I keep on questioning myself wondering who is responsible for the progress on CDA and 1 hand tells me Millenium but the other is starting to tell me more IRM. This is part of the problem when you own a property in a foreign country dealing with people from a different cultural background who I wrongly assumed from day 1 had the same business ethic as the people I deal with in the UK. I am used to getting things done and the frameworks we all work to in the UK help support that - in Spain a very different story and a position I hadn't ever experienced until 1 year after I bought my apartment. Big lesson learned here for me!!
I have to keep reminding myself that early this year on 28/01 I wrote a letter of compliant to Millenium regarding the situation with the lake on La Isla. Copy and paste below and we are now in August and still no formal response received.
Please could you advise as a matter of urgency if the unacceptable water levels on La Isla are close to being resolved? I would appreciate if you could let me know either way before I ask my solicitor to proceed any further and if no sign of resolution I have made contact with the national press in the UK who are very keen to do a story on this. I will be making contact with them within the next week if no sign of resolution and will be looking to expose the disgusting treatment of the PW customer base.
I asked Milenium to add me to your mailing list last summer and I never receive anything. Why is that please as we have an apartment on La Isla)?
If no response received in the next 7 days I will take matters into my own hands and expose the full extent of the ongoing problems on CDA in the UK national press. I have paid good money for my apartment and a decent annual amount towards the community fees supposedly to contribute towards a management company that will look after my interests. I hope that Milenium will step up on these issues and insist urgent resolution. If you do not respond which has been the case with some of my previous emails I will be calling by your office when I am next in Spain to talk through the issues with my solicitor so I urge you to do the right thing and keep myself and other residents in the loop.
This treatment of residents on La Isla is completely unacceptable and morally incorrect that PW can get away with this way of working. I expect a management company to take on board my feedback and work in the interests of all residents who fund you been in jobs and personally I am expecting a better service.
One final thing what and who has granted permission for that dreadful construction opposite block 2? I am extremely concerned that the management company (Milenium) who are on site at CDA is allowing this dreadful treatment of residents and it is completely unacceptable that it would take 8+ months to re-fill the lake and still no sign of resolution. Who is responsible for this shocking construction? Is it Polaris World or IRM? I believe it is PW.
You may not like the tone of my email but I also do not like spending 182,000 Euros on an apartment on a resort that has no facilities whatsoever and no further sign of further development. The only reason I bought on CDA was because I have a young son and I was expecting there been lots of nice facilities for us as a family including a world class golf course and club house. All we have is an expensive supermarket and a management company on Al Kazar who in my opinion could be doing more to resolve these issues. I don’t care about the world wide recession, the facts are the facts and we have all spent a considerable amount of money on apartments through PW who have failed to deliver on a number of counts and it cannot be allowed to continue.
The continued efforts of Paco are what are keeping me positive as this gentleman spends hours of his time on the good of the resort and I have to compliment him that the general upkeep on the resort is excellent. It’s the surrounding bits of La Isla that concerns me. When is a more attractive entrance likely to be built, when will the 3rd pool be built, when will the surrounding areas all around La Isla be made to look more attractive including grass and flowers as opposed to a big mass of dirt, when will more facilities be made available at Al Kazar, when will the golf club house be built, etc?
I look forward to hearing from you and as I say if no response received in the next 7 days I will keep you informed of my planned next steps with the UK national press before we come on site. As I said above I am no longer interested in hearing more excuses and I want the simple truth.
I have since spoke to them face to face and I guess they don't know what they don't know but I do not and cannot accept that. I appreciate things are tight in Spain but the business ethic and under hand ways of doing business then you can't help but think they only have themselves to blame for a lot of this. Considering Spain has seen the main benefit from EU funding its surprising that they appear to be a country that operates with so little controls. They are not in isolation as we all know and countries like Italy are just as bad and as a result how can you expect the economies to be stable. The unfortunate position for us all is that this bad practice at the highest level then comes the accepted practice at the lower levels and where do you go from there.
I wrote a lot in anger last night but like other posts I agree there is always 2 sides to every story. I have no loyalty either way as my main objective is to ensure the resort I bought on in good faith has an acceptable level of facilities but the basics like filling the lake are a definate must. I still can't believe that someone can get away with leaving a half filled lake that is attracting rats eating dead fish. Not quite the experience I imagined when I think back to the dream that we bought into listening to the smarmy Jose from Polaris in his adverts along with Jack Nicklaus. From a health and safety perspective this cannot continue but even when you complain no-one listens. We will send the rat catcher is what I was told with bate - he would have needed a shot gun for the 1 I saw as it wouldn't have fit in a trap.
I have spoke at length this afternoon with Phil Tann and I do have sypathy in the way in which this has been handled in particular whilst he was on holiday but I am still struggling to see a way forward. From what I can see there is an urgent overall required of working practices and some of this has to be put out to the wider communities for review and comment.
If Millenium want to have the sole website - then let's have a website that works effectively. I will be writing an official letter into them this weekend highlighting the following proposals:
- Community Web Site - Need to be more clear who each of the presidents are and there contact details and needs to be visible on their site plus in the office. Badly need profiles as I have no clue who is who and who does what.
- Meetings - Do wo have proper terms of references for each meeting with adequate representation to everyone's voice is heard I would like to have the opportunity to feed in but I have no idea how to do this at the minute?
- Communication Strategy - Newsletters that work and highlight and track the key issues across the resort and not just a picture of the gardners.
- Forum - for vote. Surely in this modern day and age we could get a but more advanced with technology via web voting and suggestions. There appears to be enough IT people on this site including myself who could help advise on a framework (and before anyone asks no I want charge). In my view we need to explore the IT route more as this will help to address many of the oversea's owners concerns.
Does anyone know if Jack Nicklaus ever come to officially sign-off and open the CDA course? I know IRM are trying to help in a difficult climate but I can't help but think there are some basics that we are missing out on that could be implemented quickly to help.
I have had a very open and frank discussion from Phil this afternoon and he expressed a convincing response on a number of counts and I am starting to think the way of doing business in the UK is just not compatible with the Spanish way and the current structure is just not helping to get the best results. Clearly the the way he was talking he comes from a background of governance and control and you do wonder if this control has just got out of hand for the way the Spanish do business and the relationship simply not working. I am not convinced either way at the minute and all I want is for a great resort with a lake that is full and a good community site with great comms. Vale Do Lobo in Portugal has this and we should strive to get to this same position as well.
Have a good weekend all.