More Dogs!!!

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08 Jun 2010 12:00 AM by twinnie Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

There seems to be a lots more dogs on the estate recently and unfortunatly a lot more dog mess about!!..  You see  the owners out with their dogs often running loose!! and letting them on the grass areas, which all have signs up (dogs not allowed) why cant they take the dogs down to the bottom of the road past the tennis courts on the waste ground? or better still off the estate!!..and not in our lovely gardens. On several occasions I have had to stop my little nephew (toddler) from walking on the grass outside the block because some inconsiderate owner had not bothered to clean  up this disgusting crap!!..Im really getting fed up with it all.. we all pay alot of money for our little escapes in the sun..Im not blaming all the owners but some people are being  very selfish..DOG OWNERS,CLEAN UP !!!...

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09 Jun 2010 2:19 PM by daniela Star rating in Duquesa. 167 forum posts Send private message

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I agree!  There is one person in particular that I see walking his dogs and letting them mess on the grass outside my block.  This is NOT ON!!  Clean up your dog's mess.

(Although it could be worse, someone let thier dog mess in the corridor in my office block today and left it there?!?!? - Crazy)

Daniela & Lee

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09 Jun 2010 3:25 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 forum posts Send private message

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Yes, this has definitely increased.  I took my dog for a walk around the block today and must have seen about five loads of dog mess!  It's really unacceptable - we always clean up after our dog and most mornings take her to waste ground, outside of DV.  How difficult is it to carry a plastic bag with you?   Someone also let their dog mess in the car park at our entrance!!

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09 Jun 2010 9:13 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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That's gross and such a shame all dogs get tarred with the same brush because of an irresponsible few. 


This message was last edited by carolinej on 09/06/2010.

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10 Jun 2010 2:22 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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Suggestion: Take photos of the offending dogs and owners and post the pictures here.

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