Hi Folks
I am going to try and use any means of communication I can to give you updates hence this note
Things take a while to move but we are getting there, below are small sections of meetings I have had with Taray, and our support company ,heading towards our residents meeting with Taray and getting all our legal things completed to make us a community, Please read and it may give you thought for our Taray meeting
Meeting with Helder Beltran Taray manager 30th January
Points of discussion
Snagging problems—Contact to be made to Helder via Office (+34)968193969
Lists of snags from individuals given Taray
TV Communal aerials (Information only)
The Spanish aerial -contact TARAY
The Sky aerial conversion -contact Micromesh 650716767 (Scott)
Your individual aerial -contact your installer
Habitation cert. –to be issued later
Containers being removed from waste ground - Ongoing
RENFE (Spanish rail) moving earth at night in waste ground area timescale unknown
Pool maint and upkeep Tarays till the end of February, Safety equipment our responsibility, and we accepted the grass surround when we bought our houses, as it was in the plans as a green area, but give some thought to getting this done if there is money in the pot at year end
Post boxes –Awaiting issue of post code from Centro Madrid (Mid year)
Buildings at street end and use of times etc, Information with the town hall in Torre Pacheco
Waste ground in front of houses facing railway, with Taray for discussion as to clean up flattening etc Clarification of exact area to be asked for by the President
Meeting with Laura Hellin Adfisur Consultant 1st February
Points of discussion
Minutes of the constituent’s meeting- The official minutes are very formal and they must be entered in the Official book this is supplied by the Land Registrar –Waiting for their contact, in the meantime we are putting together one that will be distributed to all
Confirmation the consultants have all addresses of constituents, date for the start of payments (from the 1st of Feb but maybe collected in the second quarter at 60Euro per quarter, to be discussed)
Setting up of communal bank account and CIF number
More in depth look at budget and possible savings – Insurance, pool servicing etc. Ongoing
Swimming pool- Safety equipment (Poles/Rings) Our responsibilty
Timer for lighting when we get mains connection Our responsibilty
Check of pool rules and agreement for minutes
Painting of depth markings
Feed back from constituents given to consultant
Subjects for our support company and myself to have at pre Taray meeting I.E. Waste ground clearance, Commitment to residents, and possible date for constituents meeting
This is an abbreviated update to give you all just an idea of what’s gone on since the meeting, the proper minutes are being produced