This message is on behalf of the volunteer group (Los Olivos)
First of all, we would like to say that we feel this thread is totally inappropriate, as it refers to the security of Los Olivos, which can be read by ‘anyone’, but to add balance to previous comments raised we feel we need to respond. However this will be our only response, anyone wishing to discuss this further can pm us.
We would like to outline what has happened in the past.
A volunteer committee was formed after talking with a president from another community on HN who said it helped getting things done.The committee was made up of volunteers who have been living here for about 12 months, additionally we invited a newcomer to join the committee, but he declined & instead preferred to launch a personal attack on the committee. Constructive ideas we feel would have been preferred rather than destructive.
Security was one of our main issues as about 10 owners have been making regular payments to Ramon, which we believe has contributed to no break ins at night.We held a meeting with Marinasol & invited Ramon & a number of owners to this meeting. Ramon put forward a proposal for a vastly improved level of security. A lower fee was negotiated, which all those there present agreed was a good proposal for the community, to be put forward for the AGM to be voted upon.
The majority of the permanent residents who have been living here for about 12 months feel security is an important issue as we constantly appear to be under scrutiny from people going past in cars, motorbikes & walkers who have no reason to be going around Los Olivos. It is also a concern that a large number of low paid workers (mostly foreign nationals) have recently been laid off work in the construction industry, which could ultimately lead to an increase in the number of break-ins.
We fully understand people have a choice as to whether they vote for or against this proposal & respect people’s decisions & we would be happy to discuss the finer details by way of a pm.
We would ask that which ever way you choose to vote that you ensure that you complete the proxy form that will be sent to you from Marinasol if you are unable to attend the AGM on the 28th July.
We have been sending out minutes of meetings we have recently held to the 30 plus e-mail addresses we hold & apologise to the people we do not have e-mails addresses for, however if you care to pm us with details of your e-mail address we will forward the minutes to you.
Volunteer committee group (Los Olivos)