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The Comments
23 Apr 2010 1:32 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

VCB- thats a slightly clearer statement than others so far and this one makes it evident PW have retained a stake in CDA. Others talk of PW passing over Alhama Golf Resort as one of their assets- but my understanding is thats just the company they set up for the Golf Course. However, I could be wrong- I have been before!



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23 Apr 2010 1:39 PM by danayr Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

seems to me that the winner is la torre its come out of this untouched and almost complete, but here hoping polaris will press on with new projects on cda and the course remains in good hands

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23 Apr 2010 1:46 PM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

There is a chance it could be great news for golfers.  If the "external party" is serious about the course it could mean that the areas in and around the course will be sorted quicker. 

It may even mean building a clubhouse!!

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23 Apr 2010 1:46 PM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

There is a chance it could be great news for golfers.  If the "external party" is serious about the course it could mean that the areas in and around the course will be sorted quicker. 

It may even mean building a clubhouse!!

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23 Apr 2010 1:47 PM by Steeley1981 Star rating. 146 forum posts Send private message

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Interesting that Barney's post below says that the girl in the golf shop no longer works for PW (this ties in with the statement that the course is now run by an external company).

All guess work again, but this must be good news in terms of course facilities (i.e. could we see a real clubhouse of some sort constructed in the future?).  Concern here would be the impact on green fees if someone else is running the golf course now.

It seems to me that Mar Menor will be most affected by all this, and only the golf course at Condado is part of the settlement.

It sounds promising for Condado, but I wonder what other news is published throughout the next few days.



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23 Apr 2010 3:38 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Polaris have made an announcement, although as expected it doesn't say much.

Polaris World come to an agreement with banks and avoid bankruptcy

The agreement reached involves the sale of assets to financial institutions group that has come to his rescue

Polaris World has reached an agreement with financial institutions on debt of 100 million euros to support fifteen subsidiaries, which allows you to avoid the insolvency proceedings. The company has informed that it has reached agreement involves the sale of assets to the banks, thus strengthening its cash position "in a context of widespread economic crisis like the present."
With this transaction, Polaris World completes its financial restructuring process. The company stresses that this will allow you to "emerge stronger" and face "with guarantees of success" the next few years, both in its promotion and management of real estate, as in tourist services, sports, restaurants, and manufacturing and Sales of furniture.

Deadlines nearly exhausted

In a statement, the company has expressed its thanks to the confidence shown by the group of financial institutions with which he has been negotiating. Polaris World had until yesterday to get an agreement with the bank, as established by the Commercial Court of Murcia 2 December when the company admitted its insolvency and applied for the preconcursal process that allows the new Bankruptcy Act.

The law enables a period of four months to allow insolvent companies to negotiate an agreement with creditors on payment terms and conditions before resorting to the old default. Since the adoption of the new law, companies like Nozar and Ploder requested and addressed as preconcursal this stage, although both are currently under bankruptcy.

In the case of Polaris World, negotiations with banks have affected about half of the subsidiaries of the group of residential tourism, which, in total, employs about 700 workers. The main creditor banks of these companies are Bancaja, CAM, Banco Popular and Caja Murcia, according to Europa Press reported sources of the process.

The insolvency affects four companies holding estates of the firm (the 'resorts and Alhama Golf Golf Valley, and estates and Vede Riquelme), two hotels (Mar Menor Golf and La Torre), the shopping center El Oasis de Alhama and development division of the group, among other businesses. In particular, the signatures of the insolvent group are El Valle Golf Resort, Polaris World Sports Centre, Polaris Development, Hacienda Riquelme, Polaris World Development, Polaris World Industrial Machinery Hire, Polaris World Concrete, Polaris World Real Estate, Hacienda Verde Nicklaus Golf Trail, Mar Menor Golf Hotel, La Torre Polaris Hotel, Centro Comercial El Oasis de Alhama, Polaris Oasis City and Alhama Golf Resort.










