Energy Performance Certificates come to Spain

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14 Sep 2013 4:40 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

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Wellk Mr Brooks this time you are actually wrong as each autonomous region has their own registration process and charging scheme, one of the most expensive ones being Madrid and this is well documented if you would like to check this, your responses are so amusing, especially the CAPITAL LETTER USE RANTING

What has the fact that you work for somebody got to do with anything, if you were as claimed a lawyer you would not be posting on a PUBLIC forum in the way and I would lobe to know the name of the company that you claim to work for so that I could report you for your postings

Registration of the actual certificate isn't free which is why there was originally 2 quote systems that caught some people out , thats why there is a sperate office in every region

Next your comment, I dont check PM's, what a ridiculous thing to say, I actually sent you the details of the EPC company because unlike you I actually know a bit about this, in the same way I am happy to PM it to anybody that would like the details, I have sent you the details so why don't you look and pubksih this if it bothers you that much

If I am reading your post correctly you are saying that if the inspector turns up and speaks English, don't have the work done, I will let my imspector Juan know that, because he used to live in London and speaks perfect English

Your whole wording is wrong, you are clearly not English but again  you end up having to rely on insults and infortunately you have not he;ped anybody woth any of the information that you have provided, when you were given the opportunity to and ignored the chance to show people on here the ectend of your legal knowledge in this area

Now the only people that I have had to provide EPC's to are owners who rent out their propertues through my company, long term for contracts after the 1st June  or when the rental period exceeds 4 months, however this is only when the power usage of the property when it is occupied is below 25% of the normal annual consumption

I am charging the owner my cost, no margin so how am I profiting or scamming people, perhaps your rael aim is as a troll to wind people up, do you know what ot isn't working




This message was last edited by inspectahomespain on 14/09/2013.

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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14 Sep 2013 4:42 PM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

PaulBrooks, if you're a lawyer there's no hope for anyone. All you've posted is tat & links that don't say what you think they said. Everyone knows that fines willbe given out if certificates are not obtained.


These people do them for 100€+iva


Or either of these ;



I don't even think English is your first language , & if it is I wouldn't want you doing any legal work for me ! lol.

** EDITED - Inciting**






This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 9/14/2013 7:20:00 PM.


Todos somos Lorca.

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14 Sep 2013 6:15 PM by PaulBrooks Star rating. 27 posts Send private message

You have put you foot in it yet again inspectahome.


I never said that if the inspector is English dont have the epc have just said that.

1 you are suggesting i am not English ( which i am .......dislexic by the way....hence the spelling mistakes...although im sure you still find it amusing ( although i speak 5 languages) ) and that i am racist and only want Spaniards to get the business.

2  You may not be dislexic like me...but you surely do not understand what you read ( and you also have mistakes ).

3 my intention is not to wind people up...although its seems very easy to have that effect on you

4 Has Juan got a college registration number?....JUST SO THAT YOU CAN PROVE YOU ARE NOT TELLING FIBS

** EDITED - Inciting**

You claim that some communites do charge registration fees , i provided a link for the insoectors , maybe you could provide a link showing the communities that do ( good luck)

** EDITED - Inciting**



This message was last edited by PaulBrooks on 14/09/2013.

This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 9/14/2013 7:22:00 PM.

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14 Sep 2013 7:36 PM by eos_moderators Star rating in España. 173 posts Send private message

eos_moderators´s avatar


This thread is of great importance to many and we do not wish to shut it down. However if more insults are posted we will temporarily block the thread and review the account of the member that was responsible. There is no need to insult any member, if you disagree, say why, but do no resort to inciting or defaming other members.

Thank You

EOS Moderators
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14 Sep 2013 8:05 PM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

A dyslexic person misspells words. You are using words & sentence construction that an English speaking person wouldn't..

Murcia charge 20€ to register the cert. It's on the link I posted.


Todos somos Lorca.

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14 Sep 2013 9:17 PM by PaulBrooks Star rating. 27 posts Send private message

The message was not intended for you Gus...

Kindly keep out of what is not of your business ( or are you also going to make fun of someone with a dissability )....

.......And by the way Dislexia comprises much more than just mispelling words, sentences, phrases etc. Let me are another expert in everything!!!..what a coincidence


This message was last edited by PaulBrooks on 14/09/2013.

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14 Sep 2013 9:46 PM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

Paul, did you forget this

"To TAmaraessex.

I doubt very much that you can believe what idealista cleary benefits them as they are a property portal."

When you posted this ?laugh


"The article can be found in Idalista ( a spanish online paper)"

& as you said , they have a vested interest!



Todos somos Lorca.

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14 Sep 2013 10:04 PM by PaulBrooks Star rating. 27 posts Send private message

Goodnight Gus Lopez!!!! enjoy the rest of the weekend!!!!

