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01 Sep 2010 8:26 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Will definitely be checking with the council as our bills have been over € 700 for 2008 and 2009

Will report back the councils response in case any one else has had this problem


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02 Sep 2010 8:54 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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We paid ours today after collecting it from the town hall as we have not had any post still! It was 436 euros and we are a 2 bed in bloque 13. Yours seems way off Michael. Hope you get a refund. Caroline

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15 Sep 2010 5:28 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Despite my notifying the Patronato office that the present bill is in dispute and despite having referred it to the Foreigners office for them to query this years bill and those of previous years, the Patronato office have now added a further € 35 for late payment.

Surely this cannot be legal. Do any of our legal eagles have experience of this.



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15 Sep 2010 5:36 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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That is shocking Michael.  I hope you get it sorted out soon.


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16 Sep 2010 5:19 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Have now heard from another owner and it seems that I am not alone in having a higher bill.

It appears that the first few blocks on the development have had the aprtment values set much higher than the later blocks.

I am advising the Foreigners office so that they can investigate further with the Patronato. Hope it can be settled without the need for lawyers to get involved.



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17 Sep 2010 1:12 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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As per my previous posting it appears that there are substantial difference in the values that the Patronato are using for the 2 bedroom apartments to calculate the IBI.

If your IBI bill for a 2 bedroom apartment is more that € 500 for then it is likely the value needs to be appealed.

The foreigners office advise that they are unable to assist as you need to attend in person with your documentation and the claim has to be made in Spanish.  I have pointed out to the Foreigners department that this does not comply with E U legislation and await their response.

 It looks as though legal action may be required to get the Cadestral values equalised over the development.  Is anyone paying the higher charges interested in a joint approach. If so PM me



This message was last edited by michael52 on 17/09/2010.


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17 Sep 2010 6:54 PM by luis dv Star rating in VALLADOLID-LA DUQUES.... 122 forum posts Send private message

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Received new valor catastral letter and surprise the increase is abour 220% that Manilva will aply during next ten years, an estimate ibi bill of 450 eur wil pay netx year 525 eur and so on every year till 1200 eur aprx.

waoo¡ this is not MArbella wtith its splendids gardens,clean beaches,wonderfull avenues,etc

we have a small town ,dirty port,dark streets and unkept gardens.

Manilva town hall has to pay salaries for about 600 enployes (what are they doing there)

Antonia (mayores) has to use intelligence to give services and make Manilva a good place to live, not use the easy way to increase taxes wasting residents money


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20 Sep 2010 4:53 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Luis

Have I understood this correctly?

You have received a letter from the Manilva Authorities  telling you that your IBI will rise by 220% over the next 10 years?

Has anyone else received a letter of this kind?


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21 Sep 2010 3:11 AM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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Not us, but then we haven't received any letters, including expected ones, in the last 4 months!

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22 Sep 2010 2:08 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Does anyone have an email address for the Mayoress as I intend to refer the variance in the IBI bills across the development to her for investigation. To date there has been no response from the Patronato re my enquiry.



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22 Sep 2010 7:11 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 forum posts Send private message

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Re luis dv post, I saw this on Manilva Life forum and thought I'd post the link here, along with what the member posted:
    "The long awaited and altogether unwelcome revision of Manilva's Valor Catastral base has now just dropped through our door. This takes effect from 2011.  In our case, the last revision was in 1997.  Then, the value of the land on which our apartment sits was just over 15,000 €.  The value of the construction (although not actually built then (!) was just over 27,000€, giving a total of 42,000€.
NOW - shudder :YMSICK: the land value is given as 53.500€ and the construction as nearly 42,000€, a total of around 95,000€.
Given that this is the base on which IBI and Plus Valia is calculated, this is not good!

A little light appears, though - there is a reduction applied through to 2019 - decreasing every year until then I suspect, of 47,900€ currently, giving a 2011 valuation of around 47500€.   This is the base from which what next year's IBI is to be calculated.  This is a real increase of about 5000€ from current levels, which increases our IBI by a real life figure of 47.90€.  I thought I would post this true example to assist members who might be flummoxed by the horrendous increase in base values.

The stage is set, however, for regular year on year increases, based on the new values.  By 2019, I guess our IBI will be around 855€, based on Manilva's coefficient of 0.9%.   You can look at your individual figures by going to and inputting the access key shown in the middle of your notification letter.   (Note - Firefox will tell you that the site's security certificate has expired (God help them!) - just ignore that notice & proceed!"
It doesn't appear to be quite as shocking when put this way.


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22 Sep 2010 7:27 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Seems to be a problem with the posted link.  It doesn't work.

Will PM the Manilva life poster


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22 Sep 2010 7:36 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 forum posts Send private message

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That's strange, I just tried it myself (in Safari and Firefox) and it worked fine.