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23 Apr 2010 5:36 PM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

i would like some clarification about the centro de commercial oasis de alhama which is included as a company within the polaris group which was under threat of bankruptcy.

Some people seem to think this is our town centre but I think it is the company set up in preparation for the development of the bis shopping centre across from La isla.

I would hope that Al Kazar is not still in the hands of polaris in which case we will get nothing in it. If the banks own it I am sure they will rent units out to anyone willing to pay the rent.

Barry & Sue



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23 Apr 2010 5:47 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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I think you are correct in assuming that Centro de Commercial (Oasis) is the lake area between Jardines and La Isla.  However, I do think that now that PW have consolidated their debt they will make a big push to get the resort up to scratch.  My big hope is that a golf clubhouse is built to the (hopefully) original and fantastic plans.  I am not a golfer but can see the huge benefit of such a great addition to the resort at this stage.  If Al Kazar has been sold on then, of course, we should see more outlets there but, and I think it's a big but, the standards of those outlets may not necessarily be of the quality we had all hoped for when we bought into a '5 star' resort.  It's a bit of a double -edged sword I think???????


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23 Apr 2010 5:50 PM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

I am so desperate for some choice I would welcome a charity shop at the moment!

Barry & Sue



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23 Apr 2010 6:06 PM by Hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

For the past few years I have begun to think my glas was half full rather than the oposite.

Though I must admit I was beging to think that some one had crept up & taken a big gulp of it.

Hopefully my glass will remain half full for a short while & then gradually fill up to the top.

Fingers etc crossed.



West Mids & Jardin 5

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23 Apr 2010 6:58 PM by Daniels Star rating in Waterlooville & Pent.... 220 forum posts Send private message

If the golf shop, golf course, restaurant,  supermarket and Clover still open, then I guess not much is changing for us at CDA in the near future. Fingures crossed etc.

May be tomorrow.......... Always better today!!

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23 Apr 2010 8:33 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

In what I have read so far I cant quite work out where the Al Kazar sits in the information as most of the written info refers to Oasis which is the large mall opposite La Isla. The golf shop might be under new owners because its leased by whoever is running the golf course but is a Bank the new landlord of Al Kazar?. But, I'm not too despondent that PW might still have a builders hand in some of CdA, I'm just hoping they crack on with something near the Jardines 1 entrance area because its bleak down there when anyone comes in and of course get on with that golf clubhouse- unless thats for someone else to do now???.

Is The Clover still open and the restaurant- if so thats good news; and the supermarket which isnt mentioned anywhere so far-not in anything I have read anyway ?

In what I hope are my last words on the subject and maybe on the forum I hope all this takes CdA forward.   I hope Polaris now get their finger out and develop CdA to the best it can be.

Then I can join the 'glass half full' clique!!


This message was last edited by TheQuietMan on 24/04/2010.



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23 Apr 2010 9:19 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Al Kasar = El Foro = the forum, so yes it is now owned by the banks.

Yes the supermarket ( which is run by Uppers ), the resturant and the clover are still open.










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23 Apr 2010 9:28 PM by fmcauley Star rating in Pontllanfraith, Wale.... 94 forum posts Send private message

Are ALL the facilities open in CDA such as the supermarket, Clover & restaurants etc. in the AL KASAR?

What about the new gym?? heard that the equipment had been removed!!!! Golf ball machine on the driving range & hole signs on the golf course???? I take it these will all be replaced by the new owners of the golf course!!!!


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23 Apr 2010 9:35 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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1. Yes

2. The gym has been closed and the equipment removed.

3.  The ball machine at the range was removed and taken to la Torre ( still owned by PW ) and the old one from there brought back in it's place.










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23 Apr 2010 9:49 PM by del007 Star rating. 274 forum posts Send private message


A wee read for you.  Not really telling you much you don't already know.


This message was last edited by del007 on 23/04/2010.

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