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My solicitor is just about to complete on my apartment in block 2 and he informed me today (after speaking to Patricia at Palacious) that block 2 will be using the pool on the roof of block 4.
Regards Sue
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Hi Sue
Spoke to the builders solicitor this week, He told me that everyone on Mar y sol will have the legal right to use both swimming pools and that keys will be issued to all owners to access the pools when the roof pool is up and running.
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That sounds good, but what about the bungalows? They already seem fed up that other people are using the ground floor pool as they were told it would be just for their use so i don't think that they will be pleased to hear that all 5 blocks can use it.
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To tell you the truth it was not what i wanted to hear being on block 4 with the pool over us, but the more i think about it the more i feel that it is the only way forward to be fair to everyone and at the end of the day people will tend use the pool that is in more close proximity to their apartment or bungalow but the choice is up to you.
If this turns out to be the case i think it would make sense for the builder to install a small set of stairs with handrails linking block 1&2 roof to the rest of the blocks to save people having to enter then exit another block ?
This message was last edited by alb on 6/23/2007.This message was last edited by alb on 6/24/2007.
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Hi Sue
Going back to what you said about the bungalows having been told that they had sole use of the pool, yes but on the first plan there was 2 blocks of bungalows 64 in total.

Regards Alan
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Hi All
Our appartment is in block 4 and as far as i am aware the pool on the roof is only for blocks 3,4,5
I have been emailling our agent ref the pool because at the moment it is not operational
The community will have to look after the pool but until there is enough appartments completed in blocks 3,4,5,a community cannot be formed.
The roof tops on blocks 3,4,5 are opened to allow access so that would fall in line with what we have been told
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Hi Kev
Yes you are right that's how i understand it, but what i can gather is that some people from block 1&2 were told when they bought that they had a pool on the roof , so now that it is time to complete the builder is coming under pressure to try to please everyone, they are now trying to come to some sort of compromise with the pools, and that is one of the reasons that i have not completed on my apartment not until this and other isuses are sorted out , my money is staying in the bank.
Regards Alan
This message was last edited by alb on 6/28/2007.
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Hi Alan,
I am not at all sure that I want to say anything about this subject as it has become such a hot-potato, but what the hell! When we bought off plan 2.5 years ago we were told by the builder that "our pool" would be next to our property (block1). We were shown an artists rendering with a much larger pool than has been provided and without that huge pump house on the back. I entirely understand the fears of the owners of the 32 bungalows, but my understanding is that the pool was intended for the original 64 bungalows, not just 32, which would make sense if it were to be shared with the 31 apartments in block 1. However, this would leave block 2 out in the cold as they still have no acess to the roof top pool, which in any case that is not very big is it?
Some very unpleasant things have been said on another web-site, so I have stayed out of the argument, preferring to await the final outcome when the communities are formed and we can see who is included in which community. My current guess is that Blocks 1 & 2 will be included with the 32 bungalows and Blocks 3,4&5 will make up another, giving an approximate balance of 100 dwellings in each, but at this stage who knows? All this distress has been caused by the developers and quite frankly, my only interest is that I have ready access to a pool at some date and one that doesn't mean clambering onto someone else's roof 4 blocks down when I have a pool held up by one wall of my apartment!
The ground level pool is such a mean little thing anyway with almost no room to sit around, which matches some of the dispiriting things that have been written I am sure that these comments do not really represent the feelings of the majority (certainly not those I met whilst we were there) and that we will all rub along together well enough when we are in one community. So all I can say, even to those individuals who have made the unhelpful remarks is relax, I am sure that the outcome will not be half so bad or unfair as you think, just lie back and think of England Spain.
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Hi Mike
Thanks for what you have said, it needed to be said, yes i have read the comments on the other website and i was disgusted with some of the messages aimed at your block, but yes let's hope that it get's sorted soon.
Regards Alan
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It's not us that I have concern for, but when we were there there seemed to be only 3 apartments occupied in Block 1, us and two Spanish couples, one with a young boy who would probably love to swim. I really hope they don't frequent these web-sites otherwise just think what a horrible, petty bunch we Brits must seem to them! The young couple on our floor were so nice and all some people can think about is keeping one little boy out of the pool.
All this hot air is simply an irritant. If the community is not yet complete, no amount of pretending that a select few have a right to make up all the rules will make it happen. So I simply just ignore all the hot air created, in fact laugh at grown people getting so wound up at such petty matters, cheerful in the knoledge that if we do end up in the same community there are going to be a few very red faces. If not then who cares, as long as we don't end up sharing a pool.
I will now go back into hibernation as I really did not want to get involved in all this negativity (bad vibes), we had a lovely time when we were there, in spite of all the work getting the apartment clean and tidy and I relly don't want to spoil the memory.
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Speaking for myself i would have no problem wih anyone from Mar y sol using the pool on our block 4 as long as the builder provided proper access via the roofs the thought of adults and children having to access someone elses block to get to a pool is madness, i said this to the solicitor but he could not see my point or he didn't want to,? but you are right Mike even though the problem is of the builders making these few people from the bungalows should respect the fact that they are in someone elses country and that there are local people living in these apartments,
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Thanks for the reply, but I don't think I want to prolong the argument further and as I said, will now desist from further comment except to say that I actually can spell knowledge and really! I do so enjoy my little forays into print as my day to day job entails much writing, but all dry as dust technical reports. The odd opportunity to express myself on another, more personal level is sometimes too much to resist, the only problem being, I give myself more opportunity for poor spelling.
I would like to say however, that the people we met whilst we were there, both Engish and Spanish were great neighbours and those with whom I correspond on this web site without exception appear to be people I would love to meet and chat with. Lets not worry ourselves over a few individuals and let the laid back atmosphere of Spain rub the corners off for us in time. I am sure that we will have a great community and given a period to settle in and look back in a few months and wonder what the fuss was all about (if we even remember it that is!).
Have a nice day
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I have just returned from Spain and was given a key to the pool next to block 1 by Palacious. as it was so hot I made use of it. On one occasion some owners from the bungalows came in mumbling that we did not belong and they should bite their tongues. What good community spirit!
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Hi Sue,
Who gave you the key?
PS - thanks for your email regarding my post problem, I tried to email you back not realising it wouldn't go through.
_______________________ Sandra
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I got the key from Inis at the Palacious mar office.
I have been having trouble with e-mails but i have now set it to another address so should be working now.
This message was last edited by twiggy on 7/12/2007.
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Hi Sue
We are finally completing on Wednesday & from what I understand once we arrive in Spain we have to get the keys from the builders office (it is the one next to the supermarket?). Should I email them to let them know when I am coming & arrange to collect the keys? If so do you have an e mail address?
PS - I hope you don't mind me keep asking you questions...getting information is so difficult.
_______________________ Sandra
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Yes it is the one next to the supermarket.
The e-mail address is available on the web site and there is a link to contact them. I just asked for a pool key and they gave me one so check the keys they give you and ask for a pool key if they don't give one with your apartment keys. I think you should let them know when you are arriving and ask them to make sure you have electric and water in your apartment (you should have but it wont hurt for them to check)
Have a good trip and let me know how you get on. Anything i can help you with just let me know.
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I think in Spanish law if u are a community you are able to use all pools of that community and the bungalows blocks 12345 are registered under the same community i was given a key for the ground pool and i am in Block 5.
Think the builder has registered this area as a community.
Isobel & Helen
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