Energy Performance Certificates come to Spain

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08 Apr 2013 9:36 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar


Decree was aproved last week, but will not come into force till June 


A  certificate recognised by the State or a legal person designated

by it, which includes the energy performance of a building.


Every building will have a label (similar to those already used for electrical appliances) and it will receive some advice in order to get a better energy performance.




In Italy ( where this certifícate is already required), it´s about 250 euros  

( for a building of 100 m2)




The owner of the building




Ten years




Possibly from June 2013



Excluded buildings


Buildings and monuments officially protected as part of a

designated environment or because of their special architectural

or historic merit, where compliance with the requirements

would unacceptably alter their character or appearance; buildings used as places of worship and for religious activities; temporary buildings with a planned time of use of two years or less, industrial sites, workshops and non-residential agricultural buildings with low energy demand and nonresidential agricultural buildings which are in use by a sector covered by a national sectoral agreement on energy performance; residential buildings which are intended to be used less than four months of the year and stand-alone buildings with a total useful floor area of less than 50 m2.

If you need more information on this, we have an authorised engineer among the members of our team who can assist you with questions, please email us


"Sacristia", Tarifa, Cadiz, South of Spain, by Chodaboy, at 


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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08 Apr 2013 10:01 AM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

I thought a key factor was whether the house was for sale or rent. Thus if you are selling a house which is in the campo and technically a 'nave', if it is for sale, what is the position?


My account of moving to Spain."><img


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08 Apr 2013 10:04 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

We are working on the translation of this Royal Decree

For your information on regards to " naves", provision 2.3, expressly exclude:

e) Industry and agricultural  buildings, in the areas for woprkshops, industry processes and non residential, agricultural uses. 

f) isolated buildings with a usable surface of less than 50 squared meters.
g) Buildings which are simple under a technical point of view and of poor building importance which have no residential or public character, even temoporary or permanently, are being developed in just one floor and people´s safety is not involved.


This message was last edited by mariadecastro on 08/04/2013.


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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08 Apr 2013 11:46 AM by chrisinspain Star rating in Los Alcazares. 195 posts Send private message

chrisinspain´s avatar

Hi Eggcup, if it is a residence you still need it. If the building is classed as a "nave" and it has been coverted for residtial use it needs the cert


Air Conditioning, Energy Assessor+Technical Services,



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08 Apr 2013 4:57 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Maria-does "stand alone buildings"refer to detached villas or to outhouses and detached garages?

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09 Apr 2013 2:03 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Chrisinspain-I have just seen ,on another site, that EPCs cannot be done on a property that does not have a habitation certificate. Given that no property on Camposol has one,will sellers and renters have to remove their property from the market, or will the fact that houses have been sold and rented for years here without problem mean that EPCs should not be a problem?

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09 Apr 2013 3:31 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Chrisinspain-I have just seen ,on another site, that EPCs cannot be done on a property that does not have a habitation certificate. Given that no property on Camposol has one,will sellers and renters have to remove their property from the market, or will the fact that houses have been sold and rented for years here without problem mean that EPCs should not be a problem?


If you look on page six of the tax form, right at the bottom, you will see that everyone on Camposol has to go to the town hall on next Monday to collect a sledge hammer and wheel barrow and knock these illegal houses down that dont have a HC and EPC's.

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09 Apr 2013 3:37 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

What sort of weird answer is that?

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09 Apr 2013 3:39 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

What sort of weird answer is that?

To lighten up a dull day...SORRY MY BAD....i forgot this forum dont do light.


