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Just received this from my president:-
Dear Presidents
Just inform you that up to date, 19 votes have been received from Presidents deciding about he different options concerning the new contract of telecommunications. Form them, 10 are for option B and 9 for D.
Due to the proximity of the AGM and the importance of the matter, we remind you that there are more than 150000€ of difference between both options. Also to considerate new offers to value that could arrive in the last moment.
After checking with some Presidents and the solicitors of the community, it was decided to take this to the Agenda for the AGM. Giving all the neighbours the possibility of decision about so outstanding matter.
As far as I can see option B gives us just TV Chanels, which most people already have. Option D gives us TV, Internal Telephones and a 2MB internet connection.
I realise that not everyone will want broadband or be happy with the cost(2 euro per month I belive or £20 per annum!!!), but if you are happy, I suggest you cantact your presidents as currently the vote is in favour of the TV only deal.
La Torre and La Isla have both adopted "deal D" with Telephones and Internet and I have not heard any complaints.
People who dont use broadband, this could still be a valuable option for your guests or renters. I used to but a 15 euro card at the surgery which got me 1 hours internet, for a little extra I can get 1 years internet and a telephone, gotta be a good deal?
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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This has been discussed before last week, initially is was a presidents vote ( see ) but as the outcome of the vote was so close and with the AGM so near it has now been decided to make it a topic for the AGM. ( see )
It's too late to contact your president regarding the initial vote, as that vote has now closed. What you should do now is either attend the AGM and vote then or ensure that you have given you proxy vote to someone who is attending the AGM ( preferably you presidential candidate see ).
As it says, we are meeting another company next week to look at another solution, so the A2Z offer may not be the best deal!
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Phil how do I get a proxy form? do you have a link?
can I then email that to my president, so my vote will be counted?
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Jemery Pitkin is your president and is standing again this year, he cannot attend the AGM in person so I am collecting the proxy votes for him see
To give your proxy you need to send the following :-
_____________________________ WITH PLOT _____________________________
Due to being unable to attend the AGM of the Complex CONDADO DE ALHAMA, called for 28th of May 2011, I give my representation for this meeting and all the effects, to____________________________
Please send this information and copied to
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Phil you wrote the following regarding the proposed broadband:-
"This has been discussed before last week, initially is was a presidents vote, but as the outcome of the vote was so close and with the AGM so near it has now been decided to make it a topic for the AGM.
Forgive me if I am misunderstanding, does this mean that due to the vote being so close (9 in favour-10 against),. Can residents now vote on the proposed telecoms/broadband package? if so is there a voting form for that?
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Yes, telecoms will now be voted on at the AGM, if you can not attend then you need to give your proxy vote to someone that can.
You give your proxy the power to vote on ALL matters that arise at the AGM.
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Thanks for the info Phil.
I will get it sorted! Fingers crossed.
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Thanks for the info Phil.
I will get it sorted! Fingers crossed.
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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My name is Paul Allen and I live on Jardin 1, apt 1. For those of you who dont know already i am standing for president on jardin 1.
I have decided to do this as at the moment we receive no information from our current president about any new developements or information from the meetings he attends.
For those of you that this affects on jardin 1 and if you feel the same then please get in touch. If you are unable to attend the AGM then you can give me your proxy and I can also vote for you regarding the 2 euro proposal for the telecommunications package.
Look forward to hearing from anyone that this applies to.
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Hi all ,
I am just wondering where did the idea of the internet charge of 2euro per month come from and is this a wireless service or will you need a land line into your apartment. If a landline is required then what is the proposed charge for that per month .
I am wondering if the proposal D went ahead then what would the extra cost be per apartment per year to pay for the installation and upkeep of the new system.Can anyone see the banks or polaris paying their share of the costs for the apartments they own.
I would think the real cost of plan "D" would be , Installation cost of the system + monthly line rental + phonecall package cost + the Internet modem + the internet package cost + the price of the phone handset.
I know it might seem that I may not be in favour of plan D , and its not that I dont think its a good Idea , it is , but I have about 5 weeks holidays a year and I personally would not get enough use out of it.
Regards Ken.
This message was last edited by nolankn89 on 18/05/2011.
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You already have all the landlines and cabling etc for phone , internet and tv points fitted in your apt, so the 2 euros is the extra amount to maintain and provide internet to all the apts, we are already paying for all the systems that provide tv , but if you want phone or internet at the moment you have to pay individually, I think about 30 euros per month. So for a extra 2 euros it is really a good deal, the only expense is that I presume we would have to buy a wired or wireless modem/router which you have to anyway through PW. If it is put onto the community fees PW/bank owned properties have to pay the community charge so they couldn't get out of that.
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Thanks Andy, I had forgotten that the rooms were wired already.
The 30 euro charge for phone or internet I assume is what polaris are charging for the service. Maybe the monthly charge for landline rental from a new provider would be less.
Regards Ken.
This message was last edited by nolankn89 on 18/05/2011.
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Hopefully it would be cheaper, because as you know PW always charge the highest, any competition is good for us, the question of how much we pay for the maintenance of the TV/ telecoms equipment was bought up a couple of years ago, its alot of money that we are already paying, so for 24 euros a year extra I think its a great deal even for us people who only use it for holidays.
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Can someone put all options on this thread as my so called president has not let me know ?
Do you have to vote for the your prefered option ? if so, to who ?
Can I get a standard wirless router in the UK ? or will it have to be pre programmed to work with the operating system ?
