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02 May 2010 12:00 AM by Paul & Demelza Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everyone

Myself and my family are planning on moving out to Duquesa in the next 6 months. We own an apartment in Duquesa Village which we will use initially as our base.

We have a 9 y/o daughter who we plan on sending to the school in Sabinillas. I would like to know if anyone elses children go to this school or the one in Manilva and what invite what their thoughts are on the quality of the schooling?

Also we are struggling to find out what the ratio is between the spanish and british children. We want our daughter to intergrate fully however don't want her in a totally spanish school......any thoughts?

Any help and advice would be most appreciated


Paul & Demelza


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04 May 2010 9:37 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 forum posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

First thing is make sure your daughter is getting plenty of Spanish lessons and learning opportunities before you move out here.  Spanish courses, loads of Spanish CDs, etc.

At 9 it starts getting difficult to pick up the language.

In normal Spanish fashion she may be put back a year too if they feel she will struggle in the lessons.

The Manilva school has a better reputation than the one in Sabinillas.  Teaching methods are probably not what your daughter is used to.  Here it is very much about memory and "just learning", without too much requirement for creativity.

There are English kids in most classes, normally 2 or 3, and they do tend to stick together.

You may also want to consider the new school, I think it's called "Micandil" which is near Coto Real, although I think there are a huge number of expat kids in those classes there.

Our kids are very happy in the school in Manilva, although they have been there for for the past five years since they were 3.

Best of luck with it.



Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain

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04 May 2010 11:44 AM by Paul & Demelza Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Hi Justin

Many thanks for the information. It's most useful and we will have a look at the new school near Coto Real



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