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09 Apr 2013 4:57 PM by gswain Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

I guess these CEE certificates will end up the same as UK a total waste of time and money. No buyer I know ever looks at them. The main reasons for buying a house are location, look and feel and initial cost. As far as Spain is concerned these certificates are far too expensives (circa €290 to €450). The last one I did in UK cost £45. I think I'll wait until the rip off merchants have been forced to reduce prices before I put the house on the market


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09 Apr 2013 5:46 PM by chrisinspain Star rating in Los Alcazares. 195 posts Send private message

chrisinspain´s avatar

Good idea GSWAIN, but if you think they are expensive in Spain try looking at the prices in Germany, and if you implying that I am a rip off merchant along with other assessors in Spain then I think you will find you are wrong. Within Europe Spain is nowhere near as expensive as some other countries


Air Conditioning, Energy Assessor+Technical Services,



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09 Apr 2013 6:28 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

chrisinspain-what about the habitation certificate issue I  posted about earlier, with regard to  EPCs

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09 Apr 2013 7:51 PM by chrisinspain Star rating in Los Alcazares. 195 posts Send private message

chrisinspain´s avatar

Hi Camposol, as far as I know this does not make any difference, but I will have to check as I have not been asked this one before.

I'm pretty sure that if it can be sold it needs the certificate


Air Conditioning, Energy Assessor+Technical Services,



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10 Apr 2013 2:32 PM by JackHunter Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Very interesting forum . I have read in the spanish ministry of energy, that only arquitects , surveyors and engineers can produce the official epc.

I have also seen a website with all the infirmatioin regarding the new law with a very complete questions and answers section. The website can be found by typing in google : mediterranean energy certificates..

They are offering spanish energy performance certificates at discounted prices and they also offer a spanish energy performance certificate survey free of charge ( they inform you if yoiur home needs a epc...apparently some do not need it )

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10 Apr 2013 2:39 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

An even better site is

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10 Apr 2013 3:08 PM by I_Love_javea Star rating in Gibraltar / Morocco .... 125 posts Send private message

 "Good idea GSWAIN, but if you think they are expensive in Spain try looking at the prices in Germany, and if you implying that I am a rip off merchant along with other assessors in Spain then I think you will find you are wrong. Within Europe Spain is nowhere near as expensive as some other countries"

As I said earlier €90 end of no arguement. Spaniards are not worried by this new law they just laugh and shrug their shoulders. By the way half my family are Spanish and 99% of my friends. Practically the only ineraction I have with Brits is for my amusement on this forum. I love the moaning, the ranting, the name calling and the shear cheek of people preying on their own. 

Incredible insight, astouding gullibility and some sheer stupidity, all free and for anyone to look at.

By the way just because some one else charges x does not mean that price can not be undercut and the job done just as well. 


Shiny happy people - where?

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10 Apr 2013 10:34 PM by peterofburjulu Star rating in still commuting betw.... 5 posts Send private message

gee these forums are hard work....

so if my reformed  cortico  house is never likely to be sold or rented then we do not need to bother with EPC  or at least wait until the price drops.

or is there no such thing as a definitive answer in spain........

techy question now

if a rental property instals  solar PV panels so when un-occupied its feeding into the grid and more than compensates for the 25% criteria then does the 4 month rule apply?

900 kg of CO2 are emitted to make 1 ton of concrete. there are alternatives

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10 Apr 2013 10:41 PM by peterofburjulu Star rating in still commuting betw.... 5 posts Send private message

sorry about the garbage inserts, got a timeout error

gee these forums are hard work

so if my reformed cortico house is never likely to be sold or rented then we do not need to bother with EPC or at least we can wait until the price drops.

 or is there no such thing as a definitive answer in spain........

 techy question now 

if a rental property installs solar PV panels so when un-occupied its feeding into the grid and more than compensates for the 25% criteria then does the 4 month rule apply?


900 kg of CO2 are emitted to make 1 ton of concrete. there are alternatives

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12 Apr 2013 4:39 PM by JohnCarter Star rating. 36 posts Send private message

I have just found a really interesting website that offers a free online test that lets you know if you need a epc. I sent them the information , they got back to me the same day and fortunately i dont need the epc because my villa was built only a ferw years ago!!!


Here is the link :

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12 Apr 2013 4:47 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

So why would one built in 2002 need one, and one in 2008 not?I bet there isn't any difference in the way they were built.

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