Here it is again, just in case.

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23 Sep 2010 8:32 AM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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The link to Manilva life is fine, it is the link in the article which doesn't work.


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23 Sep 2010 10:10 AM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Many thanks to Roger on the Manilva life site for providing the following :-

As far as I know any letter to the Mayoress should go to the Ayuntaniento offices in Calle de Mar, Manilva Pueblo.
There is an Ayuntamiento web page here:-

Google allows you to view the site in English and on the contact list there is the option to send details direct to the Mayoress.

I have sent details of the IBI issue to her and will post as soon as hear further.

Can all who are experiencing this IBI problem list on this site so we can see the extent of the problem.





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03 Oct 2010 12:30 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Could someone who has a 2 bedroom apartment and is only paying around €440 for their IBI please email or fax me a copy of their bill, which shows the Cadestral, so that I can present some evidence of differing Cadestral values to the Town Hall when I am in DV this coming week.

Please PM me for email and fax details.



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03 Oct 2010 7:43 PM by manilvajl Star rating in Manilva as much as p.... 426 forum posts Send private message

 My IBI is 466.78 and 2 bedroom, the value will be based on the total flat size inc. balcony and store room.

I have no fax here in Spain but will try to get you a copy.

What is you total size in sq. metres?



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04 Oct 2010 4:08 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

michael52´s avatar

Reply from the Mayors office.

Seems as though the latest bills are open to challenge if the details held re the Cadestral are incorrect.. Would be glad to hear from anyone else experiencing this problem.



Estimado señor:


En mi poder su atento e-mail, delegado en mi por la Alcaldia, y despues de haber estudiado el tema de Duquesa Village de una forma exaustiva, paso a contestar el mismo en los soguientes terminos:


No se puede hacer un juicio claro de esta urbanizacion sin tener el conocimiento suficiente de a que fase pertenece su apartamento, es mas, de los antecedentes que obran en este Ayuntamiento se desprende que esa Urbanizacion, en sus diferentes fases, tienen muchas diferencias entre ella, concretamente, y a primera vista, por ejemplo en las zonas comunes.


De todas formas siempre puede entrar en la pagina del patronato de recaudacion de Malaga,, y consultar estos temas.


Tambien, en caso de no estar de acuerdo con los datos consignados en sus fichas catastrales, puede hacer el correspondiente recurso de disconformidad a esos datos y le aseguro que si hay algun error u omision, estos seran subsanados con la mayor diligencia posible.


Con este motivo y esperando haberlo complacido, le saludo atentamente.


Diego Diaz

Delegado de Hacienda.


In my power I am delegated to respond to your email by the Mayoralty, and after having studied the topic of Duquesa  Village of a form exaustiva, happened to answer the same one in the                   terms:
It is not possible to do a clear judgment of this urban development without having the sufficient knowledge of  to which  phase the apartment belongs, it is more, of the precedents that they act in this Town hall it is clear that this Urban development, in his different phases, they have a lot of differences between she, concretely, and at first sight, for example in the common zones.
Anyway it can always enter on the page of the patronage of collection of Malaga,, and consult these topics.
Also, in case of not being in accordance with the information recorded in his property cards, it can do the corresponding resource of dissatisfaction to this information and I make sure to him that if there is some error or omission, these will be corrected by the biggest possible diligence.
With this motive and expecting to have pleased, him greeting attentively. 
Diego Diaz Delegated of Estate




This message was last edited by michael52 on 04/10/2010.

This message was last edited by michael52 on 04/10/2010.


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05 Oct 2010 8:23 AM by manilvajl Star rating in Manilva as much as p.... 426 forum posts Send private message


Another translation engine gave me this which I think makes more sense.

Important question  - are all the properties in your block levied with a higher rate?

In some large communities certain phases have larger communal areas and the costs are split across the blocks. I know of one community where they have 3 presidents and management teams and different fee structures.


Dear Sir:


Attentive to my e-mail, delegate to me by the Municipality, and after having studied the issue of Duquesa Village in a way exhaustive, step to answer the same perform these terms:


Can not make a clear view of this development without sufficient knowledge of phase belongs to her apartment is more, the background held by the City Council is clear that urbanization in different phases, have many differences between her specifically, at first glance, for example in public areas.


Anyway you can always log on page of the board of levy of Malaga,, and view these issues.


Also, if you do not agree with the data contained in its cadastral records, can make the relevant application for nonconformity to the data and assure you that if there are any error or omission, this will be rectified as expeditiously as possible.


On this occasion and I hope I pleased, Yours faithfully.



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06 Oct 2010 6:39 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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This might also help as a comparison.


Bill for 2010  is 442.59 Euros.

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