Just been intoduced to this web-site, so forgive any errors! We purchased a 2 bed/2bath apartment in Phase A Block 2 back in June 2005 via MRI ! Would like to say that the whole experience so far has been straight forward but that would be lying. Our contract said the completion would be April 2007 with an automatic extension of 4 months. As the extension will have expired at the end of this month, we enquired whether the clause under 'Penalties for the Vendor' would 'kick-in' . Our Lawyer has informed us that unless the delay is 8/9 months there is not a lot she can do, and then it may involve going to Court, so basically the contract is not worth the paper its written on! We were also informed that there are a number of people in a similiar position. Also does anyone know the reason why Blocks 1 - 6 are still delayed, as we cannot seem to get a direct 'official' response.
This message was last edited by shamal on 8/29/2007.