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19 Sep 2013 5:58 PM by PaulBrooks Star rating. 27 posts Send private message



Inspections are being carried out by the consumers office ( UK equivalent to standard trading officers )

Here is the link that clearly states the facts ( for those of you that love to act against all logic )

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19 Sep 2013 6:26 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

OK we are at it again, perhaps you should read the articles yourself


Fisrt of all you state INSPECTORS ARE FINING PEOPLE IN ANDALUCIA FOR NOT HAVING ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATES!!! and there is NO WHERE it says this so why use it in your posting

Next of you read this in Spanish this is actually to target PUBLIC buildings, not individual home owners wheich you can see if you look futher into the article on what other things are being checked

the existence of the book of complaints and claims revolve controls, among other things, about the information provided the public through billboards and brochures,

I now wait for the normal abusive comments

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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19 Sep 2013 7:15 PM by PaulBrooks Star rating. 27 posts Send private message

Not at all insectahome..lm not wasting my valuable time on you . my post is intended for the general public not any one person in particular.

I suggest that you take a few Spanish courses ( i could help with that ).

Any way , i have googled the interesting part of the article and is here for all to see:

Consumer provincial services are checking for homes that are sold or rented have the corresponding certificate and energy efficiency label, in cases where they are required by state law, in turn, develops a Community directive this area. With these new initiatives, the Board reinforces the campaign that has been done since last March to check the requirements for information about renting and buying and selling homes, and they are planned, under construction or already built, and apartments tourism, with special emphasis on those offered by financial institutions

If anyone wantns to see the original article please visit:

You can then google it to english ( Thats goes for you also insectahome ) and you will find the exact same translation.

I imagine someone on the blog will say its a lie . If any one wants to know if its true, i suggest that they call the consumer rights office ( I think they have english speacking people )

As you can see insectahome....THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE!!!!

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19 Sep 2013 7:33 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

Paul again you are missing the point and maniplualting an article to make a point but you seem to choose to ignore my fair and reasonable points

This your headlineand nowheher does it say this in the piece


Next this little snippit with special emphasis on those offered by financial institutions is because perhaps they are targeting the banks and commercial businesses

Next why do you have to be rude and insulting in your posts AGAIN, usining a derivation of my name and then more cheap point scoring which only discredits any point that you are trying to make

Not at all insectahome..lm not wasting my valuable time on you, when you clearly are by responding to me and name calling and then continue

I suggest that you take a few Spanish courses ( i could help with that ).

You can then google it to english ( Thats goes for you also insectahome ) and you will find the exact same translation.

So unfortunatley you lost all the credibility that you may have had with this and all of the other insults, think about it

Here's an interesting quote that applies to you possibly

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.


Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.




This message was last edited by inspectahomespain on 19/09/2013.

This message was last edited by inspectahomespain on 19/09/2013.

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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19 Sep 2013 8:07 PM by PaulBrooks Star rating. 27 posts Send private message

You are extremely easy to wind up insectahome.

But again I state that my post are for the general public ( im sure they will find our posts..although irrelevant...quite amusing )

Funny you point out about finantial institutions.....does the law only aplly to finantial institutions???????

At leat i provide information based in reliable articles from established and reputable sources. I have been going through your post and you have never provided any such information...just speculation and your own personal opinion ( harldly a reliable source )

I intend to post everytime inspectors do there stuff in different parts of Spain and to provide a link...if you want to slag me off....thats your choice.

If you want to send me private messages threatening to track me down  you can also do it...but next time i will publically put your messages in this blog ( by the way.....its illegal to threaten can even go to jail )

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19 Sep 2013 8:15 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

Please publish the entire 2 pm,s that I sent you so they can be seen if Full context because if you don't I will

You still fail to answer the fair and reasonable points I raise and you are still a forum troll

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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19 Sep 2013 8:20 PM by PaulBrooks Star rating. 27 posts Send private message

Dear Insectahome.....By all means publish the private messages you sent to me....they will confirm to everybody everything that i have said in my previous waiting


This message was last edited by PaulBrooks on 19/09/2013.

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19 Sep 2013 8:49 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

I have been I believe very controlled with my responses to Mr Brookes, if that is his real name, but I cannot understand why he would constatntly choose to distort the facts and insult people., apart form if he is a forum troll and in someway connected to an EPC company, which of course he will not clarify so I sent him 2 PM's and of course his comment at the time was that he doesn't read PM's

Anyway unlike many people I do not choose to be anonomous on here, I only operate a singe account and I believe maintained a reasonable reputation for advice on here and through sites like the Snagging Forum and this individual has through his posts has accused me of being a scammer, ripping people off and not knowing what I am talking about, while of course remaining anonomous

First of all in response to the requirement to find out who the EPC company were, and that so I was not advertising on the forum, I sent him thge following PM witn the detaols of the EPC company, and got the normal abuse

Here are the details of my legal registered EPC supplier so that you can check them out

I have a special deal with them where I pay €60 for Costa Blanca and €80 for Murcia

 Now what are you going to do

So that did no good so I thought that I would send him a PM trying to establsh what his motivation was, asking him to prehaps think about the contents of his postings, to apologise perhaps for what he was saying and yes that I would be advising the moderator and yes trackng down Mr Brooks because if as claimed he is a lawyer I am certain that any practuce would not be happy with the statements and abuse that he was handing out on a public forum the PM as follows, and of course he didn't respond to any PM

