Toilet Seat

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12 Jun 2014 6:37 PM by demo1212 Star rating in Duquesa Village Bloc.... 35 forum posts Send private message

Our toilet seat cracked about one month ago since then we have been trying without success to find a relacement

The make is Gala which I assume everyone on Duquesa Village has  !

We have tried on line as well and it comes up that this product make has been discontinued 

Has anyone had the same problem ?

Does anyone know where we can obtain this toilet seat or has anyone by any chance replaced their toilet and have a spare seat to sell ?

any help would be gratefully appreciated






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12 Jun 2014 10:59 PM by ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi Susan 

Try taking a template of the toilet seat with possibly a newspaper then cut out the shape and take the template to one of the large DIY stores and you might find another seat which will fit.  We had to do this in the UK and found another make which was successful. I hope you manage to find one, it's always a worry when things are discontinued.

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13 Jun 2014 9:20 AM by Debs435 Star rating. 53 forum posts Send private message

The other problem with these seats is the fixings which are non-standard. One of the fixings on ours broke so we went to the plumbing place on the industrial poligono at Estepona, they only sold them in pairs which was expensive but we tried everywhere else and no-one had anything like. We ended up "fudging" it but its held strong so fingers crossed. As a last resort though they may be able to help.

Good luck!

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14 Jun 2014 10:26 AM by demo1212 Star rating in Duquesa Village Bloc.... 35 forum posts Send private message

Thanks  for all your advice going to try the Poligino on Monday totally Brassed off now can't believe getting a new toilet seat could be so difficult and costly already settled on one where we thought we could adapt the fittings but after fiddling and hacksawing the end of the screw off  it was still no good  30'Euro down the proverbial pan excuse the pun and can't be returned once the plastic came off 



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16 Jun 2014 7:05 PM by John 777 Star rating in West Midlands. 109 forum posts Send private message

Sorry if you have already looked at this site, but they do appear to stock seats and fittings that are compatable/will fit Gala Loa toilets, which i think may be the ones fitted in DV. Not cheap though!

I have also read on another site that some Roca toilets have/had the same fittings.

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16 Jun 2014 7:24 PM by demo1212 Star rating in Duquesa Village Bloc.... 35 forum posts Send private message

Thanks John

Been on that site ours is Gala Bacara

comes up discontinued and as you say list a couple of alternatives  very pricey

Anyway been to the Pologono as Debs suggested it's called DecorBano managed to get one  and yes pricey 85 euro OUCH!!!

crazy price for a toilet seat but hey ho has to be done 

Plus the 30 euro wasted on the first one we bought

Thanks to everyone for all your advice anyway 

We haven't fitted it yet and the fittings are different but the man assures us they will fit so fingers crossed this will be the end of it


thanks again


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22 Jun 2014 3:25 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Susan,

Do you think the cause of the toilet seat breaking might be due or partially due to the lack of soft/slow closure and that it might have slammed down a few times?   

Is you new ultra expensive seat slow closure?

We have soft closure in the UK and when in Spain we forget they are different and 'old world' hinges. So the seats crash down a lot - which is not good for the longevity of the seat and not good for peace and quiet in the early hours of the morning. 

 It would be wonderful to retro fit soft closure on the DV seats but I don't see that being a possibility.

So my plan is to add some rubber cushioning using the good old sugru solution.  Seems it could save a lot of money and time & trouble.   Unless someone has any better ideas? 



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26 Jun 2014 4:29 PM by demo1212 Star rating in Duquesa Village Bloc.... 35 forum posts Send private message

No deff not my other half is mega fussy about making noise he wouldn't disturb or disrupt anyone .

also he would close the seat carefully . I am the dozy one who is not a bit dainty but I always use the en-suite so not guilty  on this occasion as it's in the Main bathroom.

Not sure if it's soft close you know as I am in the Uk will check it when I get back I was so glad to have it sorted didn't really check.

The Bathroom place reckon the Gala Bacara seats got discontinued and another firm took over making them as they where not very good quality before and I must admit it seems a lot better much sturdier 

It's lasted 5 years so can't have been bashed about too much to last that long 

anyway I hope that this comes in handy to other DV residents who ever need a replacement it will save them tracking around everywhere trying to find a reasonable priced one because they don't exist for our make of toilet  I suppose when we bought the apartment we wanted top quality fittings so have to pay top prices to replace 

Can't have everything Hey 




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29 Jun 2014 11:30 AM by luis dv Star rating in VALLADOLID-LA DUQUES.... 122 forum posts Send private message

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You can find it at this website

gala bacara it cost about 45 eur

Hope it helps


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29 Jun 2014 11:39 AM by luis dv Star rating in VALLADOLID-LA DUQUES.... 122 forum posts Send private message

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another link to buy it, item is a better quality than RyF GAVE US.


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29 Jun 2014 11:41 AM by demo1212 Star rating in Duquesa Village Bloc.... 35 forum posts Send private message

Thanks very much Luis I have added that to my address book as I am sure we will need it in the future 

Thanks  again


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19 Jul 2014 6:39 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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Seems the obvious solution is to never lift the lidsmiley








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