Oven fault

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03 Aug 2014 12:04 PM by honey12345 Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone, 

we recently purchased an apartment in duquesa village, however, we have found out that the oven does not work. We believe this is something to do with the wiring, but not 100% sure. I have heard that this is a common problem and would be very grateful if someone could please tell me what they did to fix this issue or who they had to call to get this resolved.


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03 Aug 2014 8:29 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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I don't know anything about wiring but I do remember thinking ours was broken when we moved in because I didn't realise I needed to turn the timer to further than 15 mins plus set the temp and oven (2 bars for main oven) for it to work. Other than that maybe look in one of the free publications like el diario for the number if a local electrician.  Welcome to DV


This message was last edited by carolinej on 03/08/2014.

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03 Aug 2014 8:40 PM by honey12345 Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hi, thanks very much for your reply - I think that the oven keeps tripping the main switch the second we put it on.

we are going oven in 2 weeks so are hoping to get it fixed for then


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04 Aug 2014 2:28 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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Caroline is correct about the timer,  Our timer broke within the first year, but luckily for some reason the oven still worked.  This was until a few weeks ago when the oven stopped working and we had to bypass the timer completely for it to work.


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08 Aug 2014 11:32 PM by John 777 Star rating in West Midlands. 109 forum posts Send private message


We had the similar problem when we first bought our apartment, where the fuses would kick out everytime you turned the oven on. With us, it was not the oven that was at fault, but a problem with the wiring. This was sorted farly quickly by the developer but the electricians were still on site at the time. If you have bought 'as seen' not sure you will be able to get the developer to sort the wiring out. If not you may need to get an electrician in. Seem to recall it took about 30 minutes to sort out. You will have a number of thin square plastic covers on walls in the apartment and wiring junctions are behind those. It was a problem in one of those junctions. There was also a problem with the wiring for the outside patio lights, which they sorted at the same time. Friday afternoon electrician!! No problems since, pleased to say.


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