Paul I am sending you this PM to give you the opportunity to stop being a troll on the forums and frankly insulting me and being rude to somebody that actually knows what he is talking about and I would strongly suggest that you apologise for call me a scammer and perhaps take 5 minutes to look at my professional background and reputation

If you cannot see this then I will simply report you to the forum administrator to take action, nobody likes being accused of being a scammer

I am giving you the opportunity to resolve this but if I find out that you are connected to an EPC company , and I am working on tracking you down

Now I did report this abuse to the EOS moderator,.hence their posting but it doesn't seem to malke any difference to this genteman but I would of course anybody that he makes these sorts of remarks about to react in the same way and I cannot see how oon anyway these PM's were either threatening or abusive which is why I am happy to publish them

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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19 Sep 2013 9:05 PM by PaulBrooks Star rating. 27 posts Send private message

Dear Insectahome.

I think its obvious to everybody from the part of the private message that you have posted , that you your attiutude toward me is less than honorable.

I find it difficult to believe that you run a business , and if you do , i  am curious aout how future clients that read this blog will react to your private messages.


All i would like to do is post a comment on this thread without the likes of you continously claiming that everything i say is a lie or that they are experts and i havent a clue. I asked you this once before...what qualifications do you have regarding energy efficiency certificates in Spain.....I will answer for you...NONE

You argue everything to someone who has specific training in this field , regarless of if a have a vested  interest or not..its does not change the fact that i know what im talking about.

You are completely free to post whatever you want . I would kindly ask you not  to continuisly call me a liar.or to even not respond to my posts.

You probably do not realise this but most of the advice that you post regarding EPC law is incorrect , probably copied form a english epc company website  that got there information wrong.....HOW DO I KNOW THIS ?...simple i know the law........( to be honest most spanish companies have got it wrong also )

I can go on likes this have a business and a image to Mr anonimous and have nothing to gain or lose..but you have.

Maybe this thread should be called the childish Brooks-Insectahome pointless fight thread


I propose that we both keep out of eachothers hair and both ignore willing if you are.


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19 Sep 2013 9:31 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

I have published the ENTIRE PM not part of it so gain you seem to be wanting to manipulate the facts and I am happy to allow the EOS Moderators to view my PM folder to prove this

At no time have I called you a liar as you put it, what I have fairly said is that, with this subject there is a lot of misinformation and I have been obtaining EPC's, from a reputable Spaninsh company, paying €80, including registration, for my customers that need it, including ALL property sales, but not ALL rentals

I don't have to answer a question abount qualifications because I use organisations that are qualified, the details of which I sent you when you asked

At last you seem to have admitted in your last post that you claim to be qualified and have a vested interest in this area, presumably as I have maintained working with a compnay delivering this service, hence the scaremongering

I invited you to add something usefull to this thread, explain with your knowledge what the ACTUAL regulations wrere for domestic rentals, unfortunately you declined

Equally no have no right to decide what posts I am able to respond to, as I keep saying your posts contain far too much spin and are aimed to scare people, again when you could expian the facts, use your extenisve knowledge to help people, like i always try to do, for example qualificaton on the age of the property, the amount of use for a holiday rental has to have before it needs one, what the actual ratings mean etc

I suggest that you stop being a troll, stop calling people scammers, stop acusing people of posting from multiple, stop acusing multiple accounts, of being ignornat of the law,  and lots of other things that you have claimed and start thinking about what you are posting and why

Finally post the facts and not a non-existant made up headline or article, people would take more notice then

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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19 Sep 2013 9:45 PM by PaulBrooks Star rating. 27 posts Send private message

I have admitted nothing in any of my is you who is distorting the truth and saying i have said this that and whatever.

Yet are just proving to people that you havent a clue what you are talking about.

** EDITED - Against forum rules **

** EDITED - Against forum rules **

I asked in previous post for you to provide the college registration of the person that you use for the claim that you use a company . I asume that the company you use has college registered professional , if so they wont mind that a prominint, honest , knowledable succesfull businessman like yourself provides that information....WILL THEY???

Again im sure you will find some lame excuse not to provide this information





This message was last edited by PaulBrooks on 19/09/2013.

This message was last edited by PaulBrooks on 19/09/2013.

This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 9/19/2013 10:30:00 PM.

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19 Sep 2013 9:55 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

Here you go again Paul, my business has been around for years, my employees are autonmimo, we have PI insurance but again how dare you question my business ethics, I still have my business after 8 years of trading, what does that tell everybody

You really don't know how next to insult people do you Paul
Yes Paul they are legal certified and I even sent you their details, do a little work for yourself and take a look at their website,it is in there, why would I not use a proper company, especially when I am doing it at cost as a service dooh Does the company that you work for Paul have a certificate, mine does and I have sent you their details and it is on the certificates that I have completed You seem to be back shouting, use of capital letters that is If I am wrong please give us all the benefit of your knowledge where I am wrong after all I have on,y done around 35 now for customers, 22 for my bank repossession properties for the bank, by the way 22 today
This message was last edited by inspectahomespain on 19/09/2013.

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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