Good job for EOS because without it I would find out nothing on the resort !!!!
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• Proposal A
TDT channel transport and maintenance of network TV from the CPD to the point housing PAU
are excluded in this proposal: Spare equipment of all kinds. Internal telephone.
• Proposal B:
Transport and maintenance of the network TV channels including Freeview TDT channels, Canal Satélite
Digital and and international digital channels, including maintenance and labor adjustments, updating
the NIT tables, etc ...
Excluded in this proposal: Spare equipment of all kinds. Internal telephone.
To purchase additional telecommunications services see attached Official rate
• Proposal C:
Proposal A + spare parts included, excluding internal telephone
To purchase additional telecommunications services see attached Official rate
• Proposal D:
Proposal B + Internal Telephone, Internet 2MB, 50% lifts tariffs
To purchase additional telecommunications services agreement attached see price
Number of Properties: 2964
Contract Satellite Tv
Telephone Internet Annual Amount
A € 114.884,64
B € 115.596,00
C € 177.840,00
D € 284.544,00
We are already paying for option A. All the apartments are prewired. The total increase in service charge for broadband is 2 Euros per month.
You would also receive free internal phone calls. This alone would save me the 24 Euros per annum, as I ring my friends on Condado using my UK mobile at the moment.
The only thing you would need would be a broadband router,you can pick up a brand new wireless router for less than £20 quid.
You could then connect as many computers, iPads, Netbooks, Smartphones as you like and communicate with your firends back home via the web for free.
This is now going to vote so you need to contact your president. I realsise some people dont want a 2 Euro increase in service charge, but if you currently want broadband its 30 Euros per month, so this option is a real great deal.
Even if you dont use the broadband, it will help you rent your property. If people know they are getting free wireless internet access they may pay a premium.
La Isla and La Torre both currently have this system.
Contact your presidents quickly and register your vote or we may not get it!
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Actually we are currently paying for something closer to option C, as the current contract included full maintenance and parts. The CURRENT cost is €6+IVA per month per property. You would need to buy the cable router from Polaris ( now A2Z ), you can add your own wifi router to it if you wished, or just buy a wifi one from them in the first place. At the moment I cannot say if this is the best deal available, just the best we have seen so far all but at Polaris's high prices, There is a meeting with another company next week, perhaps their offer might be better, we will just have to see? There is still the problem that we have an existing contract to get around as well.....
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This is a section of correspondance I have received in relation to the telecomunications package, it is I think the prices agreed with the administrators ML for our resort. I think it shows tha there is a monthly charge of 11.50 euro for connection to the Basic telephone line which would be needed for phone calls and/or internet usage, would anyone disagree that you will need a connection to a telephone system for either of these systems? All of the costs below are monthly charges. on the good side I think that 15.00 euro for 600 minutes to Spanish and western europe landlines is not too bad.
If anyone has further clarification I would appreciate it,
regards Ken.
36,00 € ***Acceso a Internet Alta Velocidad, tarifa plana 8Mb / ***Internet Access. 8Mb
0,00 € **Acceso a Internet Alta Velocidad, tarifa plana 2Mb / **Internet Access 2Mb
15,00 € *Tarifa plana de voz 600 minutos/ voice flat rate 600 minutes
11,50 € Línea básica de telefonía - Basic telephone line
6,00 € Línea de teléfono para ascensores - Analog telephone line for lifts
30,00 € / hora Servicio de averías en horario laboral - Call out service during working hours
IMPORTE SIN IVA - Prices are VAT Excluded
FORMA DE PAGO: Domiciliación bancaria cuota mes - Payment Form: Monthly direct debit
Teléfono IP Cisco 7905 con alimentador, instalado / Cisco IP7905 Telephone, with feeder and installation. (La Torre Golf Resort)
Teléfono IP Cisco 7905 con alimentador, instalado / Cisco IP7905 Telephone, with feeder and installation. (La Torre Golf Resort)
*** Acceso a Internet Alta Velocidad, tarifa plana 8Mb - Internet Access 8Mb. No existe permanencia en la duración del contrato / ***There is no permanence in the
duration of the contract.
*Tarifa plana de voz 600 minutos/ *Voice flat rate 600 minutes
* Tarifa plana de voz 600 minutos. Llamadas nacionales fijo y Europa occidental. Excedidos los minutos contratados se tarifican al precio/min. tarifa general, excepto
llamadas a móviles nacionales. El establecimiento de llamada se cobrará a parte / Voice flat rate 600 minutes. The service includes a flat rate of 600 minutes per month to
landline numbers in Spain (excluded mobile), and Western Europa (included mobile). With the establishment of call. Contract exceeded the minutes are billed at the price /
min. general rates, excluding national mobile calls. The charge per call is not included in the service.
**Para preservar una velocidad de navegación web de 2Mbps, A2Z Telecomunicaciones se guarda el derecho de disminuir la velocidad de descarga/subida a los protocolos
de descarga directa y P2P. **To preserve a web browsing speed of 2mbps, A2Z retains the right to slow download / upload to direct discharge protocols and p2p.
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Nope, you don't need a phone line for internet. It's a cable system like NTL or Virgin in the UK and all the cables are installed.
The 11.5 is for an external phone line.
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Basically if you want broadband internet in your apartment for just an additional 2 Euros per month... Cantact your president and register your aproval as this looks like it will be a vote.
The installation is already completed and you simply plug your router into the existing wall socket!
Wish it was so cheap and easy in the UK!
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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