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Hi all, could someone answer this for me? can I just stroll up and use the driving range & practice area without having a game booked? also will I need to wear my golf shoes?
I need to get some practice in so a can give a Ant and good pasting
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Hi Dan,
Yep, just trot over with your couple of euros for the balls and jobs a good uh. Must admit I don't know if there's a dress code for the range, never usually is, so wouldn't of thought so? I went in trainers as did most of the others there. didn't bother with gold shoes for the practise areas either.
This message was last edited by ptan on 01/04/2010.
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Hi There
You dont have to book but when we were over a few weeks back someone pointed out to one guy next to us that he was supposed to have proper golf shoes on. There is a silly little sign on one of the putting areas or there was stating the dos and donts. might depend in what kind of mood the marshalls/stewards are in.
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practice practice practice, number 1 rule in golf,
i use gold balls dan, so bring one of those ball retrievers or some scuba 
you should wear your golf shoes on the practice area, etiqette(putting greens etc)
and for poise and balance when smashing them down the middle of the range
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I think the penthouses on right may need to put up some temporary hoarding when my driver comes out the bag 
Ant-I'll be going for a knock tomorrow afternoon if fancy a half hour break from the mrs? will be arriving about midday so give me knock if you up for it n253
This message was last edited by danseex on 01/04/2010.
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going for fish and chips at lunchtime, then i will probably get over there, probably be there in the morning too,
im only 1 minute from the range so if you pass shout up N7 548
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hi folks
we were over a few weeks back and we went to the driving range and practice greens etc. and while we were on the range we were approached by a stewart to say you had to have full dress code at all times while on all aspects of golf course. i was wearing trainers at the time.
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Yup, was told that too (shiney new trainers as well!) standards boys (and girls) are important. Nice to see they aren't letting things slip. Cant buy on a 5* resort and then act 2* apparentley. However, cant see what difference it makes on the driving range but I suspect we are back to that old nugget of rules and who keeps them and who doesnt.
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Just asked about this issue of shoes on a driving range and apparently you should wear correct footwear if you are serious about your golf as proper shoes affect your stance and positioning. Didnt realise they were that important when practising but it seems they are - your shoes dictate the way you set up for your stroke.- the sole of trainers are not adequate and affect all those things- which is aside from the issue of being part of a tradition of wearing the correct clothing..
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I can hook, slice, top & sky along with the best of em' whether I am wearing my golf shoes or glass slippers !!! I prefer to wear my golf shoes though. 
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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You lot will be discussing hand bags next, thought this was a girl thing shoes and bags but you've proved me wrong, see you all soon
Ali and Si (if i decide to bring him)
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Marshalls dont look at your feet... just check on the 1st tee you are on their list and have paid. Doesn't matter if you are wearing beach shorts if you have paid!
They are on the 1st tee all the time and dont patrol the course so dont see buggies driving up the fairways (which is a no no without a flag.)
Dont use the wrong colured ball though on the chipping or bunker green (cant use practice balls).
Dont stop players putting on the chipping green although putting green is 50 yds away. Annoying when you want to chip.
Must stop now before I really have a go at them!
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Yes Barry, they realy know their stuff don't they ! I got pulled last time over for using the range balls for a little bit of bunker practice. How are you supposed to know - is there a sign anywhere ???
Looks like they are not your favourite part of the 'slick' Polaris machine at the moment Barry. Never mind, you just keep taking several hundred euro's into the golf shop every week from the society and then bask in all the gratitude they show you !! 
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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