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Duquesa Village forum threads
The Comments
29 May 2014 11:04 AM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

PMillsom´s avatar

Just reading the excellently presented minutes from the recent AGM.  They are very well put together complete with tables and charts.  Much better presented than previously and very clear.

One interesting items is

"that  the  General Meetings  would  now  be  held  on  the  second  Friday  of  May  and  the  Extraordinary 
Meeting would be convened for November."

So that's Friday May 8th 2015 for the next A.G.M.  Nice to know early - might even be there.

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02 Jun 2014 1:19 PM by Derjac Star rating in Newport, Gwent and D.... 35 forum posts Send private message


Where can see a copy of the minutes of the meeting held a couple of weeks ago




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02 Jun 2014 7:56 PM by John 777 Star rating in West Midlands. 109 forum posts Send private message


They are posted by AEA on the following web site, but you will need to register with AEA first as you need a user name and password to get you to the specific pages re Duquesa Village.

Speak to Melissa at AEA on (+34) 952891827

Once you are registered, you will then get an email advising you when anything important such as AGM meetings etc are posted.


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Previous Threads

Improvemet to the Access Roads to our development - 1 posts
Water usage/theft - 12 posts
Thank You - 2 posts
The Revolution - 0 posts
Gardeners Strike ?. - 5 posts
Owner of 2 bed apartment in Building 14 - Does anyone manage rental bookings ? - 1 posts
Elevator Block 20 - 5 posts
Astronomy, Interested - 0 posts
Notice of AGM - 16th MAY - 2 posts
Improving Visual Appearance - 2 posts
checking in - new "to be owners" - 3 posts
dog mess - 8 posts
Euro Cash Withdrawals from a Spanish ATM - 5 posts
Car Tax - 1 posts
Cat found in block 7 - 0 posts
Internet Connection - 9 posts
over paying endesa bills question - 1 posts
endesa on line service - 0 posts
Paying Endesa Bill - 9 posts
contact aqualia - 1 posts
endesa phone number - 1 posts
Gib delays - 3 posts
Water Bills - 2 posts
TV Satellite Reception - 35 posts
Communication from AEA re community fees - 4 posts

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