducing the burden of charges on those completed properties even more. It is just a shame that they only had 1 month to do due diligence before taking on that role.
I think you will have to ask Roda/Calidona the answer to the first question but from a personal opinion, I would have to think it would be mainly financial and other units whether they be residential or commercial will only be built if an economic return is likely.
Obviously it is in their interest to sell more completed units and undeveloped units rather than sit on wasting assets.
According to the Bye Laws they are given a 75% reduction of Entidad fees for the uncompleted residential units and full fees are only payable once completed. Seems a large reduction as the total now has to be shared between less units than originally envisaged.
They are responsible for Entidad and Community fees for all completed but unsold properties and I believe the AGM minutes stated they would continue to pay these fees as well as the reduced fees on undeveloped land.
I have no idea what charges, if any are due for undeveloped commercial areas and have asked this question on a number of occasions, it has never been made clear, perhaps the new board will be able to help.
Yes I believe they were represented at both meetings and that a Roda representative is on the new board but I do not have all the names, they do still own something in the region of 20% of all the completed properties according to original minutes, so that would be understandable.
i would repeat that these are purely personal observations and it is to be hoped that now we have an Entidad board in place that a way will be found to communicate information to all owners answering questions such as yours, something which Roda seemed